Face and neck masks are the best way to deal withaging Effective recipes for face and neck masks and their rulesapplying

Пт, 29 дек 2017 Автор: Людмила

Every woman tries to keep youth and
the beauty of your skin as long as possible. Different methods are used:
plastic surgery, salon procedures and effective home
care. It is about the latter and will be discussed today.


Face and neck masks to prevent aging

Face and neck masks are an effective method of dealing with the first
signs of age-related changes. As a rule, they become
relevant after 25 – when the first small wrinkles appear,
and become irreplaceable by the age of forty. With their help, you can
forget for a long time about expensive visits to cosmetologists and salons,
fully providing the skin with all necessary.

The choice of masks depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. First
factor that affects the formulation and type of mask is age. Than
the older the woman, the higher the concentration of active substances.
And sometimes it may turn out that strong means are completely useless.
Women often exaggerate their problems when they can be solved,
for example, gymnastics for the face, changing moisturizer or
going to the doctor – often changes in the skin signal harmful effects
processes inside the body.

What are face and neck masks for?

So, what problems face masks solve and

1. • Deep moistening, removal of peeling and tightness.

2. • Regulation of sebum (sebum) production, and normalization
work excretory system.

3. • Good nutrition depending on weather and seasonal

4. • Creating a protective barrier to combat negative
exposure to the environment (ultraviolet light, which ages the skin,
air pollution when dust clogs the pores and settles in a layer on
surface, chlorinated water that drains the dermis and makes it
more sensitive, and more).

5. • Treatment of foci of inflammation, demodicosis, and acne.

6. • Gentle and deep cleansing of closed comedones and pores.

7. • Smoothing of small and large wrinkles.

8. • Return to the skin of elasticity, elasticity and tone.

9. • Clarification of pigmentation of different origin.

The scope of the remedies, the recipes you see below,
may be different. The main thing is that face and neck masks are excellent.
coped with a specific task, fit under
individual characteristics and did not cause allergies. To make
the right choice, you need to decide for the purpose of cosmetic
procedures. Someone wants to get rid of the hated wrinkles, someone
wants to moisturize their skin while others seek to nourish their skin, and
make it elastic again. For each of the destinations there
separate facility.

Do not forget that the skin on the face is very susceptible to external
effects and may affect cosmetic procedures in the wrong way
As expected. Therefore, before embarking on active
events, it is necessary to make a test for sensitivity or allergies.
For this to bend the elbow, or a small area of ​​the face, it is necessary
apply a small amount of funds and leave it for the period
which is specified in the instructions for the mask. After that, wash off, wait
another half an hour, and only after that, in the case of a normal reaction,
proceed to a full procedure.

How to apply face and neck masks

Get a positive result from face and neck masks
only if you follow all the rules

1. • Look carefully at the composition. If you worry that
one of the components can harm your skin, better
discard and choose another recipe.

2. • Use only fresh produce during cooking.
(preferably from the supermarket, since there they pass the obligatory
certification). Especially carefully you need to approach the sour-milk
products. Homemade products may contain bacteria, viruses and
infections that, through microlocks and cracks in the skin, can
penetrate the inner layers of the epidermis, and provoke a focus

3. • Do not experiment. Do not replace the ingredients alone.
others, throw out the components or add your own. Skin reaction
may be unpredictable.

4. • Masks are applied ONLY on previously prepared skin.
First делом нужно очистить лицо от остатков косметики и
pollution. Then wipe tonic. And only after
steam it and open the pores (for this it is best to use
broths of pharmaceutical herbs).

5. • To make the layer smooth, and the components penetrate into the dermis,
it is necessary to put means it is necessary lungs, circular, massage

6. • The exposure time varies between 10-30 minutes.

7. • Wash off the mask either with warm water or filtered,
mineral gas, or herbal decoction (which was used
for steaming).

8. • After removal, the face is soothed with a nourishing cream.

9. • It is better not to repeat cosmetic procedures more than three times more often.
a week The best option – 1-2 times.

The best recipes for face and neck masks from around the world.

Here you will find different recipes for masks depending on
achievable purposes: moisturizing, brightening, nourishing,
tightening, refreshing, cleansing and scrubbing, and others:

Moisturizing organic face mask

To make it, take the yolk of one egg and beat it.
together with a tablespoon of honey. 3-4 mix the mixture
drops of cosmetic oil (it is better to choose peach. For
in the absence of allowed the use of olive).

Brighten age spots, acne marks and level
the tone of the face will help lighten the mask for the face.

Brightening facial mask

In a ceramic dish you need to mix a teaspoon
freshly squeezed lemon juice (a solution of citric acid in water is not
will fit) and a quarter teaspoon of glycerin (sold in any

Nutrition – the main stage of care for aged facial skin and
neckline. For this purpose, perfect nutritional mask on
banana and honey based. First you need to grind the flesh
half a banana to a slurry, add the yolk of one egg and
mix until smooth. After that in the resulting mixture
a teaspoon of liquid, unsweetened, fresh

Tightening the face contour and tightening the skin will help
mask. To prepare it is very simple. Need to take a tablespoon
common baker’s yeast and dilute them in warm milk to
the consistency of thick cream (the amount of milk individually and
depends on the manufacturer and the type of yeast). Cover with a towel and
leave in a dark warm place for 40-50 minutes. After this
time in the liquid add a tablespoon of vegetable olive
or peach oil, as well as mashed egg yolk.

Refresh the skin and return her ruddy and youth by using
following recipe. Medium cucumber peel and crush to
mashed potatoes (ideally should be 2 tablespoons
cucumber gruel). Mix it with a high percentage of sour cream.
fat content.

Clean pores and prevent the formation of comedones can be
cleansing mask. For its preparation you need to take oatmeal and
grind them in a coffee grinder to a state of coarse flour. Add to it
2 tablespoons of warm milk to thick creamy
consistency. The resulting mixture must be heated in a water bath.
or put in the microwave for a few seconds. Bye remedy
mix it even hotter with a teaspoon of butter and cream
15% fat content.

Scrubbing allows you to get rid of dead skin particles,
level the face and remove the peeling. Mostly
owners of fatty skin suffer from this problem and this remedy
intended for them. In a small amount of male cream
shaving mix a teaspoon of fine salt without lumps.
Add soda at the tip of the knife and apply on wet skin.

The latest recipe will help bring skin to tone and nourish it.
useful trace elements. First you need to take a fresh tomato,
pour boiling water over it and peel it off. Then mash it with a fork in
mashed potatoes, add ground oatmeal (approx.
spoon) and one egg yolk.

These masks for the face and neckline are a great alternative.
expensive procedures in the office of a beautician. They will help quickly
and effectively tighten the skin, return her youth and beauty. For
achieving maximum results different recipes can be
combine with each other. The effect is not long in coming, but a month
application will erase from the face at least five years. The skin will surely tell

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