Features of application of bay leaf forslimming

Bay leaf is a popular condiment that is used throughout.
cooking time of various dishes. But few know what it is
the remedy can help get rid of excess weight, besides
thanks to its use, effective cleaning is carried out.
of the body from accumulated toxins for a long time.
Лавровый лист для slimming может стать незаменим, ведь он помогает
achieve maximum results in a short time.

Features of application of bay leaf for slimming


  • How does bay leaf work?
  • Рецепты для slimming
  • Features of use
  • Power Features
  • Contraindications
  • The use of bay leaf: video


How does bay leaf work?

Bay leaf decoction is a wonderful natural.
diuretic, while it contributes to
immunity, microbes are destroyed, has a calming effect
and accelerates the healing process.

Slimming с помощью лаврового листа происходит благодаря
his inherent ability to carry out effective cleaning of all
organism. Accumulated salts and excess fluid are quickly removed.
swelling is removed.

Рецепты для slimming

If it was decided to lose weight with the help of bay
sheet, using the following decoctions can quickly
cleanse the body and remove excess water. As a result, not only
extra kilos are going away, but the work of the whole is significantly improved

Extreme decoction

This recipe is recommended to use only in extreme cases.
when it is necessary to bring a figure in a short time
good shape. To do this, take a dry bay leaf (190-200 g) and
crushed, then poured 1 l. water. The composition is put on
steam bath and left for a while to boil.

The process of cooking broth will be about 10-12 minutes. how
only the mixture boils, it is removed from the steam bath and left,
to cool. The tool is filtered and can be taken. Decoction necessary
drink 2 tbsp. l 20 minutes before the start of the meal.

Cinnamon Broth

Slimming с помощью лаврового листа может быть очень полезным в
the power of cleansing the body of toxins. To cook efficient
средство, берется 1 l boiling water, cinnamon (not ground), laurel
leaves (5 pcs.).

All components are mixed and placed on medium heat; mixture
left to boil, then removed from the fire. Ready decoction
must be completely cooled, then it must be filtered. Take
means you need on an empty stomach, exactly 1 glass, for
3 days.

О том, насколько полезна корица для slimming, расскажем в
next article.

Classic decoction

To prepare the infusion of bay leaf to fight fat
sediments, you need to chop 5 bay leaves and pour cold
water (1 tbsp.). The mixture is left overnight in enamel or
pottery. It is strictly forbidden to use metal

In the morning, the composition is placed on the stove and boiled for 10-12 minutes,
left in a container with a tight lid for half an hour to
as it should be. Then the composition is filtered and taken as 20
minutes before the start of the meal 3 times a day. Full course admission
makes 3 days, it is not recommended to use broth longer.

Features of use

Мало кто знает, как пить лавровый лист для slimming правильно,
to solve the problem of excess weight, but not to spoil your own
health. Before using this method, it is worth going
consult a doctor to minimize the occurrence of possible

Отвар либо настой лаврового листа для slimming нужно принимать
with extreme caution as the basis of his action
excretion of fluid. Therefore, the greatest danger
составляет вероятность обезвоживания, а сам процесс slimming
is not always helpful.

In any case, it is better to apply this method only in the extreme
When you need to quickly lose a few extra pounds, and
There is no time to visit the gym.

Funds based on bay leaf have a strong diuretic
действие, поэтому прибегая к этому методу slimming, в течение дня
нужно выпивать не менее 2 литров чистой water. The brightest effect
will be manifested in the case, if you combine the reception of decoction on
bay leaf and sports.

We recommend to read:

Power Features

It is important to completely remove salt from the diet, instead of
cooking dishes can use garlic powder.
It is recommended to use as much fresh greens as possible.
dried fruit, seafood. Every day you need to eat 2 bananas,
so that for a long time there will be a feeling of fullness and in
the body receives valuable substances that are displayed along with
fluid. A limited amount should be consumed daily.
protein – approximately 70-155 g.

This method of weight loss is not recommended to use.
those who follow vegetarian food, as there is a risk
серьезно испортить собственное health.

To enhance the effect, it is allowed to drink several drinks during the day.
cups of strong coffee or green tea. However, it is worth considering
the fact that similar diet can be serious for the body
stress, so you can not abuse these drinks.

From the diet at the time of losing weight should be removed sweet
flour and pasta.

After stopping the diet, which should not last longer than 3
days, it is recommended to gradually return to the usual diet.
To consolidate the result it is worthwhile to use the minimum
amounts of salt, as it has the ability to delay in
the body has excess fluid, therefore, the weight lost is fast
come back.


Despite the fact that with the help of bay leaf you can quickly
lose a few extra pounds and strengthen the body, his
use has certain contraindications.

It is strictly forbidden to use decoctions with bay leaf in
following cases:

  • with constipation, especially in the chronic stage;
  • if diabetes was diagnosed;
  • for duodenal ulcer or
  • in diseases associated with the work of the heart, kidneys,
    the liver.

The use of bay leaf: video

When using decoctions with bay leaves appear frequent
urination, which helps not only to lose weight, but also
for the removal of harmful substances from the body. More about useful
properties of bay leaf are described in the following video:

With the help of properly prepared decoctions of bay leaf
you can quickly bring the figure into good shape and literally
a few days to lose a few extra pounds. But in the absence of
proper balanced nutrition, the result will be
only temporary. Therefore, it is necessary not only to diversify your diet.
useful products, but also regularly visit the gym.

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