HCG during pregnancy

HCG during pregnancy
Thu, Oct 27, 2016

Human chorionic gonadotropin or abbreviated – HCG is
hormone produced by embryonic germ cells after
attachment of a fertilized egg to the lining of the uterus. AT
most cases, the production of hCG by the body of a pregnant woman
begins 7-10 days after fertilization. The greatest
the hormone concentration is found in the blood and urine, it is these
biological fluids and become objects for research on

The level of hCG in the blood allows us to show many details of the “piquant
provisions “: suspect (and identify in combination with other methods
diagnosis) ectopic, as well as missed abortion, the threat
miscarriage, etc. Thus, the analysis of HCG confirms or
denies having a pregnancy and makes you suspect some
deviations in its course. The hormone can be easily “caught” in
home conditions using a normal pregnancy test that
can be purchased at any pharmacy. A test is a kind of indicator,
reacting to an increase in hCG in the urine. Under all conditions,
described on the packaging, the accuracy of the “home” express analysis
is 98-99%.


Норма HCG during pregnancy

We found out: after implantation of a fertilized egg chorion
(germinal envelope of the future fetus) begins to produce
gonadotropin. But why? ATсе очень просто: эмбрион пытается выжить в
aggressive conditions of the maternal organism. HCG “forcing”
hormonal background women rebuild on their own
discretion that all processes in the body of the future mother
sent to the maintenance and development of a new life.

In addition, the hormone suppresses the work of immune cells to
�”Faithful guards” did not confuse the germ with the “enemy” and did not destroy
him. Therefore, with the onset of pregnancy, hCG begins
produced at lightning speed. The first 2-3 months are normal
every two days the hormone level doubles, reaching
its peak at 7-10 week, after which it gradually decreases,
stopping by 20-30 weeks and staying at about one
level until the end of pregnancy.

The norm of hCG in the conditions of the correct course of pregnancy in
depending on the term is:

From 1 to 2 weeks: 30 – 300 mU From 2 to 3 weeks: 1 500 – 5 000
honey from 3 to 4 weeks: 10 000 – 30 000 honey from 5 to 8 weeks: 50 000 –
200 000 mU from 8 to 10 weeks: 20 000 – 100 000 mU from 10 to 14
weeks: 20,000 – 60,000 mU From 15 to 25 weeks: 10,000 – 30,000
honey from 25 to 35 weeks: 10 000 – 60 000 honey

Immediately, we note that the indicators are normal may differ slightly
from the above (it all depends on the individual physiological
patient’s characteristics), so analyze and compare all
figures should only the attending physician. Not recommended
on your own!

HCG for ectopic pregnancy

ATнематочная беременность — это настоящий удар по психическому и
physical female health. Its nature is not fully understood. Before
so far, no doctor has been able to name the exact reasons for the development
pathological phenomena. The only reliable way
detect ectopic pregnancy in a woman was and remains
ultrasound procedure. However, due to the timely
analysis of hCG can be suspected ovarian or tubular attachment
embryo. Как правило, уровень HCG for ectopic pregnancy
slightly underestimated or at first remains normal, but soon
The growth dynamics of gonadotropin changes dramatically in the lower side. The
no less, guaranteed to assert the onset of pathological
pregnancy is possible only after ultrasound examination.

HCG with missed abortion

Regressing (frozen or undeveloped) pregnancy
represents the termination of fetal development of the embryo,
simply the fetus dies for no apparent reason. Most often this
observed in the first trimester, but it also happens that a child
ceases to exist and at a later date, the interruption
pregnancy (miscarriage), as a rule, does not occur. Wherein
there is a false growth of the uterus, because the fertilized egg has not exfoliated,
and the presence of signs of pregnancy (gradually
disappear). After fetal death, the level of hCG begins intensively
to fall, and rapid tests – to give a negative result.

Повышенный HCG during pregnancy

AT большинстве случаев повышенный уровень ХГЧ не свидетельствует
about any abnormalities during the pregnancy, it can also
become a companion of strong toxemia or multiple pregnancy in a woman.
However, if other indicators of the body and tests are very different
from the norm is a cause for concern. AT таком случае повышенный
HCG warns us of such serious diseases as sugar
diabetes or preeclampsia. In addition, high levels of gonadotropin may
observed during hormonal therapy (in particular when taking
progestin). AT сочетании с низким эстриолом и АФП (тройной
extensive test) elevated hCG may indicate high
risk of having a baby with Down syndrome.

Низкий HCG during pregnancy

Low level gonadotropin in the blood is more formidable
signal and most often indicates:

– regressive pregnancy (fetal death); – ectopic
pregnancy; – delayed development of the embryo; – threat of miscarriage,
spontaneous abortion; – perenashivanie child (more than 40
weeks); – chronic placental insufficiency.

Note again that the numerical value of hCG is not constant and may
vary slightly in different laboratories. This factor depends
from a variety of things, so the results of the analysis on any term
should be evaluated only by a gynecologist.


Almira 08.09.2016 Hello! I passed the hCG analysis. received
the result is 68.73 meme / ml. what does it mean. do not tell me what week
pregnancy? Almira 08.09.2016 Hello! I passed the HCG analysis
. received the result is 68.73 meme / ml. what does it mean. do not tell me
какая неделя pregnancy? Mari 08/13/2016 I fully agree with
Diana! My first two pregnancies went without any problems!
I have never taken this analysis on hgch and did not do an ultrasound on the early
term! Now I have a third pregnancy and I have already completely apologized !!!
For some reason, I went to the ultrasound for a period of five obstetric weeks (before
was at the gynecologist – pregnancy was confirmed!). And it was just
shocked !!! They didn’t see anything, they just scared what could be
ectopic! The hgch analysis is also not always reliable! Today
one indicator, but after a couple of days it is completely different! In fact,
I feel that everything is fine – it cannot be otherwise! Need to
Be sure to listen to yourself, to your state! Woman in
pregnancy time becomes much more sensitive and feels
when something is wrong! And imagine, if the analysis on hgch
revealed any pathology !! ?? And then suffer and worry, though
in fact, everything can be fine! I know a lot of these
cases! And kids were born absolutely healthy! Wish everyone
beautiful pores – pregnancy !!! Get joy and pleasure
from an amazing state! Здоровья ATам и вашим деткам!) Цветочек
26.03.2016 AT статье исчерпывающая информация о гормоне ХГЧ. Highly
informative, I’m still just preparing for motherhood. how many
just need to know everything! Dasha 03/26/2016 Girls, so afraid of the frozen
pregnancy (my sister was) that I check HCG regularly
on their own. I wonder how women used to live. No fruit
progress. And they gave birth to five children.

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