Facial skin care at home. Recipeseffective and simple face care masks at homeconditions

Чт, 17 мар 2016 Автор: Наталья Завацкая

The skin on the face reflects not only the age of the woman, but also her
love and respect for yourself.

Therefore, proper care for her is simply obliged to become the rule.
every day, and the truth about your age will be hidden from others
forever and ever.

But what to do if you want to look beautiful, and the material
possibilities are very limited?

It’s simple – give preference to products prepared in
домашних conditions.

This is no less effective than salon procedures, but
much cheaper and safer!


Уход за кожей лица в домашних conditions: правильное

Красивая кожа — чистая кожа. It’s not about
mechanical impurities, and about clogged pores. This problem is increasingly
accompanies not only oily skin, but also owners of normal
skin type. Ideally, the epidermis should clean itself (as conceived
nature), but our life speed scored maximum
rpm, and the skin just does not have time to adapt its straight
functions under the pace of life. She needs some help.

Самый простой и недорогой метод глубокой
кожного покрова дома — это соль. Exists
opinion that you need to use only the sea. It is not true.
Ordinary table salt has a large set of antiseptic
properties, besides it is always at hand. Salt scrub is not stored,
It should be used immediately after preparation. Recipes для
each skin type is different.

Bold and mixed skin

Normal and dry skin type

1 part of salt (small);

1 part spoon of your favorite liquid soap.

To rub in the easy movements 2 minutes. Repeat no more than 1 time per
seven days.

1 part of ordinary salt (fine);

1 part olive oil (can be replaced by any other).

Massage the face for 1-2 minutes. No need to repeat the procedure more often.
twice a month.

Любое скрабирование более эффективно, если проводится на
слегка распаренной коже
. Best after a hot shower
or a relaxing bath.

Правильное cleansing skin в домашних conditions
provides two golden rules:

1. Never proceed to the mechanical cleaning of the face, if on
there are inflammations, rashes, wounds. The procedure will not bring
benefits, and may impair the healing of the inflammatory process;

2. Never begin cleaning the pores without prior
cleaning the skin with soap or other cleanser. During
mechanical impact skin is injured and the presence on it
contamination of any type (even residues of cosmetics) is fraught

Уход за кожей лица в домашних conditions: увлажнение

Moisturizing – the most important step in skin care. Elastic
Health-glowing skin is a reality for any woman. Competently
You can saturate the skin without even noticing it. Simple products
with daily presence in the menu can saturate the body
substances that improve the health of the face and skin in general.


1.5 liters daily is enough to give the skin proper

Vitamin C

Promotes natural production of collagen. Just a few
apples a day or a salad with sauerkraut have the same effect
for skin health, as expensive cream

Omega-3 fats and fatty acids

These are the beneficial, easily digestible vegetable fats.
origin, either from fermented milk products. Sea fish fats
most healthy source of omega-3 acids

Trace elements: copper, magnesium, silicon, sulfur

Daily portion of any cereal or slice of whole grain bread
completely satisfy the body’s need for these trace elements

The vitality of the skin depends largely on the way
life, but not on the price tag on a box of moisturizer. Less
caffeine and stress, more sleep and positive emotions will affect
face instantly. Но все же побаловать свое лицо
увлажняющими масками
несколько раз в месяц нужно

Recipe number 1:

• 1 chicken yolk (can be quail);

• 1 tbsp. l fatty kefir (cream);

• 1 ч. l carrot fresh.

Mix and apply for 15 minutes on a clean face. Better if the mask
will be slightly warm. More suitable for dry skin.

Recipe number 2:

Сок облепихи — эффективное средство для любого skin type.
Wipe face with it daily, or apply it on a gauze mask and
leave on face for 20 minutes.

Recipe number 3:

• 2 tbsp. l honey;

• 1 tbsp. l Aloe vera juice

Aloe juice extracted from a single sheet of plants, previously
cut and left in the refrigerator for several days. Mix
with honey in proportion and apply on clean skin. This mask
can be stored in the refrigerator. Подходит для любого skin type.

Уход за кожей лица в домашних conditions: питание

It is necessary to nourish the skin in order to improve its color and overall
appearance. Flabby, almost transparent skin of a gray shade – here
what can happen if you don’t give your face proper attention.
Skin cells are very lazy by nature. If they do not receive
proper nutrition then begin to slow down its functional
opportunities right up to a full stop. To prevent this, it is necessary
feed your the body with nutrients not only internally, but also
using external means.

AT домашних conditions питание skin происходит с помощью масок,
which are prepared with the available ingredients. For each skin type
it is better to choose a suitable composition, otherwise the effect does not work

Home Nourishing Masks for Different Skin Types

Skin type

The composition of the mask

Application features


1 egg white;

1 ч. l honey;

Potato starch.

Heat the honey on a steam bath and mix with whipped protein. Mixture
thicken with starch. Apply to clean face for 25-30 minutes.
Repeat 3-4 times a month.


20 gr. yeast (not dry);

1 tbsp. l sour cream.

Mixture нанести на кожу на 25 минут. Rinse with barely warm water without


1 yolk;

1 ч. l honey;

1 ч. l glycerol.

The components are mixed in a steam bath, then applied to
clean face for 1-2 hours. The remains of the mask are stored in the refrigerator until
three days. The procedure is repeated until the end of the composition.


1 tbsp. l cottage cheese;

1 tbsp. l berry puree (according to the season).

Ingredients mix and apply on face. Duration of the procedure
20 minutes. Repeat no more than once a week.

Уход за кожей лица в домашних conditions: отбеливание

With age or under the influence of the environment and the pace of life on
unpleasant surprises in the form of
pigment spots. Many women immediately run to the boutiques for
corrective means without realizing that the problem
решается в домашних conditions с помощью весьма доступных

Cucumber Express Mask

• 1 fresh cucumber;

• alcohol.

Grate the cucumber and pour in the alcohol. Insist 24 hours in
the fridge. Gauze napkin dipped in the resulting lotion,
apply on face for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion can
enjoy until it ends. A series of procedures last from 14
up to 30 days, depending on the result. More such
The mask is suitable for owners of oily skin.

Parsley tonic

Chop parsley with a knife and pour boiling water over it.
Infusion rub into the skin 2-3 times a day. For convenience, you can
freeze the infusion in ordinary ice tins and wipe your face
in the morning before work. This procedure will give the skin elasticity and

Honey Lemon Mask

• Juice of 1 lemon;

• Honey 2 tbsp. l

Melt the honey in a water bath and mix with lemon juice. Gauze
soak well with a solution and apply on face for 15-20 minutes.

It is not necessary to pin hopes that after one procedure the skin
will be perfect. This requires a series of procedures, but the result
manifest long-term effect.

Уход за кожей лица в домашних conditions: борьба с морщинами

The advertised anti-wrinkle masks are largely commercial only.
trick. All the aging processes of the subcutaneous cells are controlled only
an organism. As we feed him, so he answers us. To pull off
the appearance of the first wrinkles, it is desirable to do preventive
procedures that do not take much time, do not require
material investment, safe for health and good
result. It:

1. healthy food

2. fresh air

3. facial massage

4. vitamin home masks.

The first to respond to age is the area around the eyes, so it
need to pay more attention. This Smoothing Mask Recipe
suitable not only against wrinkles, but also as a reduction in dark

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

• 1 tbsp. l mashed potatoes in mashed potatoes;

• 1 ч. l olive oil;

• 1 ч. l verdure parsley.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the area around the eyes for 15 minutes.
Apply the mask every 2 days during the month. For convenience, with
parsley can be made infusion. 15 teaspoons chopped parsley
pour boiling water and let stand until water is cool.

The most effective means giving instant results is
gelatin mask Gelatin incorporates natural
collagen. All expensive tools and salon procedures in one way or another
form, it contains.

Gelatin Wrinkle Mask

• Milk 2 tbsp. l;

• Творог жирный 1 tbsp. l;

• Желатин 1 ч. l

Pour gelatin with milk before swelling. Then melt it on
water bath (boiling can not be brought). Curd rub through
Syto and mix with gelatin. Mixture наложить на лицо на 30 минут. AT
this time is better to relax, not to show emotions and facial expressions. Mask
dry by making a film on the face. Rip off in no case
can not. Mask снимается очень теплым отваром трав или с помощью
steam bath. This miracle remedy has no contraindications and can
used frequently.

Уход за кожей лица в домашних conditions: причины неудач

Homemade skin care products have all
properties that are valued and synthetic purchased cream and
masks. The only difference is that the tube from the store is more convenient
to use, it is always at hand. But its chemical composition should
guard everyone. AT домашнем средстве только то, что даровано
us nature, and this is a priori better. But still, if the home
funds do not give the expected effect, the reasons may lie in:

1. Composition. Incorrectly selected ingredients by type skin
give the opposite effect.

2. Using components out of season (not in winter
include fresh cucumbers in skin care products);

3. Non-systematic procedures.

4. Discrepancies of the type of mask to the problem you want

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