Home Conditioners & Balms

Balms and rinses in our time are simply necessary hair care products. It’s far away not every woman can boast good condition of hair and without using the above funds.

So what is the main role of rinse and hair balms, and why is their use so important?


Rinse Aid

Home Hair ConditionerLet’s start perhaps with rinses. Now on the market for cosmetic products for hair there are many means called rinsing balms, but basically they all have a creamy structure, so we will classify them as balms.

In this case, we will talk about liquid rinses, self-cooked at home, which also can bring important benefits in hair care.

The main actions of home hair conditioners are Removing detergent from hair and scalp funds included in the composition of shampoos, giving hair live shine and softness, moisturizing, strengthening, stimulating growth, and in in some cases even light toning of the hair.

And further, following the links, you will find recipes for these very hair conditioners, the preparation of which does not amount to you special work:

Folk rinse for oily hair

Data conditioners with the addition of apple cider vinegar, citrus juices, juice from aloe leaves, various decoctions, etc. are intended for eliminate excessive oily hair, strengthen, refresh, toning and giving the hair a healthy shine.

Rinses for oily hair need to rinse hair at the very end of their washing, not rinsing after water. When rinsing, for greater effect, the composition can be rubbed into the scalp.

With excessive oily hair, it is recommended to use folk rinsing agents, immediately after washing off the shampoo, without using hair balms.

Dry Hair Rinse Recipes

Here you will find recipes for emollient folk rinses more dry type of hair, based on infusions and decoctions of various medicinal herbs.

As with oily hair, rinse dry hair is applied at the very end of the hair wash procedure, without subsequent washing them with water.

But, despite the fact that the main goal of these rinses – this is a softening of the hair, with dry hair it can be not enough. Therefore, we recommend that, after application shampoo use a nourishing or moisturizing hair balm, and then rinse the hair with cooked folk means.

Rinse hair with vinegar

Natural apple cider vinegar helps to give the hair softness and silkiness, beautiful shine, increase volume, strengthen roots, get rid of excessive greasiness and oily dandruff. Based on this, we can understand that vinegar is more recommended for rinsing oily hair.

Recipes for vinegar rinses include cooking solutions with vinegar, both based on water, and based on decoctions and infusions of herbs. Essential oils can also be added to solutions. lemon juice.

how use vinegar to rinse hair or masked

Lemon for rinsing hair

Rinsing hair with water with the addition of freshly squeezed lemon juice more suitable in the presence of oily scalp and roots. Procedure well refreshes hair, gives a beautiful natural shine eliminates greasiness. But keep in mind that lemon rinsing can change the shade of the hair, making it slightly lighter.

For freshness and shine of dry strands, less is added to the water. the amount of lemon juice, and also to soften the composition may glycerin or rinse conditioner is added.

Home lemon lightening procedure

Hair balms

DIY hair balmsAs for the balms for hair, then unlike rinsers they are set to much more serious work on hair care. The main task of balms is this, of course, nourishes and moisturizes the hair, however, depending from their appointment, they can effectively perform such functions, like hair restoration and treatment.

Balm components, getting on just washed hair, penetrate under the opened scales of hair, and glue them, which gives the hair is smooth and well-groomed. In addition, balms give additional shine to hair, prevent their fragility and cross-section, and make hair vibrant and supple.

Undoubtedly, now there is simply a huge selection of balms for hair performing certain actions, but for lovers absolutely natural remedies we offer several home recipes balms that are no worse than purchased balms to cope with their main tasks.

Hair Balm Recipes

Of course, to prepare these home balms you will need acquire special ingredients such as herbal and essential oils, emulsifiers and some other components, but these the costs will undoubtedly justify themselves!

Try yourself to prepare natural balms for dry and mixed hair, which is no worse than store products nourish and soften hair.

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