Guinea pigs love the variety in nutrition. whatfunny rodents eat at home: domestic pigs and theirdiet

Ср, 20 дек 2017 Автор: Алекс Красилин

The guinea pig is a very entertaining rodent capable
make fun sounds. Unlike other homemade
pets, this cute animal needs more attention and care
the host.

Guinea pigs are eaten almost always, which requires careful
составления dietа питания.


Feeding rules

Ежедневный diet морской свинки на половину состоит из сена.
Dry food is recommended to give in the morning and at night, and
greens and vegetables when there is an opportunity to clean in time
half-eaten food. There are no such meals in feeding guinea pigs.
as dinner or lunch, the beasts gnaw almost continuously, so they don’t
leave the feeder empty or remove it. Desirable
put in the cell a salt stone containing minerals, especially
in demand in winter.

Guinea pigs, due to the nature of the intestine, are forced
eat a significant amount of coarse plant food despite
on its low nutritional value. Full value and variety of food
reach by adding dry feed, vegetables and fresh greens,
whenever possible using different products every day. The absence of
diseases and animal lifespan depends on what
and how guinea pig feeds.

Features feeding guinea pigs

You can not allow fasting of the guinea pig, that did not happen
dehydration and depletion of the body. Feeding armfuls of plants
Also, avoid small meals of coarse food.
fully digested by the intestines of the rodent.

The body of the animal is hard to tolerate sudden changes in the diet,
therefore, what the guinea pig usually eats should be changed

Ежедневное добавление злаков и твердой пищи в diet кормления,
necessary for the natural process of grinding teeth.

Important: the body of a guinea pig can not independently
produce ascorbic acid. Therefore, if in the feed of a rodent
there are no multivitamin complexes, vitamin C is diluted in drink,
at the rate of 25 mg for a daily portion of water.

Also, a little piggy is given 0.5 g of salt daily, as
As a pet grows, the portion is increased to 1.5 g.

What eats guinea pig at home

A balanced guinea pig diet necessarily includes
yourself rough food, cereal mixes and fresh vegetables.

Большая часть dietа домашнего питомца, особенно в зимний
period falls on hay and twigs. Dry plants contain
a little moisture, but rich in fiber, which absorbs harmful

Rough food is indispensable for improving the contractions of the intestinal walls,
as well as for the normal state of microflora processing

With special enjoyment, guinea pigs eat oats, which makes them
the main component of cereal mixtures. Concentrates also contain
sunflower seeds, peas, grains of corn, and to increase
Herbal granules containing vitamins add valuables.

When choosing a grain mixture, one should take into account the age, the breed of marine
pigs and health condition. It must be remembered that excess
feeding dry food in combination with a sedentary lifestyle
animal, will lead to excess weight beloved pet.

Summer is the time of year when a pet can get with
feed the maximum amount of nutrients. To saturate
the body of the animal macro-and microelements need as often as possible
give fresh greens. Guinea pigs summer menu make up of
different plants:

• plantain;

• leaves of young sedge;

• clover;

• fresh carrot and beet tops.

Feeding vegetables and fruit benefits

Добавление фруктов в diet домашнего питомца, а также кормление
vegetables will require extra attention. Tomatoes, will provide
carotene and ascorbic acid, but guinea pigs are allowed
give only mature fruits that do not contain dangerous solanine.

Cabbage sheets that cause severe gas formation are also worth
добавлять в diet с осторожностью. Favorite vegetable – fresh
cucumber, due to its low calorie content, will benefit rodents,

Vegetables that benefit the health of guinea pigs
parsley, rich in essential macronutrients, vitamins, and possessing
antimicrobial properties. Also worth feeding favorite
pet dill containing iron, potassium and carotene. Leaf vegetable
reduces gas formation in the intestines, but large portions
overload the rodent’s digestive system with essential oils.

В diet питания также необходимо включать полезные

• pumpkin;

• zucchini;

• Bulgarian pepper

• spinach;

• green salad.

Moderate dessert of pear or apple containing pectins,
carotene and vitamins, will delight the rodent, and strengthen its health. Besides
fruits, in a balanced pet menu add
various berries, rich in trace elements. So rowan, rich
vitamin P in combination with ascorbic acid, strengthen the immune system
and increase the strength of blood vessels. Guinea pigs eat fruit with
pleasure that leads to overeating and can cause
diseases, so sweet fruits are still better to give as

Products that can not be fed

whatбы не навредить здоровью домашнего питомца, нужно следить за
so what products fall into the trough. If the guinea pig
little master, he should explain that the rodent
It is strictly forbidden to give:

• sweets and other sweets;

• milk products;

• bread, pies and other pastries;

• pasta;

• cereals;

• potatoes;

• leftover food that a person ate.

Forbidden products not only can not replace food, but also
you must avoid contact with them when the guinea pig
leaves his cage.

Properly selected coarse feed, cereal supplements and fresh
vegetables create the necessary variety and balance of nutrition
rodent. Sophisticated feeding mode – a guarantee of health and longevity
guinea pig. Favorite pet sure to please funny
Behavior if he is pampered with a fresh delicacy.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: