Gel Polish: the types and features of “wearing”

Gel Polish: the types and features of

You can imagine a modern fashionista without
manicure? Of course not. Any woman caring for herself.
pays special attention to their pens. Plain nail polish long
out of fashion, as quickly loses its appearance and brilliance. AT
What is the advantage of gel polish? How to operate this
coating? Let’s figure it out.


What is gel polish?

ATся нейл-индустрия перевернулась с ног на голову после появления
gel polish. ATедь такое покрытие может держаться на ногтях в среднем
2-3 weeks. And some women of fashion manage not to go on correction
for 4-5 weeks.

Naturally, exceed the recommended terms of “wearing”
artificial coating is not worth it, otherwise you risk to rip off the nail,
or degrade its structure.

Gel Polish is a duet of ordinary nail polish with a special
strong gel. Manufacturers of a company advise to do
regular correction of nails, the time between which varies from 2 to
4 weeks.

Some people call gel polish shellac, in fact, this one
and also, just the very first bottle of hybrid was called shellac


Of course, gel polish “behaves” better on nails than polish.
Consider a few of the main advantages of this coating:

  • Гель-лак легче наносить, так как он не сохнет
    on the air and makes it possible to carefully paint the nail
  • С помощью искусственного покрытия можно добавить
    ноготку толщину
  • Гель-лак не стирается при незначительном механическом и
    химическом воздействии
  • Does not lose shine.
  • Цвета гель-лака можно смешивать между собой
    for receiving secondary and tertiary shades.

Housewives around the world are happy with this invention, because now they
can calmly wash dishes, do wet cleaning, and their
manicure will remain flawless.


Gel polish coating involves applying three components:
bases (bases), color gel-varnish and topcoat (top).
However, you can find substances that combine the functions
all listed coatings. To begin, consider the three mandatory
gel nail polish component:

  • Основа или база — это прозрачная или
    camouflage liquid with which you can strengthen and
    align the surface of the nail plate. Also the base helps
    protect the nail from the effects of bright color coating.
  • Финишное покрытие или топ — это прозрачная
    liquid, which during polymerization can become glossy or
    matte. Some people call it a top fixer, which is quite
    rightly, because it helps to keep firmly
    artificial turf. After drying the finish leaves sticky
    dispersion layer, which must be wiped off with a degreaser.
    You can meet the finish without residual stickiness.

Gel polishes are distinguished by the method of applying the following

  • Single phase gel polishes. Assume one phase
    applying an artificial coating. They consist of several
    compositions and perform the functions of gel varnish, base and finishing
    cover. Single phase gel polish is applied in several layers, and in
    depending on pigmentation, you need to control the thickness of such
    layers. Too thick layer does not “dry out” in the lamp, but too
    thin can “bounce” from the edges of the nail plate.
  • Two-phase gel polishes. Consist of color
    cover and base or finish. For long socks it is important to add
    missing third layer.
  • Трехфазные гель-лаки. Most popular view
    искусственного cover. Apply such a manicure in 3 stages, first
    the base, then the standard three-phase gel polish, and on top all
    fixed finish. This version of the manicure is different
    стойкостью cover.

For additional protection of an artificial covering of the neyl-master
applied to “seal” the end of the nail with one layer of color and
finish line

Features of “wearing” gel polish

The durability of a manicure depends not only on the quality of the coating,
but also from yourself.

The nail master must cut off the cuticle perfectly;
rollers and free edge.

Also carefully prepare a natural nail. At first
produce light sawdust, in order to get rid of the glossy layer, then
degrease the nail, apply the primer and proceed to the coating.

ATо время маникюра нельзя касаться чего-либо поверхностью ногтей,
So as not to erase a layer of degreaser. If there are persistent
detachment in the cuticle area, then there is a reason for its cleaning,
it is important to thoroughly remove horny tissue. Chips from the butt occur
most often with insufficient “sealing” of the free edge, and
also in the case of very thin nails.

Chips can be easily avoided by using little known
life hacking

First you need to turn the palm to gain access to the free
the edge of the nail. ATооружившись фрезером и керамической фрезой необходимо
cut down the free edge of the natural nail, while not touching
искусственного cover. Thus, there will be nothing to chop off.
the end face will be only artificial material. To complete
confidence you can cover the inside of the nail finish.

If you have no questions to the technology of application
gel polish, it is worth turning attention to your health and image
of life. Often, hormonal failures provoke chips and detachments
gel polish.

Due to the disease of the nail plate gel polish can exfoliate
entirely from the entire nail. Every woman can spoil her manicure.
if it breaks the integrity of the “sealed” end, so do not
self-file and cut off the free edge of the marigold.

There is a myth that immediately after applying the gel varnish
покрытия,  ногтям нельзя контактировать с горячей водой. On
in fact, it is not.

Of course, very hot water is harmful for artificial turf,
but a comfortable body temperature cannot harm your
manicure. Excessive UV contact may
distort the color of the gel polish, but the term of the socks does not affect, therefore
no need to wear gloves on the beach.

With beautiful nails woman feels
more confident and attractive, so you need to pamper yourself and
enjoy the achievements of modern day care

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