Grow a tangerine from the bone at homeconditions are interesting! Terms and secrets of growing mandarinfrom the bone of the house

Ср, 09 мар 2016 Автор: Марина Ивасюк

Among those who are interested in indoor plants, for sure
there are those who wish to see citrus on their windowsill

It’s easy to get such a flower shop, but much more
fascinating to grow a tangerine from the stone yourself.

Given the fact that such a tree is not at all capricious, quickly
growing and you can easily keep it in the house, then growing
tangerine from the stone will bring only pleasure.


Grow a tangerine from the bone at home условиях: выбор и
seed preparation

Выбираем семена. For landing
exceptionally large specimens with rounded sides. Plants and them
are strong, meaty and more likely that such
sprouts will survive. Oblate and small offspring seeds will not give.
Also, you should pay attention not only to the seeds that will
to plant, but also on the fruit from which they are taken. Believed to be what
more attractive for you in size and taste of the fruit, from
which the seed will be taken, the greater the likelihood that its fruits
descendants will be similar. The main rule of selection: choose the best of
the best.

Перед посадкой семена нужно подготовить. For
To do this, wrap them in a water-soaked gauze cloth.
or cotton pad for five days. The seeds should nourish moisture and
swell up, it will help them open up faster.

Do not fill them with water to the top. It will be enough
periodically wet the cloth in which they are wrapped.

Не большой совет: даже, если вы желаете
get in your collection only one tangerine tree, all
prepare and plant more seeds equally. After all, some may
not ascend, and some after germination perish from the disease.

Grow a tangerine from the bone at home условиях. Sowing

The seeds that have lain in the raw gauze, sufficiently swollen, are ready for
landing. For получения всходов семена высаживаются в
. It can be one common pot for everyone.
seeds or a plastic cup with a hole in the bottom for
each seed separately. If a seed appeared from a seed, then this
root. When planting, lower the seed into the ground with a seedling down on
a depth of 1-1.5 cm. and plenty of water.

For более быстрого прорастания рекомендуют укрыть грунт горшка
transparent cellophane package. So under the package
a special wetter climate is created which helps
early germination. If you don’t cover the seeds, it doesn’t mean
that they will not germinate. So, if you do not want, you can not hide.
The seeds will germinate, but they will do it later and most likely in less

After the sprouting of the mandarin, it must be dived or, more simply
говоря, пересадить. This is done when the plant
The first main leaflet appeared. Newly planted
plant in a pot of sufficient size to a depth of about 1 cm
deeper than sitting in the hotbed. Used method of handling, when
which soil from the roots practically does not crumble and earthy
together with the roots neatly transferred to the new pot with soil.
The plant with this method of transplantation is practically not injured and
continues to grow actively.

Flower growers lovers know how important drainage and plant
large holes in the flower pot. Pebbles fall asleep
pot, which will be transplanted tangerine, and on top
covered with primer.

Не большой совет: в качестве дренажа
Pebbles and pieces of foam may be suitable. The only important thing is that
he would fulfill his function – he would not let him stand

В цветочном магазине в продаже имеется специальный грунт
для цитрусовых растений
. He is the best fit
grown tangerine at home. The same ground can
mix on your own by connecting soddy earth and leafy ground in
ratio of 3/1 with the addition of 1 part of sand. Peat soil
Mandarin does not like and will not grow there, so you can use
any light mixture, as long as it was not peat.

Mandarin grows slowly and the first shoots are possible only by
three weeks after landing. Should be patient
because for a year the plant will be able to rise no more than 20 cm from

Sufficient room temperature for growth and flowering
tangerine tree on average 19-26 degrees, but the heat it is not

Growing tangerine from the stone at home:
lighting, care, dressing

The main care is watering, feeding, wetting the foliage.
and sufficient lighting of the plant. At will it is possible on the taste
to give the desired shape of the plant by cutting off the extra twigs.
Поливать желательно каждый день или через день по
as the soil dries. Do not overdry the soil.
Grown tangerines at home are very fond of moisture in any
season. In the summer – it is hot, and in the winter it dries off the battery.

The foliage of the tangerine tree is forever green and just like the roots
needs enough moisture. Several times a day her
need to be sprayed from the sprayer or set next to the plant
a cup of water. In the second case, the foliage will be enough
moisture evaporating from a cup.

Подкармливать деревце необходимо 2-3 раза в
week immediately after watering. You can not limit yourself to choose
chemicals for feeding. There is even fertilizer in the flower shop.
both separately for the soil and separately to accelerate growth.
It is better to use in a complex or alternate first several
months one drug, then another. Do not violate instructions in
instructions, and use as much as written, otherwise
oversupply can seriously harm the plant.

Grown mandarin at home loves light,
therefore it is better to place the pot with a plant in a well-lit
location with direct sunlight. South, southeast and
east side. In the summer you can take the tree to the street.

Special illumination of the plant is not required if it has
full sunny day. Only in rare cases when the sun
very little, you can artificially highlight the plant. In the lamp
a special fitolampochka is screwed into the place of an ordinary bulb.
Only this should be done very carefully, gradually accustoming
plant to light up differently, it may react negatively and
reset foliage.

Another major care criterion is the annual transplant.
plants in a new container in diameter 2 cm more than the previous one.
To conduct a transplant should be in the period before the start of growth.

When the fruit is tied up and gaining weight, the branches should be tied
together or tie to a support. Otherwise they may break under
burden of burden.

Growing tangerine at home: problems, pests, diseases

Mandarin grown at home – plant
unpretentious, loves water and light, not too picky to the soil,
but even he may be afflicted. The reason for this may be
pests and diseases.

Pests inhabit the branches, foliage and roots. The most
common are:

Красный паутинный клещ. Insect practically
not noticeable to the human eye, can parasitize on the plant for a long time,
until he is discovered. In size, it reaches no more than 1 mm. With
infestation of this tick, the plant becomes ill, appear on the leaves
brown spots, the so-called marbling of the sheet. Later amazed
sheets die off. In the advanced stage of this disease between the leaves
and branches you can see a thin cobweb and clusters of ticks in
base of the stem and leaves. But do not wait for the parasite
so obviously it will show itself and eradicate the disease at the initial stage.

Disease plant acquires when a long time
is in a room with dry air, and its foliage is not
sprayed. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that
occurrence for the tick is not favorable environment that will hibernate
indefinitely and at the earliest opportunity come to life.

You can get rid of it by bathing the plant under the shower or
spray well with a mild solution
potassium permanganate. But it is worth bearing in mind that as soon as possible
pest again declare itself. Experienced growers recommend
tweezers to collect ticks from branches and leaves, but something is here
suggests that you can skip a couple of insects and through time
the plant will fall ill again. Whatever happens, you need
systematically moisten the foliage and make a shower for the tree.

Щитовка. This insect sticks to the leaf and
absorbs the juice of the victim. The place of its attachment turns yellow, and the leaf in
subsequently dies off. The insect is not large in size (2 mm. In
length), and you can notice it with your naked eye. Shitty she
called, because it has a body in the form of a shell or shield.
Withсосавшись к листу, выглядит как бляшка. Dangerous because
multiplies rapidly and if it starts, it will cover not only the foliage and
Mandarin stem, but also will move to nearby

Withчинами возникновения щитовки являются чрезмерно высокая
humidity and lack of air ventilation in the room. Exactly
therefore, it is very important to ventilate the premises and prevent
excessive and prolonged soil moisture.

How to deal with it? It is very difficult to do this, as from external
irritants it is protected by a shield. Mechanically fighting
is the removal of an insect or a toothbrush, or a cloth,
moistened in a thick soap solution. There is a chemical method
pest removal with specialty chemicals, but it’s best not to
in the living room. For example, Aktara does well. After such
processing should wipe the window sill and the corners where stood

Мучнистый червец. This insect is popularly
called sucking lice white or pink. If on the sheets
plants appeared characteristic of these insects white sticky
liquid then it is a mealybug. It reaches up to 7 mm in size,
therefore, you can even notice it with the unarmed eye. Insect
striking mandarin on the roots, entangling and killing only the roots

You can understand that the mealyworm is parasitic if you get
plant from a pot. White rot is very clearly visible;
root and spread throughout the soil in the pot. Grown
tangerine in home conditions can threaten this ailment if there were
failures in care, stagnant water in a flower pot, not used
quality soil already contaminated.

For борьбы с ними используют как народные методы, так и
chemical. Of the popular methods, the most effective is considered
мыльный раствор, в котором промываются корни plants. However better
the most and most likely to use chemicals. Getting into the juice
Mandarin, the drug makes it poisonous for a while. After drinking
poisoned insect juice dies. Affected root system
need to sort, shake up, rinse, handle the pot, and
transplanted plant transplanted into a new soil.

Болезней, которые могут испортить жизнь выращенному tangerine in
home conditions, there are not enough. The most common
цитрусовых, такие как серая гниль, чернь, фитофтороз,
требуют специального и комплексного лечения

Mandarin also often suffers from shrinking new leaves.
and dry old. This suggests a lack of vitamins. Plant
needs urgent transplant to a new mineral-rich
the soil.

Premature falling of foliage, the appearance of rust points and dry
the edges on the sheet indicate improper watering. Too frequent or
не регулярный полив губителен для plants. Prerequisite
when watering is timeliness and moderation. Before the next
watering the soil should dry out a little.

Leaflets shrivel and dry due to pest damage or
with sunburn. The tangerine tree though loves the sun, but
not enough to dry a tree under direct scorching

Draft, watering with cold water, lack of light, low
temperatures lead to partial or total loss by the plant

Home-grown mandarin with proper care
can easily turn into an excellent flowering tree to 1.5
meters in height. If you follow the rules, everything will work out.

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