Face Mask Aspirin: Rulespreparations, the views of cosmetologists. Effective recipes for masks fromaspirin

Ср, 10 янв 2018 Автор: Евгения Ланская

Various variations of masks with aspirin have won the confidence of many
women fighting for the beauty and health of their skin. I will be beautiful
the means promoting drying of rashes and removal
inflammation, ingredients for cooking are quite inexpensive and
available at any pharmacy, because aspirin face packs –
Excellent alternative to many professional products.
medical rulers. But first things first.

Aspirin is a trade name for acetylsalicylic acid
(salicylic ester of acetic acid). This is non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drug that is prescribed for febrile
conditions, pain syndrome. Has antipyretic,
analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. In this way,
Aspirin is not a vitamin you can take for any reason, oh
than so many people often forget. Use externally also requires


Как действует маска из aspirin и что ожидать от ее

In the arsenal of beauticians there are tools that include
salicylic acid is a popular acid mask. In such cases
может возникнуть путаница, ведь в состав aspirin салициловая
acid is not included because an aspirin mask and acid masks and
Peel formulations are completely different products. Among
professional compositions of home-made recipes with famous
drug does not exist.

In addition, do not hope for high expectations from the mask –
for example, the effect of rejuvenation. This myth is associated with involuntary
associating aspirin formulations with professional
cosmetology based, again, salicylic acid.

Тем не менее, от маски из aspirin можно смело ожидать
the effect of the drug on the focus of inflammation by reducing
activity of the main component of the inflammatory process –
hyaluronidase. Also, the drug has an analgesic effect.
In this way, средство можно считать действенным: применение масок
из aspirin — не бесполезный перевод препарата и вспомогательных
ingredients, and a procedure that demonstrates a good effect.


So, it shows the use of a mask for acne, acne, and
also when clogged. At the same time it acts as an emergency
in any case, it can not be used daily, and
also for a long time.

При этом результат применения маски из aspirin для лица
estimated according to the woman’s own expectations:

The greatest effect in the fight against single inflammation. Mask not
affects the cause of inflammation, therefore
use of the remedy is only to combat the symptoms and prevent
the appearance of new traces of acne on the face.

Good effect when cleaning pores. Easy scrubbing allows
lighten pores. The face becomes smoother and fresher.

Short effect in the treatment of acne.

If the skin is very problematic, home formulations with aspirin
not enough, and such procedures in no way replace
visit to the beauty parlor, and therefore hope for a complete
cleansing the face only with the help of such means is not worth it.

Принципы использования маски из aspirin для лица: как не
harm the skin and get the best result

Using home remedies based on acetylsalicylic acid,
It is necessary to consider the following nuances:

Использовать таблетки aspirin без оболочки. Drug may be
in a protective shell, or in capsule form. Such shells consist
from auxiliary components. Should choose medicinal
tools without auxiliary components – this information is always
specified in the instructions.

Take into account the individual characteristics of the skin, its type. Masks from
aspirin для лица не подходят женщинам с чувствительной кожей,
prone to dryness, irritation and redness. An exception –
point application of a remedy for inflammation, but with caution.
Owners of very oily skin should not be drained daily.
using alcohol lotions and aspirin masks – this approach
not only will not solve the main problem, but also contribute to the emergence
reverse effect. Use the composition no more than 1-2 times a
a week

Use a mask in the complex skin care with
taking into account the peculiarities of the other means used. The absence of
skin care, making masks occasionally –
frivolous approach that does not bring the expected result. AT
In each situation, the care program is individual, but overall
should be aimed at achieving optimal balance,
avoid excessive drying. With illiterately composed
dehydration is added to the care program, which is great
�”Coexists” with high fat skin. Desirable to be
means of pharmaceutical line cosmetics, combined with
skin needs. Must be on the shelf in the bathroom at least
good cleanser and non comedogenic moisturizer (even
for fat type).

Selection of auxiliary components based on the needs of the skin.
So for brightening black dots fit citric acid, for
additional softening – melted honey. Permissible
use of both basic and essential oils.

Local application of the mask. The composition is applied point on inflammation,
or a thin layer on problem areas – T-zone, chin.
Avoid eye area.

Do not overdo it. As mentioned above, the owners
жирной кожи проводить процедуру следует не чаще 2 раз в a week
Also, aspirin masks in no case can not be perederzhivat – in
Depending on the recipe from a few minutes to 10-15.

pros и минусы масок на основе aspirin для лица

Like any cosmetic, especially cooked in
at home, an aspirin mask may not be everything. pros

low cost mask components;

quick and easy preparation of the composition;

good effect after first use.

The disadvantages include:

Mask not подходит обладательницам чувствительной кожи.

It is not recommended to use the composition in summer and spring
of the year.

After the procedure it is necessary to use a cream with SPF30 for
the middle latitudes of Russia and the SPF50 for the southern ones. That is, protection from
UV light after the mask is required.

Aspirin Mask Recipes

There are many variations of recipes for masks with aspirin, but
The most successful are collected in this article. The compositions are simple to
cooking, do not require a large number of auxiliary
components. Masks are best cooked at one time.

Противовоспалительный крем из aspirin для лица

Such a mask not only affects inflammation, but also softens
cultivated area. You will need some for cooking.
таблеток aspirin, также несколько капель воды и питательный крем.
ATсе необходимо перемешать до кашицеобразного состояния. Hold on
face no more than 10-15 minutes.

Home scrub for smooth and clean skin

Для маски понадобятся растолченные таблетки aspirin, мед и
sea ​​salt. ATсе ингредиенты в равных пропорциях. Aspirin can
Crush in 2 drops of water. Apply scrub to face
gently massage the skin and then leave the mixture for 5
minutes After the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer with
considering skin type.

Смягчающая маска из aspirin для лица

You will need some for cooking. таблеток, мед и
olive oil. Honey must first be melted.
The ratio of components to a personal choice. Before applying the mask
It is desirable to steam the skin. The composition is kept on the face of no more than 15

Anti-inflammatory drying composition with effect

Dry inflammation and lighten acne spots
will help mask with aspirin and lemon juice. For a few
crushed tablets enough for a few drops of lemon juice. Mask
must be left to dry and then rinse. Sure to
apply moisturizer.

ATсе описанные маски немного осветляют кожу, особенно те, что
contain citric acid. Pigment spots are also lightened.
traces of inflammation. If the mask contains oil, it is not
should be excluded even in cases where the skin is quite oily.
In no case should we forget about protecting the face from ultraviolet radiation.
after the procedure, and the first hours after it is undesirable to go out
houses. SPF funds are used even in very cloudy
the weather.

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