Garden callas: planting and care in the open field.Distillation of callas at home, care for flowers, dressing

Чт, 09 мар 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Surely every gardener ever met callas, which
grown as a pot plant.

Few thought that you can plant callas in
garden, the main thing is to provide them with proper care.


How to grow callas in the open field

During flowering calla are pretty beautiful. Every peduncle lives
throughout the month.

If you decide to grow calla, give enough for them.
places. Plants prefer open glades, but in daytime heat
need saving shadow. Well, if the next shrubs grow
or trees.

The soil for growing callas is fertile. Poor
composition of the land is enriched with humus and peat. Before planting the ground
necessarily drain as the plants do not tolerate stagnant moisture in

Among other things, calla has its own characteristics,
which need to be considered when landing:

• rhizomes are planted shallow, barely sprinkled with earth to
avoid rotting;

• sprouts appear only in a month, callas grow long
root system;

• Tubers plants are quite fragile, you need to handle them

Growing calla lilies in central Russia is easy, but for the winter
Tubers must be dug and stored in a cold place.

How to plant callas in the garden (photo)

In the open ground, the tubers of the plant are planted in the spring, when it passes
threat of frost. Autumn planting is not provided.

As a rule, callas are planted in the middle of May, previously
preparing tubers.

1. • Planting material is kept in a solution of potassium permanganate in
for 30 minutes.

2. • Tubers dry and cut out all affected areas, seizing
healthy tissue.

3. • All slices are processed with green paint.

Pickled tubers are planted in the garden, which
pre-dug up with mineral fertilizers. Depth
seeding of tubers about 5-10 cm. Larger onions are added dropwise
deeper, and smaller ones are located practically on the surface of the ground.
The distance between the plants in the flowerbed make from 30 to 40 cm.

After planting Calla, have patience. Remember that plant
long does not rise until a good root system is formed.
All this time, no need to water the garden, it will be enough moisture
which remained after landing.

There is another way of planting callas, which often
used by gardeners. In mid-March, the tubers are planted in
saucers and well watered. Any flower primer that
sold in stores. A month before planting on a bed
pots take out to the street for hardening. Transplant callas together
with earth lump, method of transshipment.

How to care for calla in open field

Care for callae does not cause worries. Everything that plants need –
watering and loose soil.

Water the flowers moderately, but regularly. During the dry period watering
increase. In addition, after each watering the soil around the bush
carefully loosening, trying not to damage the roots.

Fertilize callas only if the soil is on the plot
poor Mineral fertilizers are suitable for dressings, with a solution
who water the flowers once a month. If at landing the wells were
fertilized with fertilizers, it is not necessary to feed callae
need to.

Rest period

In Russia, callas are grown as an annual plant, so
how harsh winters they can not stand. Therefore, every autumn tubers
dig and store until planting.

After flowering, the tubers are removed from the ground, washed well and
dried in a ventilated area. The leaves while trying
do not remove, because during this period nutrients are lowered in
tubers. Dried tubers for about 1.5 weeks, until the leaves themselves
высохнут и не отделятся от roots.

After 10-15 days, the tubers inspect, remove damaged or
sick. The rest of them cut small roots so that the tubers do not
began to germinate ahead of time. If formed
babies, they are left with the mother plant, not

Store the bulbs in a cool place where the temperature is not
rises above + 7C. If this condition is not met, then about flowering
Callas can be forgotten. Many gardeners store tubers in the basement
indoors, but it should be dry. It is very important to follow
humidity so that the plants do not start growing or not
began to rot. Inspect tubers regularly, select

You can store rhizomes in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
Each tuber is previously wrapped in paper and placed in
package. The duration of the rest period is from 1.5 to 2 months.

Calla reproduction

Callas breed by children, which are formed on the roots
uterine plant. They are carefully separated from the tubers and grown in
pot or in the garden.

On one tuber can form up to 30 children. They are separated and
placed in bowls with loose soil. Depth заделки деток — 5-6 см.
Use nutrient soil, which is pre-mixed with
mineral fertilizers.

After germination, the nodules are seated at a distance of 6-7
see from each other. In the room where they are grown callas support
temperature at 15-17 degrees. Care for young callas
as well as for adult plants. Kids regularly but
gradually watered, loosen the soil in the pot.

As soon as the callas grow up and release the second leaf, the plants
fed complex fertilizers. In their composition necessarily
must be nitrogen and potassium. The frequency of feeding – 1 time per month. The first
year young plants are grown in indoor conditions without a period
rest, and next summer the tubers are transferred to the standard scheme.

What kind of calla plant on the site (photos of varieties)

Only three species are involved in breeding new varieties.

• Ethiopian;

• Remanna;

• Eliotta.

Ethiopian calla is a large rhizome plant that does not have
bulbs. The height of the peduncle of this plant reaches 1 meter.
Ethiopian calla prefers moist soils of a pronounced period
She has no peace, leaves are not shedding. Among this species
The following varieties are most popular:

• Green Goddess – plant height about 90 cm, bedspread
green tint;

• Pearls are a stunted variety that is convenient to grow.
in pots;

• Nikolay – a coverlet of green color, large, with a diameter up to 12
cm, the height of the peduncle to 1.5 meters.

Calla Remann – plant height barely reaches 70 cm. Bedspread
peduncle pale pink with a lilac shade. Underground
the part is represented by a tuber that resembles gloxinia tuber.
Calla sheds leaves, a period is needed for regular flowering
rest. Popular varieties:

• Evening – a cover of a black and lilac shade;

• Indian summer – garnet veil;

• Chameleon – a peach-colored flower bed cover with
golden iridescent.

Calla Eliot is a large yellow flower bed.
Plant height about 50 cm, the leaves are large, heart-shaped with
speckles. Varieties:

• Vermeer – dark-cherry wavy flower stalk

• Yellow corner – bright plants, leaves with yellow

• Black-eyed beauty – lemon-colored bedspread, leaves

Other species of callas growing in the wild are not suitable for
garden cultivation.

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