How much to download the press? How long should I downloadpress to get the result: how much you can pumppress

Вт, 24 май 2016 Автор: фитнесс-тренер Сергей

Красивый press, в стиле шести кубиков — абсолютный стандарт
beautiful body. Whatever anyone may say, but everyone dreams of him, and
men and girls.

Счастливые обладатели такого pressа неизменно становятся центром
attention on the beach. Most people look at them with envy and
even offended.

But none of them even guess what they had to go through.
people to get such a figure.

In this article we will just talk about what will have to
pass to you, if you wanted to see the desired things on your stomach


Что нужно сделать, чтобы появился press

It should immediately be said that no secret method in
This question is not and can not be. To get something, you need
try hard – here everything is the same, with the only difference that for
pressа вам придется постараться еще сильнее.

The key to success is to stick to several
ground rules. I think most of you already understand what
the rules will be discussed, but it is worth highlighting them as the main thesis of this

1. Правильная диета — каким бы сильным ни был
ваш press, если он скрывается под непроглядными толщами жира,
aesthetic value he brings absolutely no. Exactly
поэтому первым делом необходимо позаботиться о том, чтобы press при
his appearance was visible. Properly compiled diet absolutely
necessary if you want to get rid of excess fat.

2. Аэробные нагрузки — это правило можно
correlate with the first. You must change not only the diet, but also your
life style. As a rule, fat people are lazy people,
prefer sedentary lifestyle and a minimum of activity. For
best fat burning you should follow a proper diet
along with regular exercise. In that case, you
You can get rid of excess fat in half the time.

3. Непосредственные тренировки — разумеется,
просто так press не будет появляться. Just like any other
muscle, you need to work hard on it. But let’s tell you a secret
качать press — одно из самых утомительных занятий. If a
most people over time begins to love hard training with
железом, то любителей покачать press вы не найдете никогда. AND
therefore, we single out the fourth rule.

4. Мотивация — как бы глупо это не звучало, но
you must be motivated to change yourself. Do not immediately
задаваться вопросом, сколько качать press — ведь вы сразу начнете
think of acquiring the final result that in many cases
leads to the abandonment of training. You have to force yourself to love
the process itself, without thinking about what will come of it.

How much to download the press?

Нет определенной цифры, за сколько можно накачать press. Everyone is here
depends on the human physiology, its initial state of the body, and
also from following the prescribed rules. Let’s start with what up
as long as you are not completely satisfied with your body, then
качать press нужно регулярно. Another thing is that it can be, and
need to swing throughout life, so that the muscles were constantly in
tonus. But now we are talking specifically about getting results,
so we will not paint this topic.

Estimated time to not particularly fat person could
накачать press составляет около 3-4 месяцев. We do not take into account
various additional techniques like massage, use
special supplements or other procedures. Only food, cardio and
workout. During this time, you can easily pump up a beautiful
press, или же довести форму своего тела до приемлемого уровня.
Fat people will be a little more difficult to handle this, but they
there will be more motivation. Nothing can deliver more
pleasures than seeing how efforts bear fruit. Besides,
the greater the percentage of body fat initially, the faster it will be
go after the start of training and proper nutrition. So don’t
you need to despair if you have to spend an extra month or two.
The main thing is the result.

Сколько раз в неделю качать press

The coaches have no definite answer to this question. From one
стороны, press — это такая же мышца, как допустим бицепс или
triceps. The difference is only in volume. AND поэтому, если одни склоняются к
тому, что press стоит тренировать так же, как и мелкие мышечные
groups – that is, 2-3 times a day, others say that
it’s better to train him every day.

Наш опыт говорит о том, что качать press в неделю стоит не более
3 times. Why? Как говорилось раннее, мышце pressа нужно давать
rest, otherwise you not only will not see progress, but vice versa
worsen the situation. In addition, it is associated with another factor.
As rule number 4 says, you need to be motivated. Exactly поэтому
it is necessary at least sometimes to stop working so as not to relax
only muscles, but also the nervous system.

If a же вас интересует, сколько раз в день нужно качать press,
there is a definite answer – you shouldn’t do it more than 2 times
day. Some professional athletes perform exercises on
press два раза в day. How it looks – one hard workout
divided into two lighter. Thus, the total
performance stays the same but giving such
передышку своему pressу, вы можете быть уверены, что выполните свою
program better quality. Of course, newcomers should not be engaged.
by this method. We remind you that this approach is only a whim.
some athletes, but not iron dogma. By this method
Engaged in those who feel good about their body and know what it is,
and exactly how to do it. For тех же, кто не совсем в этом
разбирается, лучше начать с первого варианта — один раз в day.

Особенности тренировок на press

Даже в таком деле, как накачка pressа, есть свои тонкости. A business
тут в том, что press бывает разным — девушки в основном хотят
get only a thin waist, with barely visible cubes. Guys
on the contrary, most often they work precisely on bulk cubes, relief
which will be traced even through clothing. AND соответственно,
training for these two goals will be different.

If a вашей целью является именно объемный press, то необходимо
make a small number of approaches. It is advisable to apply with this
additional burdening, as well as doing repetitions slowly,
measured, controlled. It’s all the same as in the classroom.
bodybuilding – in order for muscles to grow, they need to be given a load with
additional burden by performing repetitions slowly.

Work on a thin waist includes a large number
Approaches, about 6-7. During their execution, you need to try
work for wear, in each approach performing the maximum
number of repetitions. The speed should also be high – up to
of such a level that a characteristic burning sensation is manifested in the region
брюшного pressа.

Тренировка на press должна включать в себя разные по принципу
exercises. Что это значит — условно разделяют press на три части:
upper, middle and lower. Different exercises have different effects on
эти области, и, сделав несколько упражнений на «верхний» press, вы
you can not work at all other sites. In the end you
заметите, что одни участки pressа у вас станут более
traced, others will not be seen at all.

How much time should be training

In this question, too, you can find a huge number of different
opinions. Some say that you need to download it for at least half an hour,
другие предлагают делать по пять минут в day. Optimal
заниматься pressом порядка 15 мин за одну тренировку. We remind –
press небольшая мышца, и ей не нужно давать сверхнагрузку.
Fifteen minutes in intensive mode can render much
greater effect than if you tried to do thirty minutes
Exercise, while respecting the technique every time for fatigue.

У pressа есть одна неприятная особенность — он очень быстро
adapts to the load. Therefore, the emphasis should be done not so much on
increasing the number of repetitions, how many repetitions.
Try to perform, strictly observing the technique. Remember – pain in
области pressа во время выполнения несомненный признак того, что
press получает хорошую нагрузку, которая послужит таким же
a great boost to growth.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the weight
pumping process, the result is worth the candle. Being the owner
красивого pressа, вы неизменно будете притягивать к себе
interested attention of the opposite sex, or envious
views “brother-soldiers”.

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