Floral Print Skirt: Fashionable Dream


  • How to wear a pencil skirt and a midi skirt?
  • Combination options with a long floral skirt
  • Skirt – mini: for young and slim
  • Skirts in different colors for all occasions

Floral skirts never lost popularity. They are paid tribute and
young ladies and ladies of elegant age. With special
pleasure women dress in such skirts in spring and summer,
when the days get longer, the soul sings and you want the floral
buds bloomed not only in the meadows, but also on dresses and

Flower skirt can be worn at any age, only you need
choose the right length, model and choose accessories. Let’s start with
two of the most popular models that allow representatives
different generations and any body feel really
charming. This is a pencil skirt and a midi skirt.


Midi or pencil: choose to taste

The classic “pencil” comes to the length of the middle of the knee. AT
such a skirt can be dressed, going to work, visiting, in a cafe,
for a walk – in a word, anywhere. It will be appropriate everywhere.

This is quite a strict skirt, but thanks to the bright floral
print it will always set you apart from the crowd. What will suit her?

  • ATерх к юбке-карандаш должен быть достаточно свободного кроя.
    Ideal – a blouse or a sweater thin knitting. Main rule
    – you need to be able to correctly combine colors. So, if you choose
    a blue or blue pencil skirt with yellow sunflowers, then a blouse
    or a sweater should repeat one of the shades of the pattern or “merge”
    with the background color of the skirt.
  • You can experiment with shades and wear a blouse or
    sweater delicate blue color, light shades of orange or
    other tones.
  • Classic are considered combinations of floral skirts with white top
    or black. But do not forget that then white or black
    color must be present in the shoes or jewelry items.
  • If you gathered in a skirt with a floral pattern on the work, it is worth
    pick up a jacket or vest to match her
    summer “frivolity” image. This top should be
    necessarily monophonic.

Denim shirt, denim jacket will be perfectly matched
with a colorful long skirt. But jackets and jackets with her in one
The set should not be worn.

Shoes need comfortable, but elegant: classic “shoes” on
small heels, open sandals. Heel is desirable, and
not a wedge or a platform: both of the latter options are more suitable
to a pencil skirt or mini skirt.

Mini: for young and slim

Short skirt bright colors are perfect for young
girls with slender legs. ATы можете носить мини даже в случае,
if your waist is not particularly pronounced or, for example, several
wide in relation to the figure of the shoulders. The main thing – it is slim
feet. A style can be selected depending on the type of figure.

  • Chubby girls will enjoy the combination of lush and colorful
    mini skirts with a one-tone “skinny” top, over which they are thrown over
    short denim jacket.
  • Wide-shouldered girls fit straight style colorful skirt,
    and the patterns should be quite large.
  • On the slim fashionistas look great as narrow, and
    fluffy colorful skirts.

Colorful miniskirts require a cropped top: for example,
sweaters with a large knit collar or boat, the color of which
echoes the color she skirts or patterns.

You can wear any kind of shoes: a platform, a heel, and
flat sole. White sneakers look very interesting, especially when
Provided combinations with a white topic. Handbag pick up a small and
also in tone to the colors on the skirt (or contrast).

Floral print: different shades for all occasions

How to choose colors to colorful skirt looked
organically? If you are not sure of the impeccability of your taste,
follow the rule: warm shades – only with warm, cold – with
cold. For example, you put on a gray sweatshirt – then your
the skirt can be a steel shade with lilac and blue

Or your skirt is chocolate colored, and the pattern on it is yellow, then
the top will be brown, the color of coffee with milk, cocoa. Sometimes
wonderful shades combined with such a skirt

Oriental-style skirt is often combined with a lot of
shades of “top”. Usually it is black with bright blue,
алыми, бирюзовым flowers. The black top is perfect in this case, but
you can experiment: blue, pink, purple blouses too
quite appropriate.

If you do not know how to combine an outfit, follow the main
rule: the image should contain no more than three colors.
It is desirable to make one the main one, and let the other two complement it.

Composing an image, do not forget about accessories. Colorful skirts are bright
by themselves, so you need to wear jewelry is not very catchy:
thin chains, small round earrings, small pendants.
ATпрочем, к некоторым комплектам, особенно с юбками-макси, хорошо
fit monochromatic large bracelets, massive rings.

Colorful skirt can make a woman bright, create
memorable image. With this task she does better than anyone
another item of clothing. The main thing – to learn how to combine
her with the rest of the outfit, and then sincere admiration
surrounding you provided.

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