French diet

The essence of the classic French diet comes down to the fact that
calorie intake is reduced to 1500 kcal per day due to fat
and carbohydrates. As a result, the body takes fat from its reserves and
man loses weight.

Observing the French diet is allowed in unlimited
amounts to drink boiled and mineral water, however prohibited
juices. The diet is designed for at least 14 days, and weight loss
guaranteed only with strict observance of the prescribed diet.
French diet не учитывает индивидуальные энергетические
human needs.

Products recommended for the French diet: lean meat and
meat products, lean fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and herbs, tea and
coffee, crackers. Prohibited foods: salt, sugar and pastry
products, bread and flour products, alcohol.

Here is a sample menu for the week for the French diet:

1st day Breakfast: a cup of black coffee. Lunch: 2 boiled eggs,
leaf lettuce, 1 tomato Dinner: a small piece of low-fat boiled
meat, leaf lettuce.

2nd day Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, crackers. Lunch: a piece
boiled meat. Dinner: ham or boiled sausage without fat, sheet

3rd day Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, crackers. Lunch: carrots
(fried in vegetable oil), tomato, mandarin or orange.
Ужин: два вареных яйца, нежирная колбаса, листовой salad.

4th day Breakfast: a cup of black coffee, crackers. Lunch: 1 boiled
egg, fresh carrots, 2-3 slices of cheese. Supper: fruit salad,
a glass of kefir.

5th day Breakfast: grated carrots with lemon juice Lunch: portion
boiled fish, 1 tomato. Ужин: кусок boiled meat.

6th day Breakfast: a cup of black coffee Lunch: a portion of boiled
курицы, листовой salad. Ужин: кусок boiled meat.

7th day Breakfast: a glass of tea. Lunch: a portion of boiled meat,
fruits. Dinner: low-fat ham or sausage (2-3 pieces)

From the second week the menu is repeated. Good luck!

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