Funny and crime news Russians lovemost

Вт, 09 фев 2016 Автор: Валентин Новиков

What is nothing written in Russian newspapers and magazines, trying
to attract the audience, about what they say, and loved by all
The Internet is generally a storehouse of knowledge and news on various topics.
Interested in what messages attract women more
population of Russia, the portal “Women’s opinion” held a sociological
survey on the topic: “What news in the media do you like to read more

27.2% of respondents like to read funny and funny news
�”from life”. This fact proves once again that women’s everyday life
so monotonous and sad that I want to raise my own
mood at least fun, humorous everyday stories.
Laughter, as you know, is the most effective medicine for the blues.

22.6% answered that they adore “Criminal News”. Do not hurry
condemn these ladies and consider them cruel and bloodthirsty. At the very
According to psychologists, Russian women are not attracted to scenes.
violence, and the ability to empathize with victims of crime. Here,
For example, one of the women said: “I just looked at
TV, how they stole a dog and demanded a ransom for it in the amount of 300
thousand rubles. The owners have prepared the money and wanted to give. Person,
who knew this family well, decided to capitalize on the feelings of the child
to this dog. How I felt sorry for them all: the child and
adults and a dog. It’s good that they found the criminal on time. ”

18.6% of the fair sex are interested in “News
medicine and health. ” This is not surprising, since
Every sane person should be careful with his
health, and the health of people close to him.

16.8% of the female population of Russia closely monitor
�”News of culture, art and show business”. According to the survey,
Mostly this Russians, keen on cinema, theater,
stage and painting. News gossip about the representatives of show business
our women are less and less interested.

15% of Russian respondents prefer all news
�”Political news”. The most interesting thing is that these women are not
it’s always enough just to be aware of political news, but
I also want to compare different sources of information. �“I read
political news. As a rule, I read about some events on
Russian, I’m looking at how exactly our media cover a particular event and
what grade give. After that, I read about the same in English.
I compare the result, analyze it, ”she expressed her attitude to
political news one of the ladies surveyed.

Contrary to popular male opinion about women’s passion
only matters of fashion and the lives of stars, Russians are interested, in
first of all, crime news, funny cases from
everyday life and health problems.

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