Homemade moisturizing face masks: to whomfit and how to apply. The best recipes are homemademoisturizers

ATс, 20 май 2018 Автор: Энни Купер

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and smoothness.
due to the decrease in the synthesis of natural substances – collagen and
elastin, the first wrinkles appear. Eliminate the first age
changes and for a long time to delay their appearance will help home
moisturizing facials from natural


What effect moisturizing masks have on the face

Moisturizing is necessary for all skin types, regardless of age.
Masks that retain moisture in the cells of the epidermis, you can use
as prevention of age-related changes, as well as to eliminate
visible aesthetic defects.

In which cases you need to use masks:

• if the skin is dry and tight;

• covers are peeling off and inflammations appear;

• unhealthy dull complexion;

• skin lost smoothness, elasticity, there were noticeable
mimic wrinkles and folds on the forehead, in the nasolabial triangle;

• skin is exposed daily to decorative

You can not use the care product with the effect of moisture,
if at least one component of it is
allergy. Before the first use of the mask with new ingredients
you should always carry out a tolerance test – drop a little
product on your wrist and watch out for
redness, rash, itching and burning.

The correct technique of applying moisturizing cosmetic

1. • Wash away the remnants of decorative cosmetics, dirt and dust from the face.
using micellar water, tonic without alcohol or cleansing

2. • To clean the skin of dead skin cells and epithelium,
using a soft peeling or gentle scrub.

3. • Apply a homemade moisturizing face mask, avoiding areas of
around the eyes and mouth, lower and upper eyelids.

4. • It is recommended to keep homemade masks for no longer than 25-30
minutes If you remove them earlier, their effectiveness will decrease, but
keeping too long is also harmful to the skin.

5. • It is best to remove the care product a little cool.
running water in the direction from the center of the face along the massage lines.
You can use disposable non-woven towels.
material or clean silicone pads.

6. • After using the mask, it is advised to wipe the face with lotion.
appropriate skin type, and at the end of the procedure, apply a moisturizing
or nourishing cream.

Tip! Masks for the face is best done at night for 2-3 hours
before sleep. So, if you are allergic to one of the components
agents, it will be possible to take an antihistamine and
put yourself in order by the next morning.

Homemade masks for normal skin

For normal skin, hydration is just as important as for others.
types. The composition of homemade moisturizing face masks in this case
includes natural oils, and citrus juices, and herbal infusions.
Beneficial to the condition of the skin will act
soothing ingredients – aloe vera or decoction of flowers
medicinal plants.

Mask with aloe

1 tbsp. l juice houseplant aloe vera mixed with 1 yolk
chicken eggs. Apply to skin for 30-40 minutes, rinse with cool
water This mask is worth doing twice a week course
lasting 1 month.

Herbal medicine

Dried hop cones, flowers of Hypericum, chamomile and yarrow
Pour boiling water and crush to a mushy state. AT
остывшую смесь трав вбить 1 желток куриного яйца, 1/2 ч. l liquid
мёда и 2 ч. l citrus juice. Stir and using silicone
apply a brush or sponge on the face. After a quarter of an hour
Mask and spread your face with a moisturizer.

Effective recipes for moisturizing oily and combination
facial skin

Big mistake to think that oily skin does not need extra
moisturizing. On the contrary, lack of moisture provokes activation
sebaceous glands of the epidermis, on the face appears greasy.
Regular use of moisturizing masks will help narrow the extended
pores and make the skin more matte.

For combination skin, antibacterial and
astringent home facial moisturizing masks. ATерными
assistants in the fight for the elastic beautiful skin of this type will be
natural clay, citrus and vegetable juice, decoctions of herbs.

Means of tomatoes and starch

To prepare, take 1 medium ripe tomato, make an incision
crosswise on the skin. Fill with very hot water and wait for 3-5
minutes After that, chop the tomato in a blender or grate
grater AT томатное пюре добавить 1 ч. l starch (can
use and potato, and corn). The mixture is applied thin
слоем на лицо и оставить на 15—20 minutes Rinse cool

Exotic remedy with grapefruit

Pulp 2 slices of grapefruit grind in a blender to the state
однородной кашицы, смешать с желтком 1 chicken eggs. Hold on
face skin no more than a quarter of an hour, after rinsing.

How to make homemade moisturizing face masks with dry
skin type

Dry skin type needs special moisturizing. For help
natural ingredients will come vitamins and vegetable oils in
particular peach, almond, olive, sea buckthorn, carite and argan.

Mask with chamomile and oil

2 tbsp. l pharmacy chamomile flowers pour boiling water,
потолочь, смешать с 1 ч. l мякоти алоэ и 1 tbsp. l peach
oil, heated to a temperature of 35-36 degrees. Blend evenly
applied to the skin of the face, it can be washed off after a quarter of an hour.

Oil mixture

Mix 20 ml of melted coconut oil and carite,
almond oil and no more than 3 drops of patchouli essential oil or
bergamot On the face this mixture is kept for 12-15 minutes, then the remnants
blotted with a paper towel. The final stage of care
face should be applying moisturizer.

DIY make-up cosmetics for mature skin

ATозрастная кожа нуждается в специальном, усиленном уходе, что
Especially for homemade moisturizing face masks. AT их состав
should include components that stimulate the rush of blood to the cells
epidermis, antioxidants and natural oils.

A good result can be obtained by applying a course mask
fermented milk products, egg protein, synthetic ampoules
vitamins and fruit acids.

Mask with avocado

To prepare such a tool, you need to grind in a blender.
half the average avocado, mix with grated
carrots and add 1 chicken egg (you can only use
белок) и 3 ч. l sour cream of any fat content. The resulting mixture on the face
keep at least 25 minutes, then remove the remnants of warm water and
finish the procedure by applying a moisturizing cream.

Remedy with cottage cheese and carrot juice

2 tbsp. l cottage cheese 9% fat mix with the same amount of juice
carrots, olive oil and low-fat cream, all carefully
wipe until smooth. Apply to face uniformly.
тонким слоем и держать 20—25 minutes

Noticeable and lasting effect from the use of homemade moisturizers
face masks can be obtained if you make them courses – through
one to two days for a month or every day for 14–15
days Then a small break is taken and the procedure again.
are repeated. This approach will allow the skin to return healthy,
well-groomed appearance and prevent the appearance of imperfections in the future.

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