Garden flowers care: autumn transplantingirises Varieties of popular varieties of irises and features of their transplantationautumn (photo)

Вт, 27 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Each grower wants to diversify a flower bed, make it brighter.

Such simple and elegant flowers as irises come to the rescue.

Iris blossoms begin in early spring, immediately after daffodils
and primrose

Once the plant is planted, the florist is faced with the need

How to hold it and in what time to irises again
pleased with bright flowering? This will be discussed below.


When a transplant is needed

Hybrid varieties of irises grow quickly and can not do for a long time
без transplants. At one place they can grow no more than 5 years.
If you do not transplant in time, the bush will grow much,
young shoots will interfere with each other, the flowers will become smaller.
The supply of nutrients in the soil will decrease dramatically, leading to
gradual degeneration of the plant.

The roots of the iris are so arranged that every year they build up new
tubers, gradually all the space between them is overgrown, and the excess
the roots bulge out of the ground. For several years in the center of the bush is formed
deepening, and on the sides everything is overgrown with roots.

Experienced gardeners advise transplanting adult plants.
dividing the rhizome into several parts. As a rule, replant
Flowers need late summer or early autumn. If with a transfer
tighten, then the plants do not have time to settle down before the frost, and in the winter
period will perish.

How to transplant irises in all the rules (photo)

The plant must be prepared for transplantation. For this all
subcortex must be completed in early August. Before
the procedure, all the old leaves are cut to a height of about 10

1. Transplant should be done carefully. The bush is dug out with a lump
land, trying not to damage the roots.

2. Adult shrub is divided into several plots of two or three

3. Prepared tubers need preplant treatment.
The material is kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for about 15 minutes.

4. After drying, the tubers are ready for planting.

Planting is carried out in a pre-prepared soil.

Important! With the right transplant
Irises will bloom next spring. Plants grown from seed,
I bloom only in the third year after planting.

Preparation of soil for transplanting irises

A place for transplanting irises choose sunny, without stagnation.
groundwater. The area where the water level is close to
поверхности грунта, совсем не для выращивания irises Such
Locally, the roots are often affected by rot and die.

A suitable area is dug up with the addition of humus and
compost. You can also make a few glasses under the digging
wood ash and superphosphate. Sand is brought into the heavy soil,
which greatly improves its composition.

After loosening the soil, it is watered abundantly, then covered.
film. Landing is carried out in a few days.

Planting irises in the ground (photo)

Rootstocks do well with a margin, so that the landing
material fit well in them. At the bottom of the hole arrange drainage,
poured river sand. Rhizomes are laid in the hole and straighten
the roots. At the same time, larger roots are closer to
surfaces, and only the roots of the tubers are added dropwise.

Irises grow very quickly, so you need to leave enough
distances for plant development and preservation of aesthetic appearance.
Experienced gardeners advise to plant tubers at a distance of up to 25
cm. После посадки делянку хорошо поливают и мульчируют торфом,
sawdust or just ground.

Errors florist when transplanting irises

1. Novices in floriculture transplant irises in early spring. But
this can not be done. Spring weather is not yet steady, there is a risk
recurrent frosts, heavy precipitation, and this is negative
affects the status of still unrooted plants.

2. It is not allowed to grow irises in poorly lit places.
They love the sun and warmth. Without the necessary flowering conditions can not
to wait.

3. Some growers forget to mulch the soil after
Iris transplants, and this is unacceptable. If the transplant was carried out in
late fall, then mulch is needed. The rhizomes themselves are well tolerated
frosts, but flower buds can die. With the arrival of spring
the mulch material is removed.

How to prolong the bloom of irises

To achieve abundant and prolonged blooming of irises,
transplanted last year can be with the help of fertilizers. Early
in the spring during the budding period, you need to feed several plants

The first dressing is carried out with granulated fertilizers, which
pour under each bush. Such fertilizers dissolve well with
precipitation, delivering all the necessary substances to the roots.

Each gardener seeks to decorate a flower bed so that the irises will delight
яркими красками нужно придерживаться всех правил transplants.

Important! After transplantation should be abandoned
from manure as a fertilizer.

How to transplant bezborodye irises

Irises are divided into several species. Bearded irises are transplanted
according to the methods described above, but moisture-loving varieties are transplanted differently.
These varieties include:

• Siberian iris;

• bristly iris;

• multicolored iris;

• iris smooth.

Planting of such tubers is carried out deeper than usual. Rhizomes
buried, sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. Dry such
varieties after disinfection is not necessary. Keep rhizomes up to
the moment of planting is necessary in moist sphagnum.

The most popular varieties of irises with photos

Хелен Коллингвуд — разновидность двухцветных
бородатых irises Upper petals are white and lower
– dark, velvety. The beard of irises is colored yellow.
The height of the peduncle reaches 1 meter. The flowering of this variety begins
late, the bush is rapidly increasing in size.

Уиннерс Секл — одноцветный бородатый ирис.
The color of the petals is dark purple with white patches near the barb.
Petals slightly corrugated, velvety. Peduncle height
достигает 80 cm. Цветение начинается очень рано. Gardeners love
this variety for long flowering.

Сибирский ирис — цветок не имеет запаха.
Coloring is very diverse. New varieties are derived with whites,
lavender and yellow petals.

• Snow Queen;

• Betts and Shuga.

Ирис Альберта — высокорослый сорт без запаха.
Peduncle height до 60 cm. На одном кусте расцветает от 3 до 7
buds. Petal color is purple, sometimes white. Plant blooms
in the end of May. Rhizomes этой разновидности хорошо переносят зиму и
resistant to disease.

Аркадий Райкин — сорт получил сове название в
the honor of a famous actor. Peduncles of this variety reach 1 meter
heights. На одном кусте образуется до 7 buds. The flower is large,
more than 13 cm in diameter. Flower shares painted in nice pink
shade. The inner petals are corrugated, and the outer ones are drooping.
This grade differs in special resistant aroma.

Золото Канады — цветоносы этого сорта достигают
90 cm. Цветы золотисто-желтого цвета с выраженной оранжевой
little beard. Aroma steady. Iris blooms profusely and
for a long time.

Gardeners love irises for their beauty. Often plants are called
garden orchids. They are distinguished by their elegance and variety.

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