Gooseberry Diseases and Control: Whatto spray gooseberries? How to recognize gooseberry disease, whichtake action?

Вт, 05 июл 2016 Автор: Марина Нач

Main berry bushes of our garden and homestead
plots – raspberry, gooseberry, currant.

Their excellent taste and ease of care for many
gardeners. Usually raspberries and currants do not deliver much
troubles, and gooseberries can sometimes be different.

If you care for him the wrong bushes can be exposed
various diseases.

Moreover, the disease in gooseberry develops rapidly, and
they must be treated quickly, otherwise you can lose the plant. condition
berry bushes should be monitored constantly and during
take preventive measures.


What are the diseases of gooseberry, and what are the measures to combat
by them

Fungal infections are one of the worst enemies of plants, including
including gooseberry. Diseases of the gooseberry fungal nature – it
powdery mildew, anthracnose, as well as rust, mycoplasmosis,

1. Mealy dew

Mealy dew or sphere library is a fairly frequent guest.
gooseberry or currant bushes. The initiator of this
gooseberry disease is a mushroom. In the spring there is
Dispersion scattering and infection of new bushes. Amazed by this species
fungus all parts of the plant. Initially, a whitish bloom appears, which
then turns brown and becomes denser. In case of illness
deformation of branches, leaves and fruits occurs. As a result, the plant
dries and dies in 2-3 years.

How to treat powdery mildew? In order not to threaten the plant
this fungus, should be at the outset to choose resistant to
gooseberry variety disease.

• If the plant is already sick, you can make in the root plot
solutions from elements of copper boron, manganese sulphate and zinc.

• For prevention in the spring, in the period of budding and flowering
sprayed bushes with copper sulfate at the rate of 300 grams per 10
liters of water. Repeat spraying after 8-15 days, and
the last spraying should not be carried out later than 15
days before collection.

• Soda Ash and Laundry Soap. 50 g soda
soap diluted in 10 liters of water. This treatment is done in 10

• Wood ash or charcoal treatment. Based on 3 kg per 10
liters of boiling water. Spray the bushes with a solution at intervals of 1 time.
в 10 days

• Bleaching powder. Take 2 tablespoons of funds per 10 liters

• Mustard powder. 2 tablespoons of mustard powder
добавляют на 10 liters of water. The solution is heated to boiling.
Boil the composition for at least half an hour, then filter. Process
whole plant and especially young shoots

• Inkstone. 300 г на 10 liters of water. Before processing
remove infected plant parts. Soil on which were
infected shoots should also be treated with this solution.

• The method of struggle with the help of bacteria. For this one part
перепревшего сена или коровяка добавляют тройную порцию water,
Insist this solution for three days. Process крыжовник
diluted 1: 3 composition. Bacteria of this solution, getting on
bushes, eat fungus.

• Fitosporin.

All solutions are applied three times: before flowering, during and after
leaf fall.

2. Anthracnose countermeasures

Anthracnose can also affect gooseberries. It is expressed in
that brown spots appear on the plant, leaves are deformed and
twisted. Fruits may fall off or taste

To get rid of this disease, apply the following

• Remove diseased branches and leaves in autumn and spring.

• Digging the soil near the plant.

• Process «Хомом», раствором из 40 г в 10 литрах water.

• Sulfur colloid. Sprayed at the time of flowering.

• Bordeaux mixture. 40 г купороса в 10 литрах water. Hold
processing 2-4 times depending on the severity of the disease. Getting started
обработку перед цветением с периодичностью в 14 days With more
severe cases make 1 percent solution.

3. Glass rust.

The reverse side of the leaves is covered with yellow growths that
then move on to the stalks and berries. After which they become similar
on felt raid. The disease usually occurs where
sedge weed present.

To get rid of rust:

• make soil digging,

• removal of thickets of sedge weeds,

• apply fertilizing with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers,

• spraying Bordeaux mixture, phytosporin and

4. Mycoplasmosis or Terry

In mycoplasmosis, the tick infects the plant buds. It is reborn
and the characteristic smell disappears, leaves from five-lobed become
three-bladed, the brush becomes thin, the flowers are purple.

For prevention and treatment:

• remove aphids and ticks with various preparations;

• fertilize plants with complexes containing boron, manganese,

• Nitrogen fertilizers are not used.

5. Septoria

Septoria is characterized by the appearance at the initial stage
brown specks, which then turn white from the center, the border remains
dark. When the disease is neglected, the berries are affected and fall off.

To get rid of plant fungus

• copper sulphate,

• nitrofenom

• remove affected branches,

• fallen leaves are burned in autumn,

• dig up the soil.

Physiological gooseberry diseases

Also quite often occur with improper care,
unsuitable soils.

Such disorders usually occur on the bushes with a lack of

• So, with a lack of nitrogen, the plant can slow down growth,
leaves turn yellow, fruits fall off. These bushes need to be fed
nitrogen fertilizers, in accordance with the dosages on the packaging or
spray vegetative plants.

• With insufficient phosphorus content in the soil on old leaves
dark green and yellow green spots appear, shoots thin out and
insufficient development of the kidneys and reduced plant resistance to
cold weather

• Potassium deficiency causes poor absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus.
The leaves turn pale, then purple-brown stripes appear on them,
отмирают leaves. The kidneys are formed inferior, and later
give underdevelopment of fruits and new shoots, winter hardiness decreases

• Дефицит магния также вызывает заболевания и gooseberry This
deficiency reduces the viability of the plant, weakens the root
the system.

• Lack of calcium and its excess inhibits the root system,
roots at the same time become like stumps. Fighting it
is to reduce watering, draining peat bogs

• If a plant lacks iron, then its leaves turn yellow and
the ends of the shoots. May occur if the soil is over-wetted,
insufficient organic matter, as well as drought. In order to prevent
enrich the soil with humus, the introduction of iron sulphate (150 g per
10 литров water).

The disadvantages of these elements are corrected by
appropriate fertilizer, proper care, irrigation, removal
weed digging the soil.

For a more accurate determination of the composition of the soil can be done
analysis, then you can know exactly which element is missing.

Gooseberry disease prevention

Lies in:

• not allowing thickening of bushes, cutting out dried and
damaged branches,

• collecting and removing fallen leaves by burning,

• can be planted next to the gooseberry plants that
possess the properties of repelling pests: marigold, garlic, dill,

• in the early spring pour boiling water over the bushes to destroy the spores

• spray the bushes with zircon solution in early spring, for
enhance their immunity.

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