�”Hidden fats”: chemicals thatstrongly affect the metabolism

In large studies, a group was discovered
substances that adversely affect human metabolism. AT
The research project involved several major centers and
scientists who plan to study the effect of certain chemicals on


How endocrine disorders affect hormonal balance

A major EU research project is studying a group of chemical
substances that have a negative effect on metabolism
person There are many signs that the so-called
�“Endocrine disruptors” contribute to weight gain, as well as
metabolic diseases. Patients develop liver obesity,
high blood lipids and diabetes.

�“Endocrine” destroyers are chemicals or
mixtures that interfere with the normal functioning of hormones.

AT январе 2019 года был дан стартовый сигнал для общеевропейского
EDCMET research project.

Researchers want to study the effects of endocrine disruptors on
person С 2002 года ATсемирная организация здравоохранения (ATОЗ) в
�A “global assessment of the state of endocrine disorders” warns
about these common chemicals. Modern
the consumer constantly receives these compounds from food

The human body produces its hormones through various
organs – the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc. However, some
chemicals act as hormonal compounds.
�”Hidden” fats they are called so far as many have
lipid chemical structure.

Do hormones of the body regulate numerous functions?

Hormones are used by humans and other organisms as
signaling molecules. They are transported through the blood, causing
certain reactions throughout the body. Hormones regulate development,
growth, reproduction and behavior of people and animals.

Some chemicals are similar in chemical structure to
natural hormones.

If they get inside, the body takes them “for their own.” it
can lead to a variety of consequences:

  • the effect of natural hormones may be weakened or
  • the production of certain hormones may be excessively increased
    or reduced.
  • transport routes in the blood may be impaired;
  • enzymes to regulate natural hormonal balance
    may be suppressed;
  • natural metabolism may be impaired.

How do endocrine disruptors enter the body?

Endocrine disruptors are used to produce many
synthetic materials. Also in the food industry they often
used to make plastic boxes, bottles,
tetrapacks and cans.

AT пестицидах они также используются и попадают в почвы и воды.
По данным ATОЗ, большинство химических веществ попадают в организм
through food and liquids. Items that are stored in
plastics or have been in contact with pesticides represent the greatest
risk. They may also be absorbed in contact with skin, for example,
through care products or industrial cleaners.

Although endocrine disorders are associated with various
negative effects, there are still no clear scientific
evidence of effects on metabolism.

Consequently, there are currently no approved assessment methods.
their effects on the hormonal sphere.

New Chemicals Analysis

AT рамках проекта ученые изучат, как химические вещества влияют
on fat and energy metabolism in the liver cells. AT рамках
research should also develop a new routine method
chemical testing. It will help prevent
further spread of endocrine disorders.

ATыявление таких «эндокринных нарушителей» и их влияние
on body function is a key aspect in assessing

Such reliable evidence using proven
methods is imperative for legal action

Scientists suggest that previously unknown substances
способны существенно ухудшать состояние здоровья person For now
the list of hazardous chemicals is not announced, but it will be available to
the end of 2020, as reported by the researchers.

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