Home palm: care and maintenance conditions. Kindshome palms (photo), the best place to place

Пт, 09 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Indoor palm trees play an important role in interior design. They
There are various in height, color of the crown and the shape of the leaves. Many
need special growing conditions, but there are palm trees, care for
which at home does not cause trouble.


General recommendations for palm trees

Palm conditions have many similarities; there are small
differences in care associated with a particular feature
varieties. But the natural climatic conditions for
most palm trees – tropics. Palm care at home
conditions should occur based on the following:

1. Have a pot with a plant better in warm southern rooms.
Mature plants are less demanding on the environment and
grows well in any environment, but young palm trees need
at a certain temperature.

2. In the summer, palm trees are kept at a temperature of 16 to 22
degrees, but a small deviation from the norm will not cause the plant
no harm In winter, the room temperature must be maintained.
at the level of 14-16 degrees, with the exception of cold-resistant
species that suffer a decrease to 10 degrees.

3. Palm trees are demanding of air humidity. Summer crown often
sprayed with warm water and washed, arranging the plant sanitary
days In winter, only one leaves are washed.
once a month. With insufficient humidity in the room tips
palm leaves begin to turn yellow, the plant loses

4. From early spring to autumn, the plants are watered abundantly, not
allowing the earthen clod to dry out. For watering use warm
water In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, but does not give the ground completely
to dry Drying the soil leads to yellowing of the leaves. If a
this happened, the dry part can be cut to live tissue.

5. Palm trees are light-loving plants, but direct sunlight.
can cause burns. The plants are located near the windows, pritenaya
curtains. Adult specimens can tolerate sparse shadow and
grow quietly in the back of the room.

6. When airing the room in winter should not be allowed
drafts because palm trees do not tolerate cold air and
can freeze slightly.

7. Young plants are demanding on the composition of the soil, so their
grown in a lighter soil. When transplanting adult palm trees
add turf ground. You can use specialized
primer for dracen.

8. Palms need additional nutrition. From early spring
make fertilizer for ornamental leafy plants. Frequency
fertilizing 1 time in 10 days. In winter, palm need to fertilize
less often.

Caring for a home palm (photo): transplanting

Palm trees are transplanted in the spring until the moment of active growth.
Young plants are transplanted every year, and larger ones – 1 time per
4 years.

Transplantation is carried out carefully, trying not to injure the root
plant system. Sick and damaged roots are cut to healthy
fabrics and powdered with pounded charcoal.

The size of the pot for the palm is important. He must be
tall but not wide. Some varieties of palm trees, for example,
date, have a specific feature, their roots rise to
ground surface. For planting such plants use narrow
long pots, and the roots protruding from the ground are covered with moss.

After transplanting the plant, the earth around it is well compacted.

How to multiply the palm tree?

Reproduction of palm trees at home is quite problematic.
Some species reproduce exclusively by seed. There are palm trees
that can be multiplied by division or offspring.

Seed propagation is particularly difficult. Seedlings are grown when
lower heating, adhering to a temperature of up to 35 degrees. First
seedlings may appear in a few months. Such palm trees grow
longer than usual.

Problems in the care of home palm (photo)

1. The tips of the leaves turn brown.

Most likely, the reason lies in too dry air or
insufficient watering. The appearance of dry tips is also a reaction.
plants on the draft.

2. The leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Insufficient watering in the summer leads to yellowing of the leaves. AT
the warm season the soil should always be kept wet

3. Brown dry spots on the leaves
palm trees.

This is the result of over-wetting at low environmental levels.

4. Коричневые листья у palm trees.

If a такое явление замечено на нижних листьях растения, то нет
reasons for unrest. In adult palms, the lower leaves die;
need to trim. If a коричневыми стали верхние молодые листья, то
This is the result of over-watering.

Palm pest control (photo)

Poor palm care at home leads to
the appearance of pests.

• Shchitovki

Brown plaques are visible on the surface of the leaves and stem.
Insect sucks the cell sap of the plant, the leaves die off.

To combat the pest use a soap solution that
wash the leaves. Spraying is carried out in case of severe injury.
drug “Actellic”.

• Spider Web mite

With insufficient air humidity, plants are affected.
паутинным miteом. On the stem and leaves, you can discern a web.
The plant withers, leaves fall.

For struggle apply spraying aktellik.

• Mealybugs

Insects infect leaves and shoots of plants. Large number
pest leads to the death of the plant.

At the first signs of infection sprayed aktellikom.

Description and photos of home palms

From a huge selection of palm trees, you can pick up plants on your own
to taste. It may be dwarf or tall specimens,
varied in leaf shape.


This variety of palm trees is often used in landscaping apartments,
offices. Refers to fast-growing species. She has a powerful trunk
brown, and the leaves are located at the top. Leaf shape

Features of cultivation: Does not require high humidity,
but regular watering is needed. Attitude to light is neutral,
withstand shady places. Propagated by seeds that
germinate only after a few months.


Это веерная пальма, которая имеет две varieties. She has a barrel
strong, green leaves. The plant is very demanding
warmth AT помещении, где выращивается пальма, необходимо
maintain a temperature of 24 degrees. Moderate watering, avoid
waterlogging. Lighting should be good, without direct
sun rays. Lower leaves periodically need to be removed.


The most popular houseplant from the subtropical
climate. Her panicles contain feathery green leaves. Care
palm tree at home does not cause trouble. It can grow in
shade, withstands sun, abundant watering and dry soil. Good
transfers feedings and transplants.

Propagated by dividing the bush during transplantation. Enough to sit out
several branches in a separate pot to get a new one

Hamedorea blooms at a young age. Inflorescence – whisk,
contains cream or white flowers.


Palm is placed on the lighted place, useful in the summer
bring to fresh air. Water moderately, in the summer
water is added to the nutrient mixture once a week. Winter palm tree
contains at a temperature of 10 degrees. Transplanted plant

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