Grape seed oil for face and hair.Useful properties and methods of using grape seed oil incosmetology.

Чт, 30 июл 2015 Автор: Анна Нестеренко

Let’s talk about grape seed oil. We today
We will tell how it is mined, what is useful and where it is applied.

You will also learn about effective masks for hair, skin,
cooked on the basis of grape seed oil.


How to get grape seed oil

So, grape seed oil can be obtained in two ways:
the first method is hot extraction, the second is cold pressing.
It is better to use the oil extracted by cold pressing.
After all, such a product stores in itself more biologically active

Grape seed oil is not considered an expensive product. With
This requires about 1 liter of grape seed oil.
half a ton of berries. This oil is produced in countries where there is
a large number of vineyards.

Properties and application of grape seed oil

Natural and pure grape seed oil does not have a sharp
smell. If you feel a strong grape flavor, then this
means that flavors have been added to the oil. For quality
oils characteristic unobtrusive nutty flavor. Taste of butter
grape seed – spicy.

This oil contains a large amount compared to
olive vitamin E. Experts call it a growth vitamin, and
also regenerate and protect our skin cells from
damaging effects. Grape seed oil contains
chemical compounds with antioxidant properties. That is them
able to protect human cells from free radicals without
allowing the occurrence of oncology. This oil contains whole
a bunch of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids needed by the body
(Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9): linoleic, palmitic, oleic,
stearic, etc. By supplying them with an organism, you exclude the possibility
development of atherosclerotic lesions.

Based on the above information, it can be argued that
grape seed oil has cytoprotective, regenerating and
antioxidant properties. The girls who discovered it
oil, make sure that it slows down aging, affecting
renewal of the epidermis and collagen production. Grape oil
Bone improves the condition of hair, skin, nails, etc.

Grape oil косточки рекомендуют употреблять людям,
suffering from venous insufficiency, overweight, diabetes.
It needs patients with high blood pressure. Regular
the use of grape seed oil leads to the strengthening
blood vessels and advocates prevention of the occurrence
blood clots, plaques. In general, if you encounter any
cardiovascular disease then be sure to include in your
ration of grape seed oil. Do not refuse this
oils and diseases of the stomach. It can take pregnant
nursing women. Grape seed oil will make it easier
transfer manifestations of menopause. It also has a beneficial effect on
man’s health.

This useful oil is widely used in cooking. Especially it
very popular as a dressing for green salads. In oil
grape seed is advised to marinate meat, it is also used
for cooking mayonnaise, etc. But fry on this product
knowledgeable people do not advise.

Experts have proven that the use of fried in oil
products are guaranteed to lead to an undesirable meeting of the body
with cancer-causing carcinogens. Regardless,
women do not particularly want to give up the use of grape oil
bones in the high-temperature method of processing products. Many
people fry meat, fish, potatoes on it. They explain their
actions that such oil has high resistance of heating, and
it means to fry on it more safely than on sunflower. After all
the latter at temperatures above 100 ° C begins to smoke, whereas
Grape seed oil does not smoke at t 200 ° C. But the thing
not in the smoke, but in the carcinogens mentioned. So better not
fry in grape seed oil. If you don’t even get sick,
you just don’t get those nutrients that would get into
body in the use of butter in the salad.

Grape oil косточки кроме кулинарии используют и в
cosmetology. Especially girls like to moisturize their skin. Butter
also used in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Them
Specialists use massage rooms. Grape oil
Bone is sometimes used in anti-cellulite programs. By this
oils also remove makeup.

Grape oil косточки для лица

Grape oil косточки ускоряет заживление ссадин, ран,
damage from chemical peels. It promotes regeneration.
cells, has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and
antiseptic action. Grape oil косточки нередко
used to eliminate acne, treatment of psoriasis,
trophic ulcers, purulent skin lesions.

Grape oil косточки понравится коже любого типа. It
tones and moisturizes the skin, nourishes it, prevents the appearance
peeling, various irritations, normalize greasy secretion.
Butter подтягивает кожу, делает ее эластичной, нежной, улучшает цвет
and relief. Grape oil косточки используют в лечении купероза.
It также сужает поры. This oil is not comedogenic.

Grape Seed Cleansing Facial Scrub

Most girls, eating grapes, spit out the bones, and
after they are thrown away. But they don’t even know what a cool
scrub can be prepared from the grape seed itself and the resulting
from them oils. If you do not want to stock up on bones or eat
berries along with them, then buy this healthy product. You need
look for powder or grape seed flour. Butter
personally squeeze will not work, so it will also need
to purchase. Grape oil косточки лучше покупать в аптеке,
specialty store.

You need 12 drops of oil to make scrub.
grape seed, 2 teaspoons of sour cream and
crushed oatmeal. Also take 4 tsp.
personally crushed on a coffee grinder pits or purchased
grape products (flour, powder). Connect the components together
scrub and stir everything. If you have scooped cereal or
chopped bones with a slide, then add not two, but three spoons
sour cream.

Scrub should be applied to a moist face. Treat skin
follows the massage lines. No need to rub your face too much – so you
Can injure sensitive skin.

Scrub over contaminated skin requires about 5
minutes After that, wash the grape scrub with warm water. Such
cleansing procedure can be done once a week. After carrying
cleansing the skin does not hurt to lubricate the moisturizer. Do
grape seed and oil based cleansing procedure
This product should be in the evening.

Nourishing face mask with grape seed oil

Want to moisturize the skin, make it smooth, delicate? Then
prepare a mask of oils. In addition to grape seed oil for
masks need black cumin oil. Last ingredient –
olive oil.

Each oil take half a teaspoon. Mixing
oils, start to rub them into the skin of the face. Do массаж с маслами
It takes about three minutes. Now leave your skin soaked in oils,
не прикасаясь к ней около 10 minutes After these 10 minutes
blot your face with a paper towel. Wash after such a mask is not
need to. This nourishing and moisturizing mask is suitable for girls with
dry, prone to flaking skin.

Внимание: вышеописанная масляная маска идеально
suitable for dry, rough skin of the hands. This mixture is also
can handle knees. This is especially true for people
which skin on your lap is rough.

Grape oil косточки для волос

Grape oil косточки — спасение для поврежденных hair.
It возвратит либо подарит прядям шелковистость, блеск, сделав их
strong and healthy. Grape oil косточки усиливает рост
strands, reduces hair loss.

Mask for hair growth with grape seed oil

Let’s make an oil mask that’s great.
restores damaged strands and promotes active growth
new healthy and strong hair. You will need 20 ml of oil
grape seed, the same amount of burdock oil, vitamins A and E
(5 drops). Also look for ylang-ylang oil. Per serving mask
You need 3 drops of this concentrated essential oil.

Combining oils and liquid vitamins, apply the mixture to dirty
hair. Pick up strands and put on a cap. The mask should be on average
stand for three hours. If you are not tired of walking in a hat, then
You can keep the healing oil mixture for up to four hours. Mask
wash off with shampoo. For the complete cleansing of hair from oil head
need to wash in a row twice.

Night mask for dry hair with grape seed oil

You can make a night mask for dried, lost shine
hair. It is prepared from one component – grape oil.
pits. For short hair will need about 20 drops of oil.
Маска наносится на слегка влажные hair.

Сначала butter втираем в корни hair. Делаем это около 5 minutes
After applying the oil on all the hair, paying particular attention to
tips Надевать шапочку на голову не need to. But since
oil on your hair you have to go to bed, then, so as not to get dirty
pillow, cover it with a towel. Wash your hair in the morning.
shampoo No need to dry your hair with a towel, or use
hair dryer – pryadki should dry naturally.

For your information: some girls make similar masks using
other oils. Still, it is better to use grape oil
seed, because it is washed off much easier than, for example, burdock
or castor, which are denser.

Night mask of grape seed oil should not be done
daily. Moreover, apply such a home remedy to the hair
not recommended more than once every two weeks.

Внимание: вы наверняка заметили, что butter
grape seed can be applied to curls, skin as in a clean,
and in the form diluted with other components. But despite it
softness and harmlessness, must be used before use
Test this useful product.

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