French manicure – how to make a realservice jacket

Thu, Nov 03 2016


French manicure: history

Thank for the appearance of the French manicure need
Hollywood actresses. During the filming of the film, according to the plot of the picture
had to dress up several times a day.
Accordingly, each time to alter the manicure under the style or color
new suit. As much as women like to direct beauty, and
change the image, but it also bothers and tires, if repeated
too often. In addition, it was necessary to additionally pay for work
stylists, as well as increase the duration of the shooting day,
which meant additional financial expenses. One day this
problem with the founder of the company ORLY, Jeff Pink, shared
familiar director. Pink promised to think, and did not disappoint. In 1976 them
a completely new collection of varnishes was released, designed to
special manicure. The nail plate was given a rectangular
shape with rounded edges. It was covered with pale pink or
solid color, and its tip, in the form of a flat strip – white lacquer.
Такой маникюр особенно полюбился французскthem моделям, которые с нthem
often went to the podium. Therefore, innovation and stuck
name – “French manicure”. For over 35 years he has been decorating his hands.
not only models and actresses, but ordinary women who also
appreciated it. Преthemущества французского маникюра
lie in its versatility. Not only does it fit more
parts of clothing, but also appropriate in any setting – like on a working
meeting, meeting, party, and on ordinary weekdays. is he
elegant, and at the same time strict, that is why business people love him so much
lady. Французский маникюр themеет еще одно название — «service jacket».
Which comes from the English word French, which translates as

Varieties of french manicure

Французский маникюр, или service jacket, является самым распространенным
nail design, both natural and overhead. is he не выходит из
fashion, changing only its varieties. is he может быть классический,
цветной, фан-service jacket, лунный, геометрический и т.д. French can
differ in the color of the varnish, the decor, the shape of the nail, but remains
one thing unchanged – on the main part of the nail plate is applied
color or light lacquer, and the tip of the nail is decorated, decorated
pattern or colored contrasting color scheme. one.
Классический service jacket. This “eternal” mod is not
changed since its inception: light pink or beige nail
plate, with a white stripe affixed to the tip. Is an
at the same time natural, at the same time elegant manicure. Nails
look well maintained and natural.

2 Цветной service jacket. For drawing use two
types of varnish, often contrasting. Однthem цветом покрывают ноготь, другthem
its edge. The most popular combinations are lilac with silver,
purple or blue with gold, green with red, white with black
(moreover, the tips are highlighted in black). Цветной маникюр themеет
несколько разновидностей, наиболее известные — service jacket- миллениум и
арт-service jacket.

Френч-миллениум. On the regrown part of the nail, instead
Kohler, impose micro-powder, shiny varnishes, glitter, and other
small items that shine. is heи должны наноситься плотным
layer so that the nail does not shine through.

Арт-service jacket. The free edge of the nail decorate beautiful
pattern or pattern that is applied using a stencil.
Additionally, a brush draw different polskoski, peas,
original ornaments.

Лунный service jacket. Иногда еще его называют — «service jacket
on the contrary. ” Белым, золотистым или другthem контрастным цветом
cover the edge of the nail located at the base. Varnish is applied in the form of
thin line crescent. Fashionistas appreciated the convenience of this design –
as the nail root grows, it is tinted, increasing in
width stripes.

Фан-service jacket. It is made on extended nails. Of
of all kinds, this is the most original and beautiful manicure. Free
the edge of the nail is decorated with rhinestones, beads, foil, acrylic,
feathers, lace. Smile line does not necessarily make
classic shape. is heа может идти по диагонали, уголком, быть

Ways to apply French manicure

Существует два основных варианта нанесения service jacketа, которые
differ in the way of highlighting the edge of the nail, passing along the line
smiles: – it is designated whitening from the back side with
special pencil; – put a white varnish on a nail plate.
In this case, the smile line is drawn by hand or with the help of
templates, stencils.

How to make a classic French manicure at home

French manicure is quite realistic to do yourself, not
visiting the salon. Тем более, что в продаже themеются инструменты для
service jacketа и вспомогательные принадлежности. While there is no skill,
perform a manicure better with the application on the nail plate
stencils. one. Как и любой маникюр, service jacket следует начинать со
removing the old coating, removing it with a special liquid, which
снthemают лак. Having wetted a cotton swab in it, it is necessary to wipe it.
nail from the back side (regrown edge).

2 To give the nail the right the shape is cut to the desired
lengths and file, rounding the ends.

3 Далее следует размягчить кутикулу. Hands immersed in warm water,
where add emollient. In five minutes, dry
after wiping the skin, rub oil or moisturizer into cuticles. Still
after 5 minutes, move them away with a stick or spatula. Then hands
need to degrease by washing them with soap and wipe the nail plate
special liquid (for removing nail polish). This processing method
кутикулы называют необрезным маникюром, или европейскthem. Him
used if the skin at the base of the nail is thin and tender, or when
blood vessels are located close to the surface. If cuticle
more rough, it can be removed in the traditional way – manicure

four. If a ногтевая пластина неровная, для гладкости, ее покрывают
leveling liquid and allowed to dry. Or polished special
nail file. The preparatory stage is over, then proceed
directly to the French manicure.

five. Необходthemо определить полоску, которая будет покрыта белым
varnish. Its border is easily delineated with sticky stickers.
stencils that stick on a natural bend, tight
прижthemая к ногтевой пластине. Next, the free edge of the nail stained
белым varnish. Allow to dry completely. Трафареты снthemают. If a
white lacquer lay unevenly, smudges are removed with a cotton swab, which
moistened with nail polish remover.

6 Затем ноготь по всей длине покрывают выбранным лаком —
colorless, solid or light pink. In one or two layers.
Complete the manicure with the application of the fixer. is he придает ногтям блеск и
for a longer period allows you to save the effect of “fresh manicure”.

French manicure: novelties of 2013

Every year new designs are added to the French manicure design.
elements – changing the length, color, shape of the nails. 2013 did not
the exception. Стилисты в этом году советуют обратить внthemание на
following details.

Color varnish. In a fashion of naturalness. Therefore, the nail plate
covered with beige or solid lacquer, the transparency of which can
be different. But on the edge not only white is applied, but also
multi-colored varnishes – green, brown, burgundy. Very fashionable
�”Metallic” varnish, so the edge can be covered with gold,
silver, copper. Остается в моде и лунный service jacket, особенно, если
striped crescent make shiny.

The shape of the nails. 2013 favors lovers oval or
almond-shaped contour. It is this form at the peak of popularity.
Those who do not want to part with a square strip, designers
offer to leave your favorite shape, but advised to smooth
corners by sawing. Then you will also keep up with the times.


Ирэн 031one.2016 Хочу такой маникюр!!! I have already signed up for tomorrow
своей маникюрше :) Машуня 031one.2016 Слов нет, статья просто
super!!!! Alexandra 10/28/2016 How beautiful everything is! Kuzko 09/28/2016
суппеерр Е-е 08.062016 О да какая необычайно инетрнесная статья,
how useful, I’m just food with delight! wonder article
new materials, the insightful discovery of a new manicure, o
This is a dedication to us in the latest trends of the season, which is the most interesting
article, thank you, thank you, I run to my super manicure first
class, print and show, let me do it too. Wow!
IIIuu !!!

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