Hair grows like yeast (masks withyeast)

Дрожжи для волосFresh Baker’s Yeast – Very
effective for many applications, including for care
for hair. Moreover, the yeast can only be used “live”
which are sold in briquettes and used for baking, and not
dry. Such yeast can be bought, usually in the markets, and because of
Short shelf life should be kept in the freezer. Can
use also brewer’s yeast in powder form (albeit
Get them harder).


What are yeast capable of?

Provide good nutrition from root to tip.
Eliminate dandruff and dryness. Strengthen hair follicles, those
most prevent premature hair loss. Stimulate
accelerated growth, which is simply indispensable for those who have
very slow growth of strands. Help restore structure
and prevent subsequent damage by protecting the hair.

This is achieved due to the content in the yeast main
The building block of our hair is protein. A B-complex vitamins
give each hair strength, flexibility and elasticity.

How to use hair yeast

Widespread use for the treatment and prevention of hair problems
head cover yeast found in a wide variety of masks.
Recommended procedures for yeast:

Yeast for hair growth

2 tablespoons of honey or sugar diluted in a small amount of warm
water, add half a pack of yeast and mix well, then
put in a warm place and wait until the yeast starts
to roam. Apply the mask to the hair, cover them with polyethylene
wrap and wrap with a towel. Mask hold an hour. Such
mask is best done once a week, at night, and in the morning to wash off

Yeast to increase hair density

Half a pack of yeast is diluted in a third cup of warm milk, after
start fermentation add 2 tbsp. spoons of any butter and 2 whipped
the yolk. The mask is spread over the entire surface of the hair and rubbed into
scalp, cover it with plastic wrap and wrap
a terry towel. After 2 hours, rinse with cool water.

Firming hair mask

Half a bag of yeast and whipped yolk bred with two spoons of warm
water and set aside in a warm place. When yeast comes, add
2 tbsp. spoons of wheat germ oil (can be replaced with burdock) and 15
drops of rosemary essential oil. While the mask is warm, it is applied to
hair, cover them with plastic wrap and wrap terry
a towel. An hour later, the mask is washed off.

Hair loss mask

Alcohol tincture of red hot pepper diluted in half with
water The resulting tool soak the yeast in proportion: dining
spoon of liquid per 10 g of yeast. The mixture is applied to the scalp,
Massage into roots and hold for 25 minutes. Then wash your head
теплой water


Stimulating mask

A tablespoon of dry yeast should be soaked in the same
amount of warm water with a teaspoon of sugar. Hour to insist on
warm, add a tablespoon of honey and mustard. Carefully
Knead and distribute on the hair roots. Rinse after one hour

For active growth

Prepare a decoction of any herb that is good for hair. AT
two spoons of warm broth dilute a spoonful of yeast and leave for 30
minutes ATлить к ним желток, ложку репейного масла и 2 капли эфирного
chamomile, beat, ylang-ylang oil or your choice. Apply first
on the roots, then the entire length. Polyethylene and warm towel
will help enhance the effect. An hour later, all washed away.

Yeast masks for prophylaxis should be done in courses of 2-3
month, with the use of once a week. Therapeutic frequency – 2 times
a week ATыдерживать двухмесячный перерыв между курсами. Result
will not disappoint you.

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