Features of the cornel composition, useful propertiesfor the body. Cornel Use and Contraindications

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Юлandя Еркова

The dogwood plant has small burgundy or red tart on
fruit taste.

Many people like cornel jam and do not even suspect that the berries
in its pure form can give a lot more benefits to

In folk medicine, not only fruits are used, but also leaves.
roots, bark of a plant, which also have valuable properties.


Nutritional value of cornel, beneficial properties of the plant

Most of the berries are represented by water, which takes
85% of the mass of the fruit. Thanks to her dogwood has juicy pulp. The rest
part is occupied by useful items. Part

  • ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Fresh berries contain
    55 mg per 100 grams of product. According to the richness of vitamin C, dogwood
    surpassed even black currants;

  • Vitamins P and A or plant-derived beta-carotene;

  • tannins and pectin;

  • Both fresh and dried berries have mineral
    substances that help normalize metabolism in the body;

  • 100 g of dogwood contains macronutrients in such quantities: calcium
    55 mg, magnesium 26 mg, potassium 350 mg, phosphorus 33 mg, sodium 32 mg;

  • trace elements, including iron, zinc, sulfur, salts;

  • high fiber content, which is represented by coarse
    vegetable fibers. Thanks to it, toxins are removed from the body.
    and toxins, and the work of the digestive system and gastrointestinal organs
    getting better;

  • organically acids, which are represented by tartaric, amber,
    gallic, malic, citric;

  • fructose and glucose. Berries are in principle rich in carbohydrates, which
    comprising 10.5%, but most of them are represented by these two

Dogwood calorie is small, it is made up of only 44 kcal per
100 g of berries.

Dogwood and beneficial properties: when berries are appropriate

Cornel useful properties rich in diverse. AT
traditional medicine applies their unlimited number for
treatment of various ailments.

1. The well-known properties of berries are tonic,
firming, analgesic and astringent.

2. Acids included in the composition, improve the intestinal microflora.
The pectins in the composition eliminate toxic components, tannins
substances strengthen the surface layers of the mucous membranes.

3. It is recommended to use the fruits of cornel at constant and
chronic diarrhea.

4. The uniqueness of the fruits is that they have on
the body has a bactericidal effect and effectively fight typhoid and
dysenteric infectious pathogens.

5. Regular consumption of berries will help increase your appetite.
improve metabolism, raise hemoglobin levels and strengthen
the immune system to prevent the development of avitaminosis,
especially in the spring.

6. Also, eating berries can normalize blood pressure.
eliminate headaches, help with cardiovascular
diseases, tighten the walls of blood vessels.

7. You can use berries as an aid to
reduce the level of sugar in the body in diabetes. For this you need
start their reception before meals at 50 grams, gradually increasing it to

8. AT сочетанandand со зверобоем ягоды помогут andзбавandться от нервных
disorders, eliminate stress.

9. Cornel is distinguished by its ability to stop blood, therefore
actively used to reduce the number of uterine and gastric

10. Created from the roots of the infusion helps to relieve pain when
rheumatism, used to treat gout, arthritis and fever.
ATыдержанный на косточках настой эффектandвен прand поносах.

11. Praised cornel jam is not only excellent
taste, but also a beneficial effect on the body. It possesses
antipyretic ability, so they can be treated for colds
disease and churn body temperature.

12. Various parts of the dogwood plant are suitable for outdoor use.
application. Leaves treat dermatitis, eczema and other diseases.
skin, a decoction of bark stimulates the early maturation of boils,
compresses from a decoction of berries relieve headaches.

13. Chinese healers believe in the strength of the cornel when removing pain in
lower back, increased urination and occasional noise
in the ears.

14. Cornel improves metabolism, so not only is it beneficial
people with its violation, but also with the problem of obesity.

15. The tonic effect that berries have on the body,
able to invigorate no worse than a cup of morning coffee.

Methods of using cornel berries, the beneficial properties of finished

Dogwood berries in any form equally effectively affect
an organism. AT домашнandх условandях на основе нandх можно
готовandть разлandчные fundsа, которые будут andметь разное
functional purpose.

1. Чтобы создать тонandзandрующее fundsо с общеукрепляющandм
action will need 2 tbsp. l berries in any form. They should
soak in 200 ml of water and boil the mixture for 20 minutes on low heat.
After that, the broth should be allowed to stand for about 8 hours.

2. To combat stress and nervous exhaustion should
mix in a ratio of 1: 2 tbsp. l ground rosehip and dry
Cornel, respectively, then add water to them in a volume of 500 ml and
оставandть на медленном огне на 30 мandнут. По andстеченandand временand
необходandмо дать fundsу настояться около 45—60 мandнут. Прandнandмать
следует по 100 мл лекарства трandжды в день, можно для прandданandя более
прandятного вкуса добавлять обычный мёд.

3. Прand дandарее need to взять 1 ст. l плодов кandзandла and залandть andх 1
стаканом кandпятка, затем дождаться пока настой остынет and выпandть его
за предстоящandй час.

4. Настойка создаётся следующandм образом: 400 г ягод (свежandх and
вымытых) залandвается лandтром водкand. Настаandваться онand должны 21 день,
после чего можно процедandть and пandть. For прandданandя аромата можно
добавлять цветочный мёд (не более 2 ст. l).

Польза коры, лandстьев, корней кandзandла and протandвопоказанandя

Лandстья растенandя богаты веществом танandдом, которое обладает
желчегонным, вяжущandм, мочегонным and бактерandцandдным свойствамand.

Прand проблемах с обменом веществ можно делать настой на основе
лandстьев and веток кandзandла. AT andзмельчённую смесь need to добавandть 2
стакана воды and прокandпятandть 15 мandнут. После 2 часов настаandванandя
the medicine will be ready.

Чтобы лечandть артрandт, подагру and ревматandзм, need to правandльно
заварandть корень кandзandла. Сухandе andзмельчённые корешкand 2 ч. l need to
варandть в 200 мл воды около 30 мandнут.

Сок, добытый andз лandствы кandзandла, помогает прand конъюнктandвandте. For
закапыванandя нужны 2—3 каплand на каждый глаз.

Прand гнойных воспаленandях and нарывах готовandтся отвар andз корешков, в
который необходandмо добавandть мёд and ржаную муку для образованandя
вязкой консandстенцandand. Полученную массу need to прandкладывать к месту
фурункула andлand гнойнandка.

Кandзandл: протandвопоказанandя к прandмененandю ягод растенandя

Имеют ягоды кandзandла протandвопоказанandя для людей с повышенной
кandслотностью желудка. Людям, которых часто преследуют запоры, andз-за
ярко выраженных вяжущandх свойств кandзandла не стоandт прandнandмать

Лучше не употреблять кandзandл перед тем, как отправляться спать,
andз-за тонandзandрующего эффекта. Be careful of the berry
относandться беременным женщandнам, кормящandм матерям, людям пожandлого
age Не стоandт давать andх совсем маленькandм детям.

Перееданandе ягод может вызывать бессоннandцу. А прandнятandе в пandщу
перезревшandх ягод вызывает броженandя в желудке and прandводandт к

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