Free relationship

Free relationship
Sun, Jan 26, 2014

Free relationship считаются модной тенденцией современного
of the world. This is especially true for young couples who crave
novelty, trying to get rid of boredom and do not want to lose their

But are such relationships acceptable in family life? Can they
make both partners happy?

Free relationship — это отношения, где мужчина и женщина
agree that they will not make claims against each other,
jealous, reproach, demand (“You are mine, but you can do everything that
want to “).

On the one hand, you understand that this is great. Do you have a partner
(husband), but you do not need to change your lifestyle, report to
him and deny friends in the gatherings. Nice to know that
they trust you, allow you to live as you wish, and do not limit

But the other side is not so bright, because you need to let
similar freedom to partner. This is where feelings begin
property and vanity. You can say, “Honey, have fun,
as you want! Flirt if you feel like it! ” But deep down
jealousy and fear will torment you.

Pros of a free relationship

  • Untidiness. Each of the partners subconsciously
    understands that relationships can be broken at any time and this fact
    does not burden.
  • No dependency. Such relationships imply
    exclusion of jealousy, resentment, claims and recriminations.

All these advantages are good in relation to themselves. But beloved
man subconsciously wants to keep on a short leash.

Cons of such a relationship

  • Great opportunity to lose a partner. Free
    relationships provide the opportunity to flirt. Where is flirting –
    possible sex. Where there is sex – a new love is possible.
  • Short life. Sooner or later one of the partners
    want more, and the other can not give it.
  • Moral norms. Hard to overcome and genetic
    inherent feelings of ownership, jealousy. Free relationship все
    still condemned by society and require psychological
  • Stress. No matter what the partners agree on
    freedom in the relationship, sooner or later appear understatement,
    mutual reproaches, discontent and, as a result, stressful
    states. Especially if the partner uses the provided
    freedom to the fullest, but you are not.

According to statistics, free relations offer more modern
women. They want to make a career, enjoy life, have
partner (husband), but not limited to the walls of the house and family. Men
willingly support this idea. They are very pleased to feel
free, having an official partner (wife) who is not
makes no demands. But when it comes to a woman,
man begins to reflect on the values ​​of life, female
mission and can not so easily give freedom to their
sweetheart. It turns out: he can, but she can not (well, if only
a little bit). In such situations, loose relationships lose their
meaning. One of the partners (often a man) wants in this way
cover your desire to “go left”, not allowing the same
to the woman.

At first, all open relationships are built on mutual respect,
arrangements and prioritization of partners, but gradually they
begin to bring discomfort. Most psychologists believe that
such relationships can not last long, because in each
man laid the natural instinct of ownership. Sooner or later
this instinct will manifest itself and conflicts cannot be avoided.

But open relationships often reinforce the union. How? Everything
simply. The forbidden fruit is sweeter. If the wife (husband) does not allow
partner freedom in the relationship, he wants to “sin” in order to
experience extreme emotions and adrenaline. But it is necessary to install
open relationships, as all entertainment loses its appeal –
because they become available.

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