Forsythia: planting and growing “sunfountain “. Forsythia care – watering, feeding, pruning

Пт, 09 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Forsythia (forsythia) is a plant from the Maslin family.

It is wonderful because it begins to bloom in early spring, when
other plants are just beginning to “wake up” after hibernation.
Forsythia is especially popular in Europe – its bright yellow blooming
Bushes are a great decoration of city streets.

Forsythia got its name from the name of Scottish botany
W. Forsythe, who first brought her to Europe from China.

Due to the unpretentiousness of Forsythia, it can easily be grown on
summer cottage, moreover, it is decorative not only in the spring. but also
in the autumn (its leaves acquire golden or purple-purple

The bushes in the “company” with conifers look especially impressive


Types and fortsytsiya varieties

Among the species forms of forsythia there are both dwarf forms, and
tree tall, reaching a height of 3 m, with straight and
drooping branches, green, yellow or variegated foliage.

For cultivation in the temperate climate zone
suitable for:

• European forsythia is one of the most winter-hardy species. AT
reaches a height of 2-3 m. It blooms with bright yellow flowers

• Forsythia Giralda – outwardly similar to the Forsythian European.
The flowers have a twisted form, abundantly cover the branches;

• forsythia ovoid – small sprawling shrub
(height up to 1.5 m). The most spectacular varieties: Tetragold, Goldsauber,
Dresdner Forfrueling, Spring Gloria;

• forsythia intermediate – upright shrub with sprawling
crown up to 3 m in height. ATид холодостоек (при укрытии выдерживает до
– 25 ° C). Popular varieties: Golden Time, Fiesta, Fensiflora,

More thermophilic and suitable for cultivation only
in the southern regions:

• greenest forsythia – shrub with powerful upright
branches. Blooms bright yellow with a greenish tint flowers,
1-3 pieces in the axils of the leaves;

• forsythia drooping or drooping – tree shrub,
reaching up to 3 m in height. It has a high decorative effect:
in the fall, its green foliage turns yellow or purple (in
depending on the variety).

Forsythia: landing

This shrub can be planted both in early spring and in autumn (before
onset of sustained frosts). Although forsythia is shade-tolerant, but
a place for her is better to pick up the sun and protected from the strong
winds. Soils prefers alkaline, permeable. If on
heavy clay soils, they are pre-drained and

The landing pit is dug 0,5h0,5h0,6 m. At the bottom make drainage
15-20 cm thick from coarse pebbles, crushed stone or broken brick. On
He poured a layer of coarse sand (10 cm), and on top of it a mixture of
leafy ground and peat (2: 1). AT каждую лунку добавляют по стакану
wood ash. After that, planted bushes and watered. AT
if the landing was carried out in the fall, then the land around
seedlings are mulched, and the plants themselves are covered with breathable

If you plan to plant forsythia in a row, then between the bushes
leave a distance of 1.5-2 m.

Forsythia: growing methods (photo)

ATыращивают форзицию в основном вегетативно (черенками и

AT средней климатической полосе форзицию выращивают в основном
summer cuttings. After the flowering of the bush (in June – early July)
choose green shoots with short internodes and cut them into
cuttings of about 15 cm each. The lower leaves break off, and the upper ones
shortened by half. For more reliable rooting cuttings
soaked in a solution of the root stimulator (root,
heteroauxin) in accordance with the instructions to the drug.
Prepared cuttings are planted in perlite or sand in a greenhouse.

In autumn (October) rooted lignified cuttings. Plant them
immediately into the ground to such a depth that 2-3 remain above the surface
the kidneys. So that the seedlings do not freeze in winter, they must be covered
a layer of dry leaves. ATесной укрытие убирают. By the fall, the survivors
seedlings transplanted to a permanent place.

Rooting cuttings forsythia

Forsythia is also grown with layering. For this after
end of flowering using lower young shoots. AT нескольких
places branches make cuts from the bottom side, bend shoots to
earth and pin them down. Onдрезанные места присыпают грунтом и
periodically moisturize. Rooted shoots next spring
separated from the parent bush and transplanted to a permanent place.
Young plants will bloom in a year.
Forsythia reproduction by layering

You can try to grow forsythia from seed, just have to
be patient – the process takes a long time. Besides
the percentage of germination of seeds of forsythia is quite low and is
35-50%. Seeds are harvested after they are fully ripe in the fall. AT конце
March they are put in boxes with nutrient soil, watered and put in
greenhouse or covered with glass. Periodically crops air and
moisturize. The first shoots appear in about a month. When
seedlings reach 4-5 cm in height, she dives into separate
pots. On следующий год молодые растеньица высаживают в открытый
priming. On зиму их укрывают 15-20 сантиметровым a layer of dry leaves.
Bushes bloom in 4-6 years.

Forsythia: care (photo)

Due to the unpretentiousness of forsythia, care for her is simple.

With sufficient rainfall in the summer, additional
watering forsythia is not required. AT засушливое лето этот кустарник
1-2 times a month water 10 liters of water for each adult bush.
Immediately after watering, the soil beneath the plants is loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm
to improve air access to the root system.

The forzition feed schedule includes three

• in the spring (after the snow melted) contribute organic
fertilizers (rotted manure or compost) under the pavement circle,
after this, water abundantly;

• mineral fertilizers are applied in April (60-70g / m2);

• after flowering (at this time the plant begins to lay
flower buds next year) shrubs are fed again
complex mineral fertilizer (for example, Kemira-Universal,
Agricola, Bona Forte and others.).

On заметку! Dry fertilizers are applied by
the contour of the crown of the bush – this will ensure maximum consumption
plant root system.

A mandatory component of forsythia care is
With the help of trimming the bush give the desired shape,
regulate the density and height of the crown. Sanitary pruning is carried out
annually. This removes the broken, dried, frozen in winter.

After flowering in adult bushes, branches are shortened

Once every 3-5 years spend rejuvenating pruning on old women
bushes. AT этом случае все ветки обрезают на высоту 4-6 см от уровня
land. This procedure activates the growth of new shoots.

Trimming forsythia

On зиму форзицию укрывают: приствольный круг засыпают сухими
leaves (layer 10 cm), branches bend down to the ground and cover
spruce branches.

Problems in the cultivation of forsythia

Forsythia is resistant to many diseases. Problems with her
cultivation occur when improper care for her.

If the plant looks stunted and faded, despite the abundant
watering, then, most likely, there was a problem with the roots – they rotted.
Forsythia does not tolerate overmoistening. AT этом случае следует
dig up a bush, examine the root system: cut rotten patches,
and the remaining living roots are sanitized in antifungal
drug (gamair, basement). The plant is transplanted to a new
a place.

Mass premature yellowing of forsythia leaves, and in
the consequence of the wilting bush, signals that the plant
affected by bacteriosis. On поперечном срезе ветки при этом видны
dark affected vessels. It is impossible to save the plant – its
need to uproot and burn.

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