Horoscope for March 2015 for all signs of the zodiac -благоприятные и неблагоприятные days. Love and horoscope haircuts onMarch 2015.

Thu, 01 May 2014


Horoscope for March 2015 Aries

March is a great time for new beginnings and completion.
unfinished business. All the ideas that have long been waiting for their realization,
It can be done this month. It’s about working
moments and affairs of a personal nature.

Aries need to be bolder in the service, sometimes your modesty interferes
get what you deserve. In the middle of the month should pay
attention to colleagues, maybe you have a relationship with someone
or no contact – go for a rapprochement. Fortified links will give
results by the end of the month.

The third month of the new year is ideal for long trips
or travel. It is also possible that you are not planning a vacation, and
then you will be asked to send in a way – on official business or
for fun. Accept the invitation, as the stars promise you
new impressions and getting positive emotions.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Овнов для любых дел и
beginnings: March 1, March 10, March 15, March 27, 2015.

Days in which Aries should be careful: March 3, 12
March 18, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Taurus

In March, Taurus can improve family life. This particular month
most favorable in 2015 in order to finally ignite
family hearth. If you в отношениях, но еще не узаконили свой союз
with a partner, then it is best to hold an official in March
the ceremony.

Lonely Taurus long to guess where their half –
your destiny to appear on the horizon either at the beginning of the month or to
the middle. However, beware: an imaginary image is not always
coincides with the real, so do not miss just “your”

Those who have been married for a long time and enjoy family life
the stars recommend making a small honeymoon or at least
a week Refresh your feelings, give each other positive and
bright emotions. The strength of your senses depends on this.

At work, Taurus expects stability, this is exactly what you
need now.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Тельцов для любых дел и
beginnings: March 3, March 8, March 13, March 29, 2015.

Days in which Taurus should be careful: March 1,
10 March 20, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Gemini

This month, Gemini needs to work well – yours
purposefulness will bring good results. You have long been on
a good account with your superiors, so why not give yourself
more importance in his eyes? Not стесняйтесь просить себе
extra work, especially if it comes easy for you. Such
zeal will be noticed and appreciated according to merit in the short-term
period, and for a longer period you will ensure a good relationship to
yourself and a possible boost.

Career is an important part in every person’s life, but not
забывайте и о личной of life. Loneliness is not a reason to be sad.
Meet more often with friends, spend time varied and

If you are in a relationship, then the month of March will not bring grand
changes in your life.

Health will not bother you for a month if
you have a disease, it will decline, and you
feel significant relief.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Близнецов для любых дел и
beginnings: March 5, March 17, March 19, March 23, 2015.

Days in which the Twins should be careful: March 2,
March 22, March 28, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Cancer

In March you should pay attention to your health. Stars
warn of possible deterioration of well-being, perhaps even without
apparent reason. Not стоит принимать это близко к сердцу, но
follow normal guidelines for maintaining a healthy lifestyle
and you will improve your health.

Besides будьте внимательны в обращении с электро – и бытовыми
devices, do not exceed the speed when driving.

For the rest, March will not bring the Cancers changes in their lives or
news. At work, you expect the usual download, do not delay
official business for later.

Personal life will also differ enviable constancy. If a
you are alone, then in March you will not expect a fateful acquaintance, but this
no reason to hang your nose and stay at home.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Раков для любых дел и
the beginnings: March 6, March 13, March 19, March 29, 2015.

Days in which Cancers should exercise caution: March 9, 18
March 28, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Lev

Sometimes the complexity of a situation is made up of a personal relationship to
her. For example, do you think of something with prejudice and not
You can look at the facts that are disturbing you from the other side. Horoscope
for March 2015 calls on Lviv not to take what is happening close
to the heart and if possible look at everything through the glasses
objectivity. Remaining prudent, you will understand that even the most
a serious incident in your life is simply nonsense against the background of the world

A surprise awaits you at the service — a raise, a bonus, or
expansion of official duties in the direction desired by you. Accept
gratefully and do not relax, and collect even more
your strength and be a positive example to others.

March is a very good time for all kinds of medical.
procedures, diagnostics, testing. If a вас беспокоит что-то в
state of health, do not delay

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Львов для любых дел и
beginnings: March 9, March 21, March 26, March 30, 2015.

Days in which Lions should be careful: March 3, 18
March 23, 2015.

Horoscope на март 2015 Дева

If a есть что-то, что вы держите под контролем уже длительное
time – the situation at work or in school, then release in March
a little “reins”, and you will see that the problem is resolved without your

Personal life will delight you to establish a state of affairs. If you в
relationship, then quarreling, easy to make peace. Lone virgins have
good chances to get to know a nice person – after the twenties
March numbers. The only caveat: do not tie in this
a month of friendship or a more romantic relationship with Sagittarius or
Aries, in order to avoid disappointment in the near future.

Not принимайте участия в распускании слухов, иначе вас коснется
negative energy that you absolutely do not need. If a с вами кто-то
sharing gossip, just listen to the information, but don’t pass
her further.

Engage in active sports. You will not only improve your
health, but also feel the filling of your body life-giving

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Дев для любых дел и
beginnings: March 7, March 12, March 17, March 29, 2015.

Days in which Virgos should exercise caution: March 1, 10
March 28, 2015.

Horoscope на март 2015 Весы

The luck that simply “haunted” you in February is not
retreat in March. Keep the offensive strategy at work:
boldly press on raising wages or receiving
bonuses, ask bosses for promotion. If a у вас нет
or you are looking for a job that is more interesting for you, it is in
March stars give you all the opportunities to find what you want.

In the personal life of family Libra everything will be smoothly and safely,
but lonely people can meet someone who brings in their
life change. Not бойтесь знакомиться и общаться, и особенное
Pay attention to Aquarius and Gemini.

Drink plenty of healthy herbal and tea infusions; make
freshly squeezed juices. In March you will get the most benefit from
the use of beneficial and tonic liquids, but from the pharmacy
vitamins and tablets if possible refuse.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Весов для любых дел и
beginnings: March 7, March 9, March 13, March 30, 2015.

Days in which Libra should be careful: March 1, 17
March 24, 2015

Horoscope на март 2015 Скорпион

Stars предупреждают Скорпионов о возможности получить
infectious disease at the beginning of the month. To prevent this from happening,
just follow the usual hygiene rules, watch your
nutrition and take vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables.

There may be love disappointments in the middle of the month. The reason will be
be covered in your behavior. You may be too intrusive,
pay a lot of attention to your partner and you bother him with this. If you не
If you want to lose your elect, then arrange a short time out –
disappear from his sight, behave more mysteriously, give
a little reason for jealousy. But on the other hand it is good
reason to think whether you need this man next pop life
at all.

On the work of the stars do not promise major changes, but possible
some difficulties with the execution of the usual tasks. Ask
advice from a more experienced colleague or guide to avoid
further claims.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Скорпионов для любых дел и
undertakings: 6 марта, 12 марта, 17 March 28, 2015.

Days in which the Scorpions should be careful: 2
March 14, March 22, 2015.

Horoscope на март 2015 Стрелец

Having gained strength in February, now you are vigorous and energetic. AND
great, because you need life energy in February.
First of all, at work – possible increase in service load
no change in pay. Not ропщите, выполняйте работу на
conscience, and the reward will come as early as next month.

If a ваше жилище требует ремонта, то обязательно займитесь им в
March Horoscope на март 2015 говорит Стрельцам о том, что начатый и
repairs completed in March will be held with the least investment and
costs. Give this question all your attention and you will feel
then not only satisfaction from the work done, but also the fact that
renewed home attracts success for you.

Not занимайте в марте деньги и не берите в долг, особенно в конце
of the month. Stars говорят о возможной для вас неудаче всех финансовых
operations, therefore transfer settlement of money issues to

Spend a weekend in mid-March, taking full time
your home or favorite half.

Особенно благоприятные days гороскопа Стрельцов для любых дел и
undertakings: March 5, March 13, March 21, March 26, 2015.

The days in which Sagittarius should be careful: March 2,
March 17, March 25, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Capricorn

If you have constant quarrels and misunderstandings with your
partner, then March is very well suited to solve these problems.
Do not be afraid to admit to yourself if you have fallen in love with your chosen one or he
no longer loves you as before. By shutting your eyes to the problem, you are not
get rid of it, but just push back the decision to
indefinite period of time. Divorce or separation is the way out.
when instead of feelings there is mutual hostility or even hatred.
In March, you will most easily endure the gap, with the least

Take a few days off at work if you feel
fatigue or depression. What you are taking for vitamin deficiency,
is a decrease in the level of your life potential.
You will not be able to restore it with pharmaceutical drugs;
only complete rest alone or in a circle of people close to you.
Not necessarily to do anything, on the contrary, do what you
pleasure and brings positive emotions.

Especially favorable days of Capricorn horoscope for any business and
beginnings: March 4, March 13, March 19, March 25, 2015.

Days in which Capricorn should be careful: March 7,
March 16, March 28, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Aquarius

For Aquarius, the forecast for March is very favorable in all areas.
of life. At the beginning of the month, confidently take care of your health or
appearance This time is suitable for experiments with appearance,
visits to doctors, surgery, starting a diet or
visiting sports training.

Personal life will not be very turbulent, but it has its own
advantages. Spend free time with people who love you
– you get energy from them. Feel free to share with your loved ones all that
You care about problems or difficulties – they will tell
the right way out of any situation and help to look at the problem
with different eyes.

If you are worried about something at work, then in March the situation will be
resolved in the best way. The middle of the month is great
to defend their interests. Ask your bosses or colleagues
what you need, seek promotion or transfer to another
places – you get everything you ask for.

At the end of the months, please yourself with the acquisition of what has long been
dream: new clothes, home appliances or even a car.
Purchase will be extremely successful and appropriate.

Especially favorable days of the Aquarius horoscope for any business and
beginnings: March 2, March 10, March 16, March 30, 2015.

The days in which Aquarius should be careful: March 6,
March 12, March 22, 2015.

Horoscope for March 2015 Pisces

That rare for other zodiac signs calm, which
Pisces possess, it is great for them in early March. It is in this
time, the stars promise you a “storm” in your relationship. Causes can
to be the most diverse: from the petty quarrel and ending
treachery, however, that did not happen, you must keep yourself in
hands and stay assembled. This behavior will help you.
find a way out of the problem and solve it in the best way. Not
be afraid to bluff or intrigue, perhaps not only
in an honest way you can learn about the true feelings of your
chosen one.

Expect also the troubles of your friends. Who you are
sincerely believe in reality is not such a worthy comrade. You can
�“Substitute” in the financial case or make rumors about you. And again –
do not let you knock the ground out from under your feet. Take it easy even
stunning news, boldly look into the eyes of all unpleasant
situations and you will come out of the water.

At the end of the month, pay attention to your work;
there will be an opportunity to achieve a salary increase or advance
on the ranks.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and
beginnings: March 4, March 13, March 25, March 29, 2015.

Days in which Pisces should be careful: March 1, 16
March 20, 2015.

Horoscope haircuts for March 2015 (common to all signs)

1, 2, 4, 5.7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 –
Feel free to change the length of your hair in these March days. Taking off
hair tips or extreme haircut, new hair styles, –
it will do you good. Hair after the hairdresser will
lying well and you will feel great elation

3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 23, 27, 28, 31 — not worth it
trim the hair these days, even slightly shorten the bangs.
Scissors along with the hair “trimmed” the ways in which you
get your energy supply. After the haircut you will
feel not the best way possible headaches and

3, 6, 7, 13, 18, 20, 24, 28, 30, 31 – these are the days of March, when
dye your hair is not worth it. You can damage the hair structure,
the paint will fall unevenly and you will not get the desired image. Besides
possible deterioration in financial position.

1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16, 23, 25, 27 – this March days
visit the beauty salon if you want to change the color of your hair. Any
colors from natural to very trendy and even acidic
will change you for the better, your hair “liven up” and will look
an order of magnitude healthier. In addition to positive changes in appearance
after painting you will feel a change in your personal life, heightened
attention from the opposite sex and the emergence of new
successful dating.

2, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29 March – if you
want to dye your hair, today do it exclusively
using natural and natural colors. Not
use harsh chemical dyes, on the contrary, use
soft coloring balms and creams, as there is a chance
damage your hair.

Love horoscope for March 2015 (common to all signs)

No matter how it may sound, but March is especially favorable for
put an end to the relationship. Not стоит разрывать
love affair, if everything is fine with you – it’s about those couples where
feelings are gone. Understand that it is time to disperse quite easily:
you are no longer drawn to each other, instead of a love idyll, you have everything
quarrels and loud showdowns are more common. If you
parted in March, it will be easy for you to survive the gap.

For couples who have no problems, March will pass quietly and

Lonely representatives of all signs of the zodiac are also unlikely in March
2015 will meet the “love of his life.”

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