How to bring an apartment in order in just 45minutes

Sat, 09 Aug 2014

Probably everyone at least once faced with a situation where
urgent need to bring your apartment in order. Often
people start running around the apartment in the confusion, not knowing where to start.
To avoid confusion, you need to know where to start.
cleaning and how to make it take a minimum of time. Article
will help develop your own method of cleaning, which is mandatory
useful in emergency situations.

Этап первый: кухня — 12 minutes

1. The first thing you need to establish a general order. For this
потребуется не больше 2 minutes. All unnecessary items must be
removed from the kitchen table. It is worth remembering: the smaller items will be
lying on the table, the kitchen will look tidier.

2. After a general cleaning, you must begin washing the dishes. If a
There is a dishwasher, you need to load all the dishes in it and
enable. If a же посудомоечной машины нет, а убраться нужно срочно
for the arrival of guests, all the dirty dishes can be hidden in any of
kitchen cabinets. When guests leave, dirty dishes will need to be
to remove.

3. Now it is necessary to start cleaning the kitchen surfaces. WITH
this task will help cope with a soft cloth made of micro fibers,
which perfectly removes dirt from the tabletop and other surfaces.
All trash should be on the floor.

4. Do not forget about the kitchen appliances. It will not be superfluous
wipe the microwave, refrigerator, stove, stove and other
technique. Everything should look perfect.

5. И последнее, что нужно делать в завершении — это мыть floor.
Before cleaning, the floor must be thoroughly cleaned.
sweep up, removing all the crumbs and dust. Need to wash the floor from the very
far corner, gradually moving towards the exit.

6. Sometimes housewives face unforeseen difficulties. TO
They are difficult to remove stains. WITHоскабливать их
metal objects can not, otherwise you can leave scratches, and
this is already impossible to fix. Better use banking
card, as the plastic does not form scratches, but it is excellent
copes with stains. After the procedure, the place of scraping
need to wipe with a sponge.

Этап второй: спальная комната — 10 minutes

1. The first thing you need to remove all unnecessary. Linens,
scattered pillows, wallowing toys and other items
must be thrown into a special basket, which must be hidden.
All unnecessary items standing on the dressing table will have to
hide in closets and dressers. WITHпальня будет выглядеть чистой и
beautiful only if everything is in its place and not
lying on the bed, on the table and the floor.

2. If a кровать не заправлена, это нужно сделать немедленно.
In order not to waste time, the sheet must be tucked under the mattress, lifting
it with one hand and not try to squeeze the ends of the sheets between
mattress and butt bed. You can decorate the bed can be small
decorative pads, if available.

3. Next you need to start removing dust. Best with this
cope special dry microfiber cloth. Start cleaning
necessary from a far corner, gradually approaching the exit.
WITHтряхивать пыль можно прямо на пол, так как это гораздо удобнее и
takes less time.

4. Next you need to start cleaning the floor. This will help the vacuum cleaner.
TOак и всегда пылесосить нужно от самого дальнего уголка к двери,
making sweeping movements with a vacuum cleaner. No need to go vacuuming
several times since it will take up precious time, which so

Этап третий: ванная комната и туалет — 8 minutes

1. Before you start cleaning, you must apply
cleaning agent on the sink, bathtub and toilet. In the future, it
will help to quickly remove hard to remove stains.

2. Bath or shower must be wiped thoroughly, and if
there is a need, then even poskrabit. At the end of the dirt and residues
cleaning agent must be removed with water.

3. Now you need to clean the mirror in the bathroom. This is a matter of
minutesу. Simply spray a special cleaner.
mirror surfaces and wipe with a cloth.

4. The toilet also needs cleaning. For this потребуется
powder and toilet brush. Brush must be lowered several times.
clean water and then thoroughly clean all surfaces
toilet bowl.

5. You can clean the sink with a toothbrush. TOроме того
This brush will help remove dirt from even the most difficult to reach.

6. And the last – washing the floor. WITH этим справится швабра из

Этап четвертый: гостиная — 15 minutes

1. The cleaning begins with the elimination of the disorder. All things,
which stand wrong must be corrected, and those who
are not in their places, you need to return to where they belong.
Scattered magazines, newspapers and books should be hidden or neatly.
lay down on the coffee table.

2. WITHледующий шаг — удаление пыли. WITH этим справится тряпочка из

3. All glass surfaces need to be wiped with
special means and soft cloth. Wipe need circular
movements without pressing on the surface.

4. And the last thing to do is to vacuum. floor.
This should be done in sharp and wide movements, starting from the end
rooms and ending at her door.

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