Geranium: home care, recommendationson growing. Regular flowering geraniums: care for her at home,secrets (photo)

Пн, 04 апр 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Geranium is a marvelous indoor plant that has a lot of merit and
possessing not only luxurious and colorful flowers, but also mass
healing properties and qualities.

It can be, as well as a garden plant, and indoor
flower decorating the window sill and home interior.

Geranium has a lot of varieties and a sufficient amount
varieties to any florist, and just a lover and
a connoisseur of beauty could create for himself the necessary floral

Geranium will find a worthy place for itself on the windowsill among
other colors and protect them from possible invasion of indoor
flower pests – which literally do not tolerate this plant
and fear it.


Features of growing geraniums

Geranium is unpretentious and will not require its owner
any special conditions for growing and caring for her. But
all the same, some features and rules of breeding and maintenance
This plant is available.

• For good flowering geranium requires proper watering,
acceptable lighting and warmth. In winter, geranium can be kept
in the house, and closer to the summer to land in open ground in the garden or

• This flower can be grown both from seed and with
grafting. The plant easily perceives bright rays
the sun, so that in hot weather it can only be a little
to darken

• The key to successful geranium growing is the right one
soil drainage, as well as the selection of medium moist and slightly acidic
saturated land.

• It is also necessary to feed and fertilize the geranium, especially
if it grows in pots.

• Geranium needs to be watered, but moderately, as well as during
growth weed the soil of the plant from weeds.

• Geranium must be cut in time and properly, otherwise it may
die, especially in the winter.

Geranium: home care – breeding

Geranium can be propagated in two ways –
grafting and reproduction of seed planting material.

Черенкование — наиболее популярный и несложный
method of reproduction geraniums, which are used from ancient times
flower growers. There are almost no failures.

1-й способ grafting.

Cuttings are cut from the mother plant at the end of the summer.
Season, well, or at the beginning of autumn. The stalk is removed from the top
plants, while on the handle should be at least 4
leaves. After this procedure, the cutting can be put in a container with
little water and wait for the formation of roots. After the appearance
the root system of the plant must be planted in a pot with an advance
prepared for this land.

2-й способ grafting.

The stalk is also as described above, cut off from the plant and
further placed in the shade until it disappears. Then stalk
Dipped in a stimulant called “Kornevin” or juice taken
from aloe, then to coal powder, and at the end of the whole process
landed in a prepared pot.

At the same time for cuttings it is important to properly prepare the soil –
garden land or greenhouse mixed with sand in proportion

Therefore, in both cases, you need to show a little care and
attention and your pet will delight you with luxurious abundant
blooming and healthy health.

Семенной способ размножения — это не столь
popular method of reproduction of planting material, such as
grafting geraniums. But для выведения новых сортов герани этот
the method is the most acceptable method especially if there is
desire from a grower or just an amateur to experiment to and from
certain seed varieties get seedlings different from the original
material – color, shape and size.

In general, in order to avoid any setbacks associated with
growing geraniums from seed planting is necessary
start planting geranium seeds and experimenting with inexpensive varieties
this plant.

The soil for planting geranium seeds must be well loosened.
and besides, the main soil consists of sand and humus. At the beginning
spring period, you can start planting.

Before you start planting seeds, the soil for geranium
it is necessary to shed manganese well (to protect
plant from a disease such as black leg). After seeds
need to pour into the ground with any capacity and lightly sprinkle them
a layer of soil, but so that they are not visually detectable on

Then for planted seeds it is advisable to create some kind of greenhouse in
the form of a film with which they will be covered, and then remove the planted
material in the warmed place.

Geranium: home care – soil, lighting, conditions
for flowering

The soil

Geranium soil should be rich and nutritious, but not
easy It is advisable to add a little clay base to the ground,
as well as sand.

For self-mixing of components, you must take
part of the humus (leaf or sod), the same amount of peat, sand and
the same amount of clay soil from the river bank.

This soil is pretty good keeps moisture, due to than
the soil does not succumb to acidification. Besides the soil under geraniums
It is recommended to loosen up regularly for better well-being.


In the summer, when the light day is long and full of rays
sun – geranium, located on the window sill, feels
excellent on either side of the room.

However, the best location of the geranium is still considered
the south side, near the window, on any flower stand,
because it is this plant that is most directly related to
to light-loving specimens of flowers, which even on hot days are direct
the sun’s rays can not do any harm.

But, несмотря на всё вышеперечисленное в жаркие денёчки нужно
protect geranium from sunlight with papyrus paper
in order to avoid the appearance of burn spots on the plant.

The room where geranium grows needs to be aired, but without creating
drafts. And in order for geranium to grow strong, fragrant and
delighted the eye with its luxurious and bright colors – you need it
protect from keeping in the shade and bring to fresh as often as possible
air and sunlight.

Условия for flowering

In order for geranium to please its household with beauty
its flowers year-round, it is necessary to create favorable
conditions and proper care.

The abundance of flowers in the summer will directly depend on
how the plant spent its wintering.

Geraniums just need to spend the winter somewhere in
cool places as far as possible from fireplaces and heaters, while
temperature regime not higher than 13 degrees. At this time the plant
absolutely not in need of fertilizing and abundant watering.

If all wintering rules are followed – not only is the plant not
ill with any diseases, but also from spring to late
Autumn will delight everyone with an abundance of their flowers and their beauty.

You also need to remember and know the fact that geranium is in great need
in breaking off flowering inflorescences. And if everything is done correctly, then
This plant will extend the flowering period from May to October.


For this process it is necessary to use a knife with a sharp and
long blade. They need to cut off the faded and yellowed leaves
so that the stalk remains on the geranium. To circumcision
geraniums need to start, in the fall leaving processes with several
nodules. All places cuts necessarily need to lubricate
pre-pounded activated carbon.

But нужно учитывать при обрезании герани тот фактор, что после
such a painful operation for a plant it does not bloom soon. So
you need to be patient and continue to care for your loved one
a plant.

Geranium: home care – feeding and watering


The main requirement that must be observed when caring for
Geranium is a regular watering. You can not show special care
about air humidity or spraying a plant, this geranium is not
need to. It will even be better if the spraying is carried out only
neighboring flowers and plants, in this case it is possible with ease
avoid such trouble as getting water on the leaves

But и заливать герань тоже не нужно, так как это может
provoke the appearance of mold and lead to rotting of the root
system, especially in the winter.

It is necessary to realize that with a constant shortage of water –
flowering plants will be weak, and the flowers are crushed.

So что обязательным условием правильного ухода за геранью
there will be a drainage at the bottom of the flowerpot and moderately wet soil.

Top dressing

Geranium will feel great and constantly bloom, if once
in 30 days in autumn and winter and twice a month in summer and spring to make
fertilizer in the form of fertilizer.

Phosphoric top dressing favors to plentiful and long
цветению geraniums Before you start fertilizing a flower, you need to
water well so that fertilizing does not burn the root system

Soже полезно вносить такие подкормки, которые имеют —
nitrogenous, potash and phosphorus components in equal

And also in the composition of these dressings must necessarily
necessary for the good functioning of the flower
various trace elements.

Герань: уход в домашних условиях — поthanу она погибает?

Proper care of geraniums guarantees her life without disease and
life problems. However, all the same trouble in the form
diseases of leaflets, flowers and the root system may occur,
and to this turn of events you need to be ready.

The main causes of the death of geraniums are – lack
excessive sunshine, excessive watering and
as a result of the appearance of fungal diseases such as:

Серая гниль — образующаяся на листочках
plants in the form of spider web or plaque, showing on the stem dark

Ржавчина листка — появляющаяся в виде
Damage to the leaf plate with small yellow spots

Мучнистая роса — обволакивающая мучнистым
налётом стебельки и листочки geraniums

Soже опасным явлением, которое может уничтожить корневую
The geranium system is a lesion of nematodes, manifested as
knots on the roots of the plant.

Geraniums can also be attacked by such pests. leading
to the possible death of a plant like:

• Aphid, due to which geranium leaves fade and appear on them
пятнышки небольших dimensions. Bottom, on the plate leaflet
insects of gray-green color, which quickly
размножаются и вытягивают все соки из листьев geraniums

• The whitefly is also a very dangerous pest that
feeds on plant juices and gradually, if not to take action
leads to the death of the plant.

These and other pests can be eradicated by spraying the plant.
специальными средствами, неопасными для самой geraniums

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