Hairstyles for medium hair for girls – quicklyand just! Fashion hairstyles for medium hairgirls

Ср, 21 фев 2018 Автор: Елена Скринник

Beautifully laid head – one of the key moments of creation
female image in general. Average hair length most favorable
to create different hairstyles and styling. You can by maxim
be fantasy, everything is available: romantic curls, clear
flat geometry, sloppy “boho” style. It remains only to choose
of the proposed daily and parade weekend options and
rehearse them on yourself.


Daily hairstyles for medium hair for girls

If you think you make a beautiful composition on your head
perhaps only with the hands of an experienced hair stylist, then you
are mistaken. Any of the styling options below is simple to perform.
does not require any special skills or special
professional tool. The maximum will need to fill the hand
to easily and confidently carry out all the manipulations on themselves, but usually
two or three times is enough to get the hang of it.

Greek hairstyle

This styling is suitable as a quick way to collect hair and
It looks elegant and stylish, which is why she likes it so much.
young moms. Make a Greek hairstyle in two ways. AT
the first performance will require a bandage-gum, which is worn
on the head over the hair. From two sides, starting with the temples, are selected
strands and wrapped around the gum. The thinner the curls,
all the more strong will hairstyle. When in the center at the back of the head
there will be a strand of hair, it should be rolled into a roller and
slip under the bandage. For reliable fixing, it is permissible to apply
studs or stealth.

The dressing can be chosen neutral, everyday, almost
inconspicuous and in the tone of the hair, and you can take a model of rhinestones, unusually
woven leather, originally decorated with flowers, and then Greek
styling will take on a solemn and festive look, as on
a photo.

option does not require a dressing and is done with
silicone rubber and studs (invisible). Need to collect hair in
low bun and fix hair with a rubber band. Then a little higher
grounds to divide it with your fingers into two parts and turn the tail in
hole formed. If desired, this manipulation can be done
repeatedly. The remaining free ends are rolled into a tube and
stabbed on the back of his head.

Hairstyles for medium hair for girls based on horse

The tail or bundle is one of the simplest, and therefore often
used ways to collect hair. But by itself he is pretty
boring and already rather fed up. If you give up your beloved
hairstyles do not want to, you can try to revive her a little
the help of little tricks.

Hidden tuft

ATолосы на височной зоне отделяются от остальных вертикальным
parted and discarded forward. Gathered and fixed with a rubber band.
at the level of the crown or slightly below the tail, now “pending” strands
on the one hand they wind up at the base of the beam and fasten
invisible, the same is done from the opposite side. Must
получиться, как на этом a photo.

With tail

ATолосы теменной зоны отделяют от остальных и при помощи плоской
combs gently combed strand by strand, lightly sprinkling
varnish. Then the comb combed hair laid back,
forming a tubercle and making its surface smooth, without protruding
hairs Invisible behind the knoll are free ends, and
strands from the temporal zones gather over the place of attachment of hairpins in

The rest of the hair can be left flowing or collected in
high horse tail. It should be remembered that the bouffant is
a traumatic procedure that can cause thinning hair,
provoke the appearance of whipped ends, it should be done
carefully, without fanaticism and not too often.

Side tail

An unusual and fresh looking classic tail that is made
not in the center of the head, but on the side. In addition, its optional
украсить жгутами, как на a photo.

To do this, all the hair carefully combed and divided.
vertical parting, made in the center of the head, into two equal
parts. One of them is immediately combed to the side (if it’s correct
half, then it should be combed on the right side), the second is divided
горизонтальными проборами на три parts. Each of the parts
rotate around the axis, forming a bundle of desired density,
fix it with an elastic band and add it to the main bundle. To
the hairstyle looked neat and harmonious, twist the harnesses
you need everything in one direction, for example, clockwise.

Hairstyles for medium hair for girls with weaving

Weaving is still in trend, braids and harnesses fit into
stylish hairstyles and look like they just got out of hand
fashion stylist.


A great option for those who absolutely can not weave braids.
ATолосы делят горизонтальным пробором на две равные части, из каждой
parts on the mid-occipital area is a tail, which is then
divide in half and strands simply turn one around the other,
weaving into a bundle, the ends are fixed with silicone rubber bands. Now
flagella can be laid with the help of hairpins as fantasy tells
and decorate with an elegant hairpin or elegant comb. Get
luxurious hairstyle in the style of “boho”. Its main feature is
deliberate negligence, so you should not perfectly smooth
hair, on the contrary, let them be slightly worn out like on
a photo.


Hairstyles for medium hair for girls can also include
yourself fashionable braids, but with the amendment. Since the length of the hair is not
has to weave a long vertical braid, then this element
arranged in a diagonal arrangement or in the form of a “highlight”,
literally a few weaves. Also weaving can
emphasize the oval of the face, remove the bangs.

Most often, the basis of styling with weaving is applied as follows.
called the “spikelet”, it has been known to many since childhood, it’s very
simple, but at the same time functional and effective way
create braids. AT том месте где предполагается начало «колоска»
a bunch of hair is taken and divided into three, they are interlaced in the same way as when
weaving ordinary pigtails. Then the order is added to the right side.
hair from the side, and the same to the left side, the interlacing remains
the same, but for each extreme share of hair with each new step
attach part of the free. To hairstyle was
uniform strands must be the same thickness, then
у вас получится коса, как на a photo.

If you need to remove the bangs or put a braid along the face oval, then
add strands can only be from the side of the hairline at the forehead,
temples, then weaving will turn out unilateral.

Hairstyles for medium hair for girls with buns, bunches

Gulki allow to demonstrate a beautiful oval face, long
neck, emphasize the posture, the same applies to the beams. In order to
this hairstyle was stylish you should not use any
of decorations, the feeling should be created that the installation keeps itself
by myself.

The easiest option is to collect the bun-beam – to make a high or
low tail, fasten it with a rubber band and wrap the free end
around the axis to make a tight harness that is natural
образом уложится по спирали вокруг корня tail, и закрепить его
studs. The bonus of such a hairstyle – after you dissolve
hair, they are guaranteed styling in the “grunge” style, i.e. their structure
will be a little wavy. To make the effect more pronounced and
lasted longer, curl wet hair, smeared
a small amount of styling products (foam, wax, gel).

If you make for the night a few of these goulek over the entire head and
fix them with soft silicone rubber bands, then in the morning you
get curled hair, and sleep with soft balls much
more comfortable and more pleasant than with curlers.

For festive styling in 2018, fashion designers offer
use glamorous and even somewhat frilly accessories: tiaras,
tiaras, web-combs, richly decorated with rhinestones, pearls,
stones. Velvet ribbons and headbands, ethnic leather laces with
decorative elements of natural stones, unusual
hoop headbands, including fur ones, will complement your everyday life.
an image as well as a hairstyle made for a special occasion.

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