How Anita Tsoi loses weight

Like no one else, singer Anita Tsoi has the right to give advice to those
who wants to lose weight. Deciding to change herself and her life, Anita Tsoi
I lost 50 kg! Singer sure – radical supplements
diets and starvation in this case are not helpers. Just correct
nutrition, total change in eating behavior.

In an interview with the magazine “Sex and the City” Anita Tsoi shared
some of their secrets: “I don’t eat after six in the evening. Otherwise everything
Eaten begins to accumulate in the form of fat in the most unnecessary
places. It is necessary to eat often, but gradually, so as not to stretch
stomach. Every two hours you can throw in a 250 grams
useful and compatible products. For example, bread and vegetables, meat and
vegetables, fish and vegetables … Although sometimes I can not restrain myself and eat … black
bread with bacon. I would be abnormal if always unquestioningly
complied with the rules.

How Anita Tsoi loses weight

When you need to quickly lose a couple of pounds, tighten your hips and
ягодицы, я сажусь на бе�”ковую диету. Daily
diet – seven grapefruits and seven eggs, or rather cooked proteins
hard boiled eggs. In the morning I drink a glass of water (without gas) room
temperature And then every hour I eat something grapefruit, then protein. With
this, you need to abandon salt, coffee and tea. Then the organism
freed from toxins and excess fat. But such a diet is impossible
abuse, maximum – three days. �”

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