Folk remedies for removing “black dots”

Beautiful can only be clean, smooth and fresh skin. TO
unfortunately unfavorable natural conditions polluted
the atmosphere of big cities and the general bad ecology as well
use of unsuitable or not very high-quality cosmetic
means leads to a change in skin condition. She becomes very
oily or too dry, irritation and rash appear, pores
sebaceous plugs expand and become clogged. So appear so
called black dots, or comedones.


What threatens the health and beauty of “black dots”

This is not just a cosmetic defect, although on the outside
The attractiveness of the skin is reflected negatively. TOаждая такая
�”Black dot” – a potential source of inflammation. If clogged
When an infection gets, it becomes inflamed and an abscess forms, which
may be a point or turn into a real disaster – acne
rash. TO тому же «черная точка» в так называемой Т-зоне очень опасна
the possibility of the occurrence of deeply infected vast
plots. There are a lot of small blood vessels, and infection
blood may be spread throughout the body, and this
faces serious consequences, including sepsis – infection

TOожа, покрытая большим количеством комедонов, имеет неопрятный
the look seems gray, thick and greasy. The most common “black dots”
occupy the nose, chin and forehead, much less often and in smaller
The quantities are found on the cheeks, as well as on the chest and back. Simple
scratching comedones will not do any good, only harm –
so get rid of unpleasant traces will not succeed, but
can easily achieve the occurrence of inflammation and the formation of gross
traces. Then output the effects of home experiments on your
appearance and health will be extremely difficult, the scars can remain on
all life.

Methods of dealing with “black dots”

To cope with unpleasant and unaesthetic “black
points, you need to approach their treatment in a complex.

TOомедоны образуются как следствие нескольких факторов:

  1. Increased greasiness of the skin.
  2. Enlarged pores.
  3. Insufficient cleansing.
  4. Abuse of fatty and heavy cosmetic products
    causing clogged pores.

For these reasons, the methods of dealing with points will be
the following actions:

  • Regular multistage skin cleaning.
  • The fight against high fat.
  • Mechanical cleaning pores.
  • Cleaning pores with masks.
  • Подсушивание и дезинфицирование воспаленных plots.
  • Discoloration of small black dots with special lotions.

Ways and means to narrow pores

Immediately I must say that the abuse of mechanical cleaning in
home conditions, especially when strict hygiene is not observed,
can cause inflammation and even acne, as well as
provoke persistent pore expansion. You can only clean
some areas after a good steaming or processing
special preparations that promote loosening of sebum
and easy removal of traffic jams.

At home, the easiest way to use two main
means for dealing with black dots – tonics and masks.

Tonics for cleaning and bleaching black dots

Dark and noticeable grease plugs in the pores are only in
the case if their “top” is oxidized by the action of oxygen and
stained with traces of cosmetics and dirt. Therefore, if
it will be possible to lighten traffic jams, they will be almost imperceptible on the skin
face and body. Especially well this method is suitable for people with narrow and
deep pores and thin dry skin. Mechanically
to clean these pores is almost impossible, it is very traumatic
skin, these people best to do ultrasonic cleaning in
beauty salon. At home, the beauty of the face can be maintained
special lotions and tonics.

There are many ready-made preparations that contribute to
skin lightening. They help to make comedones less noticeable.
Lightening drugs do not eliminate the problem itself, they only
mask and reduce. From home remedies can be recommended
wiping the face with a solution of lemon juice, natural vinegar,
old methods of washing with whey, masks from sour cream and
yogurt, as well as effective anti-aging and lightening wipe
skin dry white wine. This way our great-grandmother aristocrats
used to preserve the matte and whiteness of its fine and
delicate porcelain skin.

Acid-based tonics are more radical. At home
conditions can be applied with fruit acids,
glycolic and salicylic acid. Their use contributes to
elimination of hyperkeratosis, that is, increased horn formation,
which is often the basis for the emergence of sebaceous
traffic jams. TOислоты размягчают пробки и способствуют быстрой очистке
pores, also gently peel dead cells from the surface of the skin. Face
it becomes more fresh, the skin is rejuvenated and cleansed.

It is dangerous to use agents with acids during the period of active sun,
and in winter, after using them, the skin should be protected with special

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Scrubs and peels

If the skin is oily and porous, heavily polluted, some tonics
and lotions will not be enough. This is where scrubs come to the rescue.
peels These agents act mechanically, fine solid
particles removing the layer of dead cells and the contents of clogged pores,
and chemically, dissolving dead tissue and greasy plugs.

Home scrubs are most often made on the basis of salt or sugar,
ground coffee. For delicate skin, these products may be coarse,
therefore, use them with caution, do not be too
vigorously rub the skin. Good remedy for very polluted
ordinary baking soda can become greasy and porous skin. it
at the same time and a soft scrub, and degreasing agent. After soda
be sure to moisturize the face well, otherwise the skin may begin
peel off.

An example of a soft home peel is an apple mask.
Apple contains a low percentage of fruit acids that act
on the skin very gently, imperceptibly removing dirt and dead
cells. With regular use of such a mask, the skin is not only
brightens and becomes cleaner, but also effectively rejuvenated.

Homemade masks

One of the most effective and simple home masks from black
points is yeast. It deeply cleanses the skin, leaving it soft.
and gentle, without drying and peeling. Depending on skin type
ordinary baker’s yeast is diluted with milk to sour cream,
olive or any other oil, 3% hydrogen peroxide or
lemon juice solution. Adding peroxide and lemon enhances
whitening properties of the mask, however, it can dry the skin,
therefore it can only be recommended for very greasy, rough and
porous skin.

The mask is applied in several layers, avoiding the area around the eyes and
mouth Hold it for 20 minutes, soak it in water and gently wash it off.
cotton swab, trying not to stretch the skin. Masks need
apply a course, 2-3 times a week to obtain the desired effect.
They can be applied locally, for example, if you have problems.
Only on the forehead, nose or chin, do not lubricate with a mass of yeast
cheeks, so as not to overdry them.

TOисломолочные маски содержат молочную кислоту, значит,
promote clarification and soft cleaning from black points. For dry
skin is an effective mask of oily sour cream or cream, it also
nourishes the skin well. Fat is better to handle yogurt or sour

Masks based on clay perfectly absorb excess fat, but can
dry the skin, so they are best used locally or alternate
with moisturizers. For oily skin, such masks can be a salvation.
from greasiness.

Any masks will show a good and noticeable result only
case will be applied regularly, courses, and be accompanied
thorough cleansing and skin care. In this case, the “black
points “there will be no chance of survival.

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