Fat burning exercise at homeconditions

  • 1 Lose Weight at Home – Fat Burning
    • 1.1 Program for girls
    • 1.2 Leg exercises
    • 1.3 Effective abdominal exercises
    • 1.4 Cardio training
    • 1.5 According to the Tabata system
    • 1.6 A set of exercises for men
    • 1.7 Circuit training
  • 2 Do I need a fat burning cream for training?
  • 3 Video lesson

It’s no secret that before choosing a certain
программу жиросжигающей тренировки в домашних conditions, нужно
completely change your lifestyle and go on proper nutrition.
The whole process of losing weight depends on a balanced menu and
regular physical activity.

Starvation and strict diets bring quick results, but not
permanent, and most importantly, cause serious harm to the body, often
they drive a person losing weight in depression, provoking breakdowns. therefore
A universal recipe for healthy and effective weight loss is very
simple: create a balanced diet, which will be all
vitamins and minerals needed for recovery after
intense workout. Need to do at least three times in
a week


Lose Weight at Home – Fat Burning

Fat burning exercise at home conditions
This is a whole set of exercises that combine two types of physical
loads: cordial and all over the body. To похудеть достаточно быстро
и закрепить эффект надолго, придется делать в одном
complex cardio and strength exercises for all groups

It is this scheme that works to burn fat
in an effective manner. The principle of its operation is simple: the more muscles
involved in the work, the more power will be needed on their
recovery. If with food and daily calorie order,
energy will be replenished by fat stores. Besides,
during regular classes, metabolic processes are accelerated, which also
promotes rapid weight loss.

In the fat burning complex for women include a variety of types
упражнений для выполнения в домашних conditions. Especially effective
in weight loss and building a beautiful body will help sports
projectiles: dumbbells, fitball, jump rope.

To build fat burning exercise can be circular
principle, according to the Tabata system or make a weekly plan for
split system: one day we train the upper body, the other – legs, the third
– press. The entire fat burning complex of tasks must be
выполнен без отдыха
. This greatly increases
эффективность сжигания fat deposits.

The basic principles of fat burning

  • The complex should include fat burning exercises for each
    группу muscle To workout the press and legs is best done
    several approaches;
  • Be sure to start the workout with a warm-up and finish
  • First of all, you need to perform the most difficult tasks, more often
    всего, это работа с гантелями и squats;
  • Then you can do abdominal exercises;
  • To end fat burning workout is best cardio for
    15-30 minutes

Fat burning exercise at home conditions для женщин может
alternate by day of the week. Cardio, like running or cycling,
best done in the morning, on an empty stomach. Fat burning
depends on food intake: it is better to eat 2 hours before a workout, and after
2 hours after.

In order to enhance the fat burning effect of any
выбранной системы в домашних conditions, нужно
соблюдать определенные правила:

  • Perform программу через 1,5-2 часа после приема пищи и не
    there is another 1.5-2 hours after it;
  • Workout time must not be less than 50
  • For a quality result, it is best to run the system.
    жиросжигающего тренинга на свежем воздухе;
  • Monitor average heart rate at run time.
    effective complex (220 minus age);
  • An effective result can be obtained by performing at least
    three workouts per week;
  • For fat burning effect you need to constantly dilute the power
    cardio exercises.

Program for girls

The program of fat burning workouts for girls at home
conditions отлично подходит для современной женщины, которая
works, takes care of the family, and at the same time devotes time and energy
own health and appearance. We have to admit that for these
goals do not always manage to regularly visit the gym, therefore
homework for many in priority.

Жиросжигающая тренировка для девушек дома — это
the most suitable option for women willing to devote 30 minutes to
day work on your own body. At this time, will have to fit
compulsory warm-up, strength and cardio exercises, a hitch or
stretch – the latter can not be included in the 30-minute fat burning
complex, and make an additional, within 15 minutes. For short
the main workout time will have to pay attention to all groups
muscles, so you can combine two types of exercises in one – this
called supersets.

Super Body Exercise for Whole Body
fat burning training:

  • бег на месте (15 минут)
    или прыжки в ускоренном темпе (10 минут),
    Х-прыжки (20 раз);
  • поворот и наклоны тела в стороны (около 20
    repetitions in each direction);
  • отжимания на коленях (для начинающих) от пола
    or leaning on any surface (bed, chair) – a couple of approaches
    15 each repetitions;
  • глубокие приседания на широко расставленных
    legs (3 sets of 15 repetitions);
  • выпады (пара подходов по 10 раз на каждую
  • twisting на пресс (прямые, боковые,
    combined with “bicycle”), 20 times in 2 sets;
  • растяжка на все группы muscle

You can do cardio before supersets, as well as after them (running
or jumping) for 10 minutes to increase fat burning

The whole program for weight loss at home for women
takes half an hour, it saves not only time, but also finances.

Leg exercises

Fat burning home training for women may consist of
set of tasks to work out the muscles of the legs. To give the legs
slim and fit looking
gym, you can perform fat burning exercises in
home conditions and achieve the desired result.

Home leg training program

  • глубокий присед (приседать нужно низко и
    smoothly to feel the tension of the muscles), three sets of 20
  • приседания «плие» (опираясь на стул, нужно
    smoothly sit down and linger in this position until feeling
    максимального напряжения мышц), три подхода по 10 repetitions;
  • приседания «сумо» (глубокие приседания на
    legs wide apart), three sets of 20 times;
  • выпады на каждую ногу (15 each раз);
  • двойные выпады (после выпада вперед, сделать
    backward lunge back), 10 times in two approaches;
  • упражнение «собачка» (на четвереньках нужно
    alternate legs back and sideways), 15 reps per
    every leg.

Performing fat burning exercises for the legs strengthens muscles
thighs, calves, buttocks, press.

Effective abdominal exercises

How to remove the abdomen with fat burning exercises? To
remove a small amount of extra pounds from this part of the body,
You can limit food and perform cardio at home.
However, to achieve a relief on the stomach, you need to add to cardio
strength exercises.

Жиросжигающая тренировка для живота направлена
to activate the muscles and reduce body fat, however
This is not enough. Beautiful relief is achieved only when
nutrition with a predominance of protein in the diet, which
is a building material for muscles.

Exercises for a flat stomach should be aimed at
the transverse muscle of the abdomen, for this you need to perform intense
twisting in multiple approaches.

What exercises for a flat stomach can be performed
at home?

  • планка во всех вариациях: на вытянутых руках;
    on the elbows; lateral with an emphasis on one hand; with classic with side
    swings; �”Climber”.
  • twisting во всех вариациях: прямые;
    lateral; on fitball; reverse twists – lifts bent in
    knees feet; twisting with legs raised on a chair; twisting
  • подъемы ног из положения лежа: прямые и

Cardio training

Жиросжигающая кардио тренировка для дома — единый комплекс
strength training and cardio which increases speed
achieve the desired result. Their main purpose is to
burning extra pounds and giving overall body tone. To
There was a proper effect, intensive fat burning training at home
must be accompanied by proper nutrition.

The intensity of the exercises depends on the structure of the body. Emphasis need
do on problem parts of the body. An important element is speed
and technique, you need to do the exercises correctly and quickly.

Fat burning cardio training at home

  • explosive push ups. With this type of push-ups
    you need to gently go down and sharply push off from the floor, tearing off
    palms, then gently lower, you need to perform them 15 times,
    gradually increasing complexity by adding claps;
  • упражнение «бурпи». From standing
    bend down, put your hands on the floor at your feet, lean on your palms.
    Jump out of the lower body, taking a prone position for
    push ups. Perform a pushup. Pull up your legs again,
    resting on bent legs and straight arms, stand in the original
    standing position. You need to repeat the burpy 20 times;
  • упражнение �”Climber”. Standing
    в планке подтянуть левую ногу к левой руке и
    return to the starting position, do the same thing to another part
    body. You need to repeat the exercise 30 times on each leg;
  • выпрыгивания — из положения сидя на
    Squatting need to jump up, holding his hands behind his head, 15
  • приседания «сумо» — присед на широко
    legs apart with weighting in hands, holding it between your legs.
    Do 15 repetitions.

This is an example of the first round of intense training at home.
conditions. It can be repeated several times, depending on
level of training.

According to the Tabata system

Today, the Japanese system is very common.
exercises at home on the Tabata system. These
Express exercises are as effective as more
long fitness classes in the gym. Besides,
комплекс Табата можно выполнить всего за 4 минуты
at home, and the result will be impressive.

Fat burning training on the Tabata system – in what
is the efficiency of the system at home
First of all, the specifics is
intense movements performed on time and alternated with short
rest. Training Tabata perfectly combines cardio and
strength exercises that directly affect the acceleration of burning
fat deposits.

Training takes four minutes. One minute includes two
cycle of activity for 20 seconds, and two cycles of rest for 10 seconds,
which alternate among themselves. Every minute may differ
exercises, and can always repeat the same movement.
A four minute fat burning exercise can be done in several
approaches, using as many exercises as possible. Perform
An exercise program for Tabata at home is possible every day.
All exercises need to be performed technically correctly and diligently,
to lose weight quickly.

This fat burning workout is popular with
modern men and women, as for the minimum amount
time, you can get rid of a large number of accumulated
calories day and increase stamina.

In the complex of exercises on the Tabata system at home
conditions include:

  • intense jumps;
  • deep squat;
  • run with overlap;
  • twisting;
  • running in place.

Before the exercises it is better to warm up and do stretching. Because
the program requires maximum intensity of movement and speed,
It is important to prepare the body in advance so as not to harm yourself.

Important! Fat burning training on the system Tabata
can not be carried out:

  • people with a heart condition;
  • with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • suffering from chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • unprepared physically.

A set of exercises for men

Fat burning training program for men includes
availability of additional equipment, such as dumbbells or jump rope.
The system for men is designed not only to remove
extra pounds, but also to strengthen muscle mass.

The program includes strength exercises, which
performed alternately with cardio. This complex at home
called the combined program. Goal strength exercises
is to train the muscles, and cardio allows you to burn excess fat.
Such a system can be called power aerobics at home.

Complex fat burning workout for men in
домашних conditions:

  • жим гантелей в лежачем положении (от груди
    up), 20 times in 3 sets;
  • сгибания рук с гантелями в положении стоя, 3
    подхода по 20 time;
  • интенсивные прыжки на скакалке, в течение 15
  • push ups with a gradual increase in load
    (adding claps and push-ups on one hand), 3 sets of 20
  • глубокие приседания с гантелями (гантели нужно
    get behind your back and keep it straight), 20 times in 3 sets;
  • завершающий бег в течение 30 минут.

You can alternate fat burning exercises and interchange,
it is important to perform them correctly and intensively in order to bring the body closer to

Circuit training

Эффективность круговой жиросжигающей тренировки заключается
that during its execution you can spend much more
calories than normal exercise in the gym. Main plus
such a program is that you can modify
fat burning exercises and perform both cardio and

Circular set of tasks at home
can be performed in order to get rid of subcutaneous fat and give
body relief. For each goal, you can create your own plan.
training with a predominance of certain exercises. At home
conditions training can last 30 minutes. One round of exercises
may include movement on all muscle groups. Number of repetitions
равно 15-25, в зависимости от level of training.

Важно: Для выполнения круговой жиросжигающей
workouts need average physical fitness and no problems
with heart. Before you begin, it is better to consult with
specialist to find the right system at home

What exercises to include in circuit training

  1. warming up exercises for joints and
  2. squats;
  3. attacks;
  4. twisting;
  5. burpy jumps;
  6. push ups;
  7. strap.

Circular fat burning workout at home can be done without
additional sports equipment, enough work with
own weight. However, the presence of a dumbbell and jump rope significantly
increase the effectiveness of classes.

Do I need a fat burning cream for training?

To effectively combat excess weight is enough to observe
rules of balanced nutrition and choose the appropriate complex
fat burning workouts. Some losing weight resort to help
spa centers in order to perform fat burning cosmetic
procedures, regularly visit saunas and baths, make wraps for
In order to get rid of excess water in the body, expelling it with
then. Fat burning creams are suitable for effective
обертываний, но сами по себе не дают явного эффекта, разве
что, эффект плацебо

Video lesson

To облегчить процесс привыкания тела к жиросжигающим
training, beginners are recommended to do the first time on
video tutorials. First, it will save inexperienced beginners.
athletes from possible injuries and mistakes. Second, replace
instructions of a professional trainer in the gym. Third, not
will relax, stop or reset the pace,
necessary for fat burning exercises.

Video – fat burning exercise at home

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