Homemade whitening methods yellowednails

The causes of yellowness on the nails can be a huge variety.
No less and how to fix it. On the Internet you can meet
different methods and tips on how to cure quickly
yellowed nails. To do this, use lemon, baking soda,
hydrogen peroxide and even toothpaste. How to use these
funds, and how effective they are, you need to understand more.

Very often, practice shows that the use of improvised
means gives better results than specially designed

Bleaching methods

If the cause of the yellowing of the nail plate is not caused by serious
disease, then this problem is purely cosmetic and rather
altogether is temporary. Very often, yellow nails give out
chain smoker.

Slight yellowing will fade out. To
get rid of the darkest spots will need from three to six
months, during this time the nail will fully grow. If you wait
several months there is no desire, you can use one of
the ways below.

  • Soda

Для отбеливания nails используют раствор соды. Two dining rooms
Spoons of baking soda mixed with a tablespoon of 30% peroxide

Enhance the whitening properties of the solution by adding to it
a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of the finest salt.

Fingers are dipped in the solution or applied to the nails with a toothbrush.
with soft bristles. Twenty minutes later the hands are rinsed with a decoction.

Soda и соль – вещества, обладающие абразивными (шлифующими,
scraping) properties, so often use this method
bleaching is not worth it.

  • Remuver

Remuver представляет собой гель или раствор, применяемый для
cuticle removal. The product contains strong alkali, corrosive
keratinized skin layer.

For lightening the nail plate, the remuver is used as
lotions. Made from natural cotton fabric neat
pieces in shape and size of the nail plate. They are soaked
means and applied to the nails. Impact time no longer
twenty minutes. after that the lotion is removed and the hands are washed
running water with soap.

Instead of cotton fabric, you can use small cotton

  • Hydrogen peroxide

Perehydrol (30-40% hydrogen peroxide) is often used to
whitening nail plate. It is mixed with water in the ratio
one part peroxide to three parts water. Nail solution is applied to
Twenty minutes. To убрать желтизну достаточно пяти процедур,
which should be held every other day.

  • Means for whitening dentures

Для отбеливания nails можно использовать препараты,
intended to eliminate stains from the dentures
products (tea, coffee, wine and others). These tools are available.
in the form of solutions and soluble tablets.

Active ingredients in the composition of tooth whitening preparations
prostheses act similarly to hydrogen peroxide, but a little

Для осветления nails три таблетки разводят в 80 миллилитрах
(a little less than half a glass) of warm water. Fingers down in
bath with a solution for five minutes.

Liquid preparations are diluted at the rate of a teaspoonful at 70
milliliters of warm water, then make baths.

If the effect of the procedures was insufficient, their
can be repeated again, but only after six hours.

Специалисты рекомендуют делать ванночки для nails с применением
means of bleaching dentures no more than once every two
of the week.

  • Lemon juice

The easiest and most affordable way to brighten the nail plate in
at home – use fresh lemon juice.

The lemon is cut and the fingers are immersed in the lemon pulp
twenty, and you can squeeze the juice and wipe them several times a day
yellowed nails.

To не только осветлить, а и укрепить ногти, в сок добавляют
a little olive oil.

  • Toothpaste

This method refers to the aggressive methods of clarification.
Whitening Toothpaste with abrasive particles capable
damage or destroy the structure of the nail. But despite this
risk, some people use this method because of its high

To lighten the nail plate paste is applied in a thin layer,
rubbed with a soft brush. Having time from three to five minutes
pasta wash off with water.

This method will only be effective if needed.
clean the nail or remove the pigment, but it will not
effective if yellowness is caused by internal disturbances in
the body’s work.

  • Glycerol

Eliminate the yellowness on the nails, you can use medical baths,
prepared from a solution of liquid glycerin and hydrogen peroxide
(3-6%). One hundred grams (half a glass) of glycerin add two
dessert spoon peroxide, stir well.

Кожу вокруг nails необходимо смазать любым жирным средством
(cream or oil) so that it does not hurt. Then omit
fingers for half an hour in the prepared solution. After time
hands should be blotted with a paper towel or napkin, and through
Wash with soap and warm water for five minutes. Repeat like
procedures can everyday.

  • Vinegar

Vinegar поможет очистить ногти только от пятен, которые появились
as a result of contact with coloring products. Vinegar, как и лимонный
juice, contains acid that can destroy the coloring enzyme.

Experts recommend not using a synthetic product, but
natural apple vinegar.

  • Potato starch

Raw potato gruel is actively used in cosmetic
purposes to lighten pigmented skin areas. But practice
shows that it is no less effective for eliminating yellowness

To осветлить ногтевую пластину, нужна одна картофелина
medium size. It is cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater.
Potato mass neatly distributed on the nails or just
Dip your hand in a bowl of potatoes. Twenty to thirty minutes
hands rinsed with warm water.

Instead of potato you can use dry potato starch,
which is sold in any store. It is bred with milk so that
the mixture became thick sour cream. Enhance clarifying properties
starch can be, having diluted it not with milk, but with fresh lemon

If the skin of your fingers has scratches, burrs or other
damage, then starch diluted with lemon juice will cause
burning sensation. But the potato mass without additives, on the contrary,
soothe irritated skin.

Given the drying properties of potato starch, after
procedures on the skin of the hands and nails should be applied with a nourishing cream.

  • Aloe

Aloe обладает многими полезными свойства, хорошо ухаживает за
skin and nails.

In an adult plant, you need to cut the bottom piece, and speaking
juice wipe your nails. After five to seven minutes, rinse your hands warm.

The use of aloe will not only lighten the yellowed nails, but also
accelerate their growth, strengthen and saturate with vitamins.

  • Cucumber Juice

One cucumber wash, grate on a fine grater. Squeeze juice not
sure, it can be used directly with the pulp. In cucumber
mashed potatoes add a little aloe juice. Hands immersed in cooked
agent for half an hour.

Cucumber does not cause allergies and irritations, but, on the contrary,
успокаивает кожу, поэтому повторять procedures can часто.

  • Chamomile decoction

Chamomile decoction помогает справиться со многим косметическими
problems, including with the yellowness of the nail plate.

For clarification you need to properly prepare the decoction. Table spoon
dry chamomile pour a glass of boiling water, send to a water bath on
Fifteen minutes. By following another way, chamomile can not
boil, and just pour boiling water and insist forty minutes.

When the broth is cooled to a comfortable temperature, you can drop it in
his hands

It is recommended to repeat the procedure every day for
of the month. As a result of the course of the procedures, the nails will get rid of yellowness,
strengthen, improve skin condition.

  • Salt baths

Well whiten and strengthen the nails of the bath,
made from sea salt. In a glass of warm water is enough
dilute two teaspoons of sea salt. If there is no sea salt, its
You can replace the usual cooking.

Руки погружают в раствор на Fifteen minutes. Thereafter
rinsed with running water, and nourishing cream in the nails
or vegetable oil (olive, linseed, sunflower).

Repeat the bath twice a week.

  • Laundry bleach

Осветление nails с использованием отбеливателя для белья —
the most extreme way. I usually use it when all others
methods have already been tried and did not bring the desired result.

Thirty grams of whitening powder, for example “Vanish”,
dilute with water in such a ratio to form a thick

Wear rubber medical gloves on your hands, make them
holes that will open only the nail plate.
Gloves tightly fixed with tape or tape so that they do not
skinned skin

Apply a small amount of bleaching agent to the tooth
brush and massage her nails.

The clarification procedure should not last longer than two minutes.
Смывают отбеливатель прохладной water Hands then washed with
using soap and grease with a greasy cream.

  • Special bleaching products

If you don’t have the time and desire to do your homework
отбеливания nails, можно воспользоваться специально разработанными
for this drugs. They are available in the form of gels, varnishes,
pencils. You can buy them in a specialty store or
ordering online.

To отбелить ногти, достаточно регулярно наносить эти средства
on the nail plate.

The problem specialized drugs do well, but
have their drawbacks. You can not buy them in every
магазине, кроме того стоят подобные средства для nails не

The most reliable way to get rid of the yellowness on the nails – to identify
and eliminate its cause. Otherwise, any remedy will
give only temporary results, the yellowness will return, and
procedures will have to be repeated from time to time.

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