Growing pepper – patience and work! Conditionsgetting strong seedlings of pepper, ways of planting and caring forplants

Чт, 11 фев 2016 Автор: Евгений

Pepper has many positive properties!

It gives a festive look to the table, juicy and tasty, is
source of many vitamins.

In this rare fruit or vegetable can be compared with it, but grow
a rich harvest will not be easy.

He likes warm weather, in the middle of its width
grown in a greenhouse or with seedlings.

Pepper is a short day culture, which means that if
the duration of the day lasts up to 12 hours, then
the plant will start fruiting earlier and that is of great importance
brings a high and stable crop.


Growing pepper. Selection of planting material, seeds


The variety of pepper seeds is enormous, there are many criteria for
selection of varieties: by fruit color, ripening, conditions
cultivation, form. Pepper – good for planting among
decorative plantings. There are hybrids and varieties,
designed for containers – a convenient solution for those who wish
to grow crops on the windowsill or in the apartment. What to take
in the calculation when choosing a seed?

Hybrid or variety

This feature is important for those who mainly use
seeds grown independently. If the package has a designation
F1, know: grown fruit – it makes no sense to collect seeds. So,
hybrids of the first generation are marked; they are reproduced with the help of
seeds do not inherit the characteristics of the parent variety. Plants,
grown from them will be completely different than the ones you like.
Seeds of hybrids need to buy again every year.

But such plants have important

1. The bulk is very fruitful, the fruits grow large and

2. They are less sick.


It is best to plant varieties of peppers from several terms.
ripening. Thus, it is possible to pick fruits during
long term, which is important because keeping quality
they are small. But to grow late-pepper in areas with cold
open-air climate is impossible – in these regions is better
use early peppers capable of bringing a good harvest in
a short time.

For reference:

• Maturation of early varieties occurs in 80-100 days;

• Maturation of mid-ripening hybrids and varieties occurs in
115-130 days;

• Late ripening takes about 140 days.

The shape and weight of the fetus

It is important to consider if the pepper is intended for stuffing.
(it is more convenient to use oval or spherical fruits of spherical with
толстыми стенками), и для decorative plantings.

The fruits of sweet pepper are almost spherical,
oval, cubical, cylindrical, in the form of a cone and
elongated, the surface may be with small tubercles or
smooth, with well visible ribs along the fetus and without them. TO
примеру, сорт TOолобок дает плоды округлой формы длиной примерно 5
– 6 cm, Sweet banana – long and thin (reach 20-22 cm).
Usually the appearance of the fruit is described on the package with seeds.

Fruit coloring

The fruits of pepper look very attractive, but you need to take in
the calculation is that the growing peppercorns are green and only
after ripening, they acquire the characteristic color of the variety.

Conditions выращивания

It is a thermophilic plant, often grown peppers in greenhouses or
film greenhouses. Many hybrids are designed for growing in
greenhouse, but there are many varieties for open ground.

Features of the plant

In some cases, it is necessary to take into account the height
plants – the difference in the size of the bush is from a minimum height of 30
cm and reach 170 cm. The variety may require removal of the lower
shoots and side leaves.

It may turn out to be an important resistance to certain diseases,
yield of plants or keeping quality of fruits – the variety of pepper can be chosen
for every taste. Before planting pepper seeds, you need to decide on
the destination of the fruit. TO примеру, если урожай будет использоваться
mostly fresh, it is advisable to plant plants with large and
thick-walled fruit. If the crop will be used for
preservation, then prefer the variety, with the fruits of a small

There are many different characteristics, but they are individual,
the main thing in choosing a pepper is to remember the main criteria

1. Sorta перца, необходимо подбирать с учетом климатических
conditions of the region. In the south, the choice is almost unlimited, it is permissible
grow peppers later, the most productive varieties. Areas on
in the north of the country, it is possible to plant mostly early ripening varieties,
bearing fruit at the age of 14-17 weeks;

2. It is necessary to grow peppers through seedlings, in open ground
sowing seeds does not make sense, the plant will not have time to grow to frost and
form a crop;

3. You must decide before buying seeds, which pepper
you will need – sharp or sweet. They differ in features in
cultivation and care. TOроме того, необходимо решить, каких плодов
need less and what more;

4. Resistance of plants to weathering and disease.
There are many disease resistant varieties of pepper;

5. If you want to have your seeds, you need not grow
hybrids, and varieties;

6. It is necessary to purchase pepper seeds exclusively in
specialized stores and ask for them a certificate

Growing pepper. Sowing and planting (timing, feeding, shelter,
temperature, soil, etc.)

For year-round or autumn pepper growing indoors
make a mistake when choosing a variety is not scary, since the seedlings are not scary
lowering the temperature, and for the garden to calculate the optimal time
sowing is necessary carefully, taking into account the weather forecast and your
region of residence. It is necessary to set the deadlines so that to complete
soil warming has passed the period within 60 – 80 days.

Seed treatment before sowing

The seed manufacturer may have already processed it, but even then
It does not hurt, before sowing, seeds stand 10 minutes in warm water
(40 degrees) adding 3 ml of peroxide to 100 ml of water.

Soil mixture for seedlings

Best suited for this purpose is fertile, well
drained soil, with an acidity of 6.0-6.5. Can be mixed in equal
sand, commercial mix for seedlings and fertile black soil in
proportions 1: 1: 1. A small amount of vermiculite added to
mixture – ensures optimum soil moisture and loosens
the soil.

Tanks for seedlings

First you need to decide whether for pepper seedlings
Is a picking or not. TOорневая система перца болезненно
reacts to injuries, after transplantation the seedlings are sick for 3-5 days,
individual copies are dying. It’s easier to germinate seeds and plant them.
in separate pots, if you still dive seedlings, then
seeds are sown in one box.

Important! With repeated use of capacity
for growing seedlings of pepper, it must be disinfected before
sowing. You can use bleach or boiling water, suitable
manganese in a high concentration, after such processing capacity
Rinse with running water.


Pour the soil mixture into the tank, moisten it, after which
a toothpick according to the 2×2 scheme makes small depressions, in them
lower the seeds and cover them with a thin layer of soil. Sowingы необходимо
cover with foil and transfer to a warm place. Until they seem
the first seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within
25-28 degrees. TOогда появятся сеянцы, температуру доводят до 22-25
degrees during the daytime and 20 degrees at night.

After the seedlings form 3-4 true leaves,
the potted root system is already fully mastered
com Seedlings need to be transplanted at this time, gently pepper
transplanted in the volume of 0.5-0.7 l in volume, they will be in them
before planting in open ground.


Additional lighting for pepper seedlings is necessary.
sure he immediately reacts to the lack of light. If u seedlings
internodes become longer, thin stems grow and leaves become paler
– her little light. Lack of coverage reduces the ability to learn.
nutrients from the soil. How fertile soil
you would not mix the mixture with a small amount of light, seedlings
peppers will grow weak. In extreme cases, you can do without
phytolamps, using for lighting including over seedlings from 9 am to
8 pm fluorescent lighting.


Wateringать рассаду нужно водой, отстоявшейся в течение суток
room temperature, fine if there is snow or rain
water. It is necessary to moisten the soil as needed, not allowing it
dry up In small pots, the soil dries quickly
compared with large containers, for this reason it is necessary
check daily, drying out of the soil adversely affects
development of pepper roots.

Feeding seedlings

Pepper seedlings need not be fed, the main thing is to provide
the required amount of light, heat and nourishing soil. If you
yet decided to feed additional seedlings, then
use one type of fertilizer: bio-fertilizers or complex
chlorine free formulations.

At the age of 40-60 days (including precocity), pepper seedlings,
ready for planting in a greenhouse, greenhouse or in open ground.

Growing pepper. Care, feeding

When growing peppers, use activities similar to those
what is used for tomatoes.

The first time the pepper is watered after landing on the garden bed, then you need
water after 4-5 days. If the weather is hot and dry, then
must be watered regularly once a week. This mode
must adhere to formation on plants first
fruits. TOогда перец начнет массово созревать на время прекращают
watering and renewing it when the bushes reappear

Feeding pepper

It is necessary for the summer season to fertilize plants at least three times.
The first time this operation is carried out 15 days after landing.
seedlings on the garden. The following is performed during fruit setting,
and the last is produced in approximately two to three weeks.

For dressing pepper, it is better to use foliar dressing.
(spraying the bushes with a solution of fertilizer diluted with water 1 to 2),
so the trace elements are better absorbed, the fruits are formed straight, and
they grow evenly.

Loosen the soil better after the rain, destroying the earth crust on
garden bed In hot climates it is necessary to make a bed of peppers
shelters protecting plants from the scorching sun.

Особенности ухода за plants в теплице

Growing peppers in a greenhouse is also better with seedlings. Early
spring in our latitudes even in the greenhouse the soil is warm
not enough for this culture, and the plants may die. AT
greenhouse heated soil seedlings can be planted in March, and for
simple designs, the sowing date is transferred to the end of April. Priming
should warm up no less than 18 degrees. For this culture
it is necessary to carefully prepare the soil – should be
breathable, rich in organic matter and fertile.
It’s nice to add chilled humus or compost to it, and
dig the beds. Pepper develops well on soils where before
planted squash, beans or cucumbers.

To pepper in the greenhouse developed well
it is necessary:

1. To organize sufficient heating for plants air – he
must have a temperature of at least 25 degrees, and the ground must be
heated to 18-22 degrees;

2. It is necessary to create an additional greenhouse.
sufficient lighting for the development of pepper seedlings;

3. It is necessary to water the plants regularly, it is better in the morning to

4. After watering the soil must be loosened;

5. Provide optimum air humidity, otherwise they may fall off.
flowers, and as a result, you will not get a crop;

6. ATредители, найденные на растениях, должны быть сразу
destroyed, so as not to hurt all the bushes of pepper.

Growing pepper. Major pests and ways to combat
by them

• Aphid. ATредитель, который часто нападает на кусты перца, при
detection must be sprayed with insecticides;

• Spider mite. Plants need to be treated with a solution
liquid soap with water infusion of onion, dandelion, garlic;

• Bare slugs. It is necessary to destroy the pest mechanically,
pollinating the beds with tobacco dust and lime. AT междурядьях желательно
plant parsley, pour out the remains of coffee and coffee muck;

• TOолорадский жук. Active pest of pepper, except mechanical
the destruction of the beetle helps the treatment of bushes water infusion

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