Good guy you Natasha!

Tue, Jan 21, 2014

An exciting game of cat and mouse, the ability to deftly throw the ball
male compliments, is inherent in most of the representatives
beautiful sex. Many girls begin to flirt with hardly any
diaper, and the desire to always present themselves in a favorable light
some people manage to demonstrate before birth. Everybody
known about sex signs – a boy during an ultrasound
openly shows his own dignity, but most
girls manages to turn so that not one of the most big-eyed
The specialist will not be able to see the charms of the little clown. what
This, as nor the first female coquetry? But what about those who
The desire to please everyone, without exception, is completely absent?

Such women are very much loved in men’s teams – they quickly
become their own, because smart men openly declare that tolerate
can not be minded ladies. The notorious blonde in pink already
spawned more than one thousand evil jokes, and on the sidelines smoked
the stronger sex is an unkind word about colleagues who
the contents of the cosmetics care a lot more than the upcoming
tender. By the way, a lot of offensive words were said about the make-up itself – well
does not fit in the male head need to apply to the skin,
and especially on the lips, layers of completely inedible cosmetics, and the amounts
which true coquette is ready to lay out a new mascara make
some puzzled twist finger to the temple. But particular criticism
the notorious “bitches” are exposed – each of us has heard more than once
complaining and indignation at the misbehavior of some persons.

The complete opposite of the inflated young ladies can be seen immediately.
The lack of wardrobe coquettish dresses, high voiced
heels, the love of sporty style distinguishes such women from
girlfriends But “their boyfriend” does not make them look.
Lack of coquetry, straightness, ability to express an opinion
straightforward, ironic distinguish them from the familiar female society.
They quickly join the men’s company, they are trusted with their secrets and
praise for the ability to listen, not to pretend and be yourself. BUT
for stormy relationships choose others, those that annoy,
which are scolded, but for some reason they become the object of eternal
male chase for the unattainable.

Up to a certain age, a woman with a male character may not
notice that the constantly surrounding her male society sees in her
only comrades, and more often than not the principles do not allow to be upset by
about this. But only for the time being – while in the heart of
boyfriend will not knock love. And then comes the insult – because such
a delicate, sensitive elect as a friend pours out her secrets and
longing for the near, bitchy, capricious, but so attractive
another woman.

what делать, если природа обделила этим опасным и волшебным даром
– natural coquetry? Start re-master all women
wisdom is too late, but you can try to look at yourself from
sides and correct those moments that deprive
representative of the weaker sex of her strength. Why not
do men forgive?

  • Directness Excellent quality for friendship often prevents
    the birth of first interest and deeper feelings. After all
    the presence of riddle and understatement makes men fold for
    enter the dangerous path at once, which at first seems straight,
    but soon turns into a winding path with permanent obstacles.
    BUT охотнику по натуре преодоление препятствий и попадания в искусно
    set traps are necessary, like water to fish.
  • Демонстрация силы. Shrill screams at the sight of a spider,
    languid moaning from fatigue and fear of ruining shoes annoying
    men no less than girls with a male character. But even more
    pulls them out of themselves the desire to constantly demonstrate confidence
    in their superiority. BUT эту ошибку «свои парни» совершают с
    enviable constancy. In a campaign such a girl, without thinking about
    grievance, will offer a man to take part of the weight on himself, and
    in a dispute will hasten to demonstrate their own innocence.
  • Отсутствие сантиментов. Men carry women heavily
    tears and try to avoid excessive emotionality. BUT знаете
    why? Because they themselves are sentimental, albeit carefully
    hide it behind a touch of rudeness. But the woman lack of pity
    and compassion they do not forgive, and therefore even an innocent demonstration
    some stiffness causes them to catch “their boyfriend” in

If only “a woman with a male character”, having read these
admonitions, agreed to start working on herself, it would not
she is. But stubbornness in upholding its ideals only increases its
chances to hear “you’re a good guy,” instead of a cherished confession in

Text: Vera Guler

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