How is the thermage of the face in the cabin and at homeconditions

Nowadays, youthful skin and slim figure are the most important.
values ​​for women. Nobody wants to grow old, besides
Youthful appearance provides many advantages in work and personal life.
Modern cosmetology offers many ways to preserve
youth and beauty – from plastic surgeries to various kinds
injection. Recently, however, there has been and constantly
there is a tendency towards a gradual transition from operational
interventions to effective non-invasive techniques. Very popular
use of laser, various massages and hardware techniques.
One of the latest discoveries in this area is the procedure Thermage,
allowing to rejuvenate and tighten the skin quickly and without consequences

термаж, фото


What is thermage

Thermage is essentially a non-surgical skin tightening.
on the face. This is a special modern technique based on the impact
on the skin of the alternating electromagnetic field of high frequency. With
this manipulation occurs dosed heating on strictly
fixed time of a certain area of ​​facial tissue that causes
skin collagen reaction. As a result of such exposure the body
reacts with renewal of connective tissue, enhanced production
collagen and elastin. It strengthens the natural framework on which
the skin keeps on, and the face looks much younger. Skin straightens
folds, wrinkles disappear, skin sagging decreases,
it stretches, becomes more elastic and dense. Outwardly this
manifested significant changes in appearance, and a woman
looks a few years younger than his real age.

At the moment, thermage is considered one of the most effective and
quick ways to rejuvenate, with virtually no side
actions and contraindications. There are no analogs for termage
exists, it gives better than other fast methods
skin rejuvenation and lifting effect. This procedure is already recognized in 72
countries and has been used since 2002, so cosmetologists have
extensive experience of application and know all the subtleties of working with this

Thermage has numerous advantages over other methods.
carrying out lifting:

  • Almost no contraindications.
  • Does not provoke allergic reactions.
  • Does not leave marks on the face and does not require
    rehabilitation activities. After completing the procedure you can
    continue to live a normal life – go to work, walk, relax
    and so on.
  • Can be held at any time of the year and does not impose
    restrictions on carrying out other manipulations with appearance. Can
    apply decorative cosmetics
    для ухода, купаться, в том числе и в море, and so on.
  • The effect after the procedure is visible immediately, and then increases during
    half a year.

The results of the procedure and its cost in the cabin

Проводить процедуру термолифтинга рекомендуется в conditions
salon at a well-trained specialist. Despite the lack of
many contraindications to achieve quality and
sustainable effect requires serious experience and accurate knowledge
the correct sequence of actions. Performed by good
beautician, thermage is able to give a quick effect of rejuvenation without
negative effects on the patient’s appearance and health.

Before and after

Before and after

When it is recommended to perform thermage

This procedure is assigned to the following problems and conditions.

  1. Age-related skin changes.
  2. The presence of dull and dull skin on the face, neck and area
  3. Discharge of the facial contours, breaking clear contours and giving
    no extra years.
  4. Double chin.
  5. Deformation of the skin and deeper tissues in the cheekbones and
  6. Deep well visible nasolabial folds.
  7. Pronounced wrinkles around the mouth.

After the procedure, the effect of rejuvenation occurs immediately and
noticeable a few minutes after the end of the manipulation. WITH
over time, the effect is only enhanced by strengthening
collagen subcutaneous framework and elastin fibers. WITHчитается,
that the full effect of the procedure manifests itself after 5
months after it.

With правильном и регулярном уходе эффект от термажа способен
persist for 5 years.

During the thermage, the patient may receive pain
sensations of different intensity. Their level depends on the individual
sensitivity but in any case is tolerable and not
delivers particular discomfort.

WITHтоимость процедуры зависит от того, где она проводится, и какая
The area of ​​the face and body is processed.

Currently, thermage is successfully used for correction
age deformations of body tissues. After the procedure is observed
visible skin tightening, the disappearance of deep folds and
deformations caused by the influence of age. Thermage is also recommended.
after rapid weight loss, when the skin sags due to loss
subcutaneous adipose tissue. After thermage
improves as the impact of the waves helps to strengthen
connective tissue and reduce sagging. However, when too
rapid and significant weight loss this method will not be especially
effective, since it will not be able to cut a very large surplus
skin. WITH такой ситуацией справиться можно только путем
surgical excision of excess skin, and this is a complete
surgical intervention.

до и после, фото

Before and after


There is a minimum amount for thermage.

  • The presence of silicone implants in the treated area of ​​the face and
  • Defects of the skin in the affected area (rash, inflammation,
  • Connective tissue lesions in which undesirable
    wave and thermal effects.
  • WITHахарный диабет.
  • Pregnancy and lactation time.

Despite the minimum of contraindications, the thermage procedure requires
attentive attitude. An experienced specialist is sure to make sure
that the thermage will not cause a negative reaction by checking it
действие перед использованием на коже faces. Recall that good
the result can be obtained only by using the services of an experienced
and a competent cosmetologist with special training and
knowing all the details of the procedure. It is also very important to comply with all
recommendations that he will give after the thermage.

Reviews on the procedure of thermage

  • Mariana, 29 years old

I have no bright age changes, but after the second birth I
she quickly lost weight and her nasolabial folds became sharply visible on her face,
немного «поплыл» овал faces. I stopped liking myself in the mirror
but I was not ready for radical measures, and I don’t
I saw. A friend advised thermage, she herself did the procedure, and
I liked that there were no traces after it. I do not
I can say that it did not hurt me at all, but nothing too much
it was not painful, rather rather unpleasant. But! WITHразу после
graduation my beautician gave me a mirror. This is definitely not me
was expecting. I looked as if all 8 months after giving birth
rested and poured out to the fullest, and not nursed with two children.
Nosogubki almost disappeared, and the doctor says that in six months will be
even better. I am immensely pleased with the result and am glad that I went exactly
on thermage, and not on another procedure.

  • Tatyana, 34 years old

I went to the thermage, because I was afraid of injections. I have
soft enough, such flat cheeks, and they look a little
sagging. It is ugly and adds age to me. Found information
About Thermage on the Internet, when I was looking for a method of the most harmless
fix your flaw. After thermage effect noticed immediately –
say that something has changed radically, I can not, but apparently
I began to look clearly younger. Three months have passed, and the effect
only intensifies. Of course, I didn’t get fashionable hollow cheeks, but
my puffy pads somehow pulled up and became more accurate,
more dense or something. Good effect and it didn’t hurt at all,
just not very nice.

  • Galina, 48 years old

To my age I came with good skin, but at close
Consideration can be seen age-related changes. Wrinkles appear
near the eyes, shallow, but rather noticeable, ugly folds
around the lips, in which lipstick, nasolabial folds, and
изменившийся овал faces. On the recommendation of her beautician went to
Thermage, which is very happy! The face has changed subtly, but very
substantially. The skin seems to be much stronger and tighter
stretched, the lower jaw outlined, nasolabial flattened
folds, and fine wrinkles just disappeared. Especially pleased
the disappearance of the hideous wrinkles of the lips – lipstick is no longer
spreads even without contour pencil. Beautician advises
make a filler in the lip contour, as with age it became less
clear, and lip volume decreased. Filler will give the desired bulk and I
will look younger and fresher.

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