Garden Hibiscus: the correct fit and competentcare, photo. Why is hibiscus a flower of death, does it bringmisfortune?

Вт, 24 май 2016 Автор: Дарья Головина

Hibiscus garden is a shrub or tree with
large dark green leaves and huge single flowers
different colors.

This plant is great for decorating any
home plot.

In Russia, it is grown in areas with a temperate climate, but better
in all, he takes root in the southern latitudes, where he can be met

In the taiga zone hibiscus garden is much less common, because
there it requires more thorough care, including winter

The most popular species in our country is Hibiscus.
Syrian (or Chinese rose), widespread
because of its frost resistance.


Hibiscus garden: planting, choice of variety

Hibiscus species (Syrian and Hybrid) are different.
life form. Syrian hibiscus is a tree, and hybrid
Hibiscus is a perennial herb, with a hybrid
Hibiscus is not so popular among Russian gardeners. Hibiscus garden
has a huge number of varieties, the most famous of them

• Alicante – a tree with large leaves and simple
red flowers.

• Vayelit Ilar Double – is a shrub with
upright skeletal shoots. The flowers have terry purple
or blue with red base petals.

• Pink Giant – has large pink flowers, purple in
the middle.

• Carneus Plenus – shrub with pale pink flowers with scarlet

• Diana – flowers snow-white in corrugated edge.

• Anrara – different simple yellow flowers that have scarlet
the core.

• Rose – flowers are large, terry, saturated pink

• Flamingo – has pink flowers with a red center.

Garden hibiscus is planted with seeds or

Чтобы вырастить растение из семени, нужно после
complete prosperity to collect from the plant boxes and extract

In winter, the seeds should be soaked for a day in a warm solution.
potassium permanganate (for disinfection). Then you need to prepare the ground.
To do this, mix sand with peat in equal shares,
mix and put on the resulting substrate hibiscus seeds, not
powdered. It is necessary to cover the container with cellophane seeds and put in
warm place. When shoots appear, you need to air them and
spray. When the third leaf is revealed, the plant can
transplanted into a separate pot, adding humus there.

With посадке взрослыми саженцами нужно подобрать
well lit place, protected from strong winds. Also
It should be noted that hibiscus prefers soils, the reaction of which
slightly shifted to the acid side. To increase the acidity
Substrate and improved aeration in the future in the fall should
dig the soil by adding peat and sand, a bit of wood
bark. Planting hibiscus in open ground is made in the spring, in
March or April (depending on latitude). For this you need
dig a hole so that it is larger in size than
which grows a sapling. 5 liters of water should be poured into the pit to
moisten the soil. When water is absorbed, you need to lay on the bottom
charcoal drainage, set the hibiscus upright and
lower the roots of the plant in the hole, cover it with earth.

Hibiscus garden: уход (фото)

Gardening hibiscus – not burdensome, he
includes loosening the soil, watering, pruning shoots and
periodic feeding. Starting in early spring, the soil around
plants should be loosened 2 times a month (more often), while
removing weeds. The life of the hibiscus flower is short-lived, but
it blooms splendidly, so you need to remove ottsvetyshie flowers.

In the hot season, garden hibiscus needs intense
watering, which is done when the soil is dry after
previous irrigation. For dry summers you need to water hibiscus.

To give the plant a beautiful shape and prevent thickening
shoots, hibiscus will have to prune annually. Pruning done
in early spring, when the plant has not yet entered the vegetation phase. For
tree formation is necessary in the first year of life pruned
lateral branches, leaving 2-3 buds, and the trunk unchanged.
In the second year and beyond, side shoots are pruned to 2 buds. Also
care for garden hibiscus involves sanitary pruning:
removal of unviable branches and shoots growing inside the crown.
Also производится подрезка прошлогодних побегов на 1/3 ид длины –
This stimulates the establishment of new flower buds. Before and after trimming
The proportion of shoots must match the photo.

Hibiscus garden: подкормки

In the warm regions of the country hibiscus garden blooms from June to
September. To intensify the flowering plants, you need time
apply fertilizer and fertilizer. Hibiscus responds well to
potash fertilizer and is naughty if gets a lot of phosphorus
(therefore its content in the top dressing should be minimal).
You need to feed 2 times a month, and not only by
root system, but also through the leaves. For корневого питания можно
use liquid fertilizer “Aquamarine flower”, which in addition to
potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen contains a set of mineral elements,
necessary plant. For удобрения посредством опрыскивания хорошо
fit “Lignohumate BM Potash”. These fertilizers are used in
proportions indicated on the instructions.

Also 1-2 раза в месяц гибискус можно подкормить натуральным
organic fertilizer: for this you need to take half a bucket of manure,
fill it with water by adding one glass of wood sols and 0.5 cups
superphosphate. This mixture is infused for 14 days, after which
filtered and bottled in storage tanks. With
using the resulting liquid is diluted with water in proportion

Hibiscus garden: вредители и болезни (фото)

Garden hibiscus is a fairly stable plant, and
proper care it rarely gets sick. But sometimes you can see on
plant the following diseases and pests that their

Хлороз листьев. Manifested in yellowing
leaves, as in the photo, and their subsequent shedding. Withчиной такого
phenomena may be alkaline soil reaction, as well as lack of
trace elements iron and magnesium. To increase the acidity of the substrate
by adding peat to make up for the shortage
microelements, you need to choose the right feeding.

Тля. Sometimes the leaves of the plant start to turn yellow, and
Buds do not bloom and fall. Withглядевшись, можно обнаружить
on hibiscus small black insects, as in the photo.

For борьбы с тлёй подойдут многократные опрыскивания препаратами
Fitoverma, Decis, Aktellika.

Паутинный клещ. If hibiscus leaves start
dry up and curl up to form a white fluffy bloom, then
to blame the spider mite. Especially comfortable he feels in
warm weather with excessive humidity. For борьбы
It is recommended to wipe the leaves with saturated soapy water. More
radical means – “Lightning”, “Akarin”, “Fitoverm” and “Vertimek”,
which should be applied, guided by the instructions.

Щитовки. Cause folding and subsidence
foliage. Shchitovok can be seen in the form of brown spots on the shoots
hibiscus. For борьбы подойдёт “Актеллик”, 1,5 мл которого
dissolved in 1 liter of water and sprayed the plant.

Червецы. Cluster around the veins on the face
side of the leaf and feed on vegetable juices. For борьбы с ними
well suited mineral oil, which is treated places
clusters of scutes. Fat film limits pests access to
oxygen – and they die. This procedure should be carried out in
shade, avoiding direct sunlight.

Why hibiscus is a flower of death

This belief comes from China. There it is believed that
the late blooming of hibiscus foreshadows the death of its owner
or someone from his relatives.

The Chinese believe that in order to avoid trouble you need to burn the flower after
his blooming. But these superstitions in the modern scientific world are not
find no confirmation, and untimely flowering
the plants and the subsequent death of his master are regarded as
matches that are not related to each other.

More того, учёные считают гибискус полезным цветков, ведь он
emit phytoncides, thereby healing the air.

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