- 1 Эффективные программы упражнений на внутреннюю часть hips
- 1.1 How to start?
- 1.2 A set of basic exercises
- 1.3 Power training
- 1.4 Home program
- 1.5 Training at the gym for women
- 1.6 Fitball Training
- 1.7 Exercises с гантелями
- 2 Video lesson
Внутренняя поверхность hips — проблемная часть тела не только
for losing weight, but also for slender girls. The problem of this part of the body is
that in everyday life it works passively, and most
standard exercises for weight loss or pumping focused on
the back and front of the thighs, only slightly affecting
при этом мышцы внутренней части hips.
To work out any muscle group, it is advisable to know
их строение, чтобы понимать, как именно на них лучше
to impact. Группа мышц внутренней части hips называется
leading as they are responsible for bringing the femur
inside. In this part of the body is the ilio-comb muscle,
below – a crest, next to it is a long adductor muscle and the most
extreme in this group is a thin muscle.
Программа для проработки внутренней части hips может быть
at the same time power and aerobic, in addition, will have to use
and stretching exercises. Such a complex can help get rid of
from non-aesthetic fat deposits in this area, strengthen and pump up
muscles, and bring them into tone. If a включать в силовую
Stretching program, you can achieve better
Эффективные программы упражнений на внутреннюю часть hips
If a вы намерены уделить особое внимание группе мышц внутренней
части hips, стоит выбрать несколько упражнений разной нагрузки и
perform them regularly, combining with cardio and stretching.
Важно: Exercises не должны быть легкими, но не стоит с
first attempt to make up for everything – you can damage one of
мышц, напрямую задействованных в ходьбе.
The number of repetitions should be large, that is, from 12 and
more. As soon as you leave the comfort zone, try constantly
увеличивать количество repetitions. However, all this is just ahead.
Beginners should pay attention to several other important
Where to begin?
How to start the exercises on the inside
hips? To choose the right exercises for the internal
части hips, необходимо определиться с целью:
- remove excess thighs;
- build muscle related to the inside;
- strengthen the inner surface;
- tighten and tone up muscles.
Having chosen a set of exercises for home, a girl or woman should
to determine the permissible initial load level for it. Great
indicator is the number of repetitions of the exercise, which
brings the muscles to tension.
If a женщина не подготовлена к выполнению всего объема
exercise, you need to reduce the load. As addictive
the increase in load is performed by a larger number
Exercises для похудения внутренней части hips всегда
нужно начинать с 10-15 минут разминки. It will save from
possible injuries and sprains. You need to finish the complex
растяжкой на 15 минут. For these целей отлично подойдут
exercises from yoga.
The complex of basic exercises
The most popular among beginners at home is the simplest
exercise program. It includes exercises for
похудения внутренней части hips и проработку других нескольких
групп muscle Движения следует повторять 12-15 times.
Эффективные упражнения для внутренней части hips в
home conditions:
- Sumo Squats
Очень эффективные упражнения для внутренней части hips — все
types of squats. To perform “Sumo” or “Plie” you need to place
legs as wide as possible, to move the heels inwards, and to turn out the socks
out. In this position we do deep squats. Exercise
significantly strengthens the muscles of the hips, back, abdominals, and also has
непосредственное воздействие на inner thighs. By doing
squats at home, remember to straighten your back and breathe correctly. Angle
knees bent in a squat should be 90 degrees.
- Lunges
You can perform both front, rear, and side attacks –
самые популярные для проработки внутренней части hips. Main
the rule is that the angle at the knee should be straight. The attacks are especially good.
with weighting in their hands. Additional load will help remove fat
со скрытой поверхности бедер значительно быстрее.
Exercise делается плавно, так как важно прочувствовать работу
всех muscle
- Straight leg breeding
Swing to the sides – a very effective exercise for the hidden
поверхности hips, которое легко выполнять в домашних условиях. For
This should lie on a flat surface, raise your legs under the straight
angle, move them apart to a strong muscle tension, reduce
legs at right angles, slightly crossing them. No need to move
perform in a hurry, it is important to feel the work of each muscle.
- �”Butterfly Pose”
This yoga exercise helps a lot.
растянуть внутреннюю поверхность hips в домашних условиях.
For выполнения нужно сесть на твердую поверхность, согнуть ноги в
knees and move your feet to the groin. Palms need squeeze the feet
straighten your back and try to put your knees on the floor. In the process
выполнения этого упражнения нужно медленно дышать, пытаться
relax, not forgetting to pull your knees to the floor surface. If a
doing the “butterfly” at home regularly, you can quickly tighten the muscles in
problem areas.
Power training
Большинство худеющих женщин интересует, как убрать
bulging inner thigh with force
exercise? In addition to working with its own weight, you can
use sports equipment that will train
more effective and will bring up in losing weight endurance. For these
goals can be used as dumbbells and weights, and sports
elastic band, expander, pilates ring.
Effective strength exercises for internal slimming
Parts of the hips:
- Приседния «Сумо» с гирей — это
the above described squats, only complicated by lifting two weights
by hands. For starters, you can perform 10-12 repetitions. - Перекаты с гантелями — так называемые
side squats with alternate weight transfer on bent under
right angle leg and alignment of the opposite leg. Dumbbells with
this movement rises to eye level. Such a “stretch” with
weighting is well working on the inside of the thighs. - Приведение hips лежа на боку — очень
popular exercise, familiar to many since the days of school
fizry. We lay down on the thigh, the body is raised and rests on the elbow.
The second hand lies on the waist. Upper leg bends at the knee
so that the foot tightly rested against the floor. Straight lower leg
we lift up, the sock is directed on itself. Trying out of this
position to raise the leg as high as possible. Such a load
works through all the muscles in the inner thigh and increases
endurance losing weight. For each leg you need to perform 10-15
repetitions. - Отведение ноги на эластичной ленте —
excellent adaptation of leg leads in the crossover at home.
The tape is fixed to the furniture or outdoor sports simulator.
We insert the foot into the opposite end of the stretched tape so that
stand sideways to the simulator. The second leg is the supporting leg, it stands tight
on the floor. We bring the foot in the tape for the support to the maximum
muscle tension and return it to its original position. Foot
The working foot should not touch the floor until the end of the exercise. Every
leg should be taken 15 times. - Exercise “Pendulum” with weighting
— упражнение из йоги превращается в силовое, если
attach to the legs weighting. If a выполнять его неспешно и
thoughtfully, you can work out the inner thigh area well. Of
standing positions raise the straight leg and draw it back so that
она была параллельon the floor. We lower the leg to the floor, and repeat the move on
the other leg. Perform 15 sweeps on each leg.
Важно: не стоит быстро делать упражнения,
slow execution helps to remove fat, tighten muscles and
tone up the inner thigh.
Home program
To build muscle inside the thigh, not necessarily
spend money on expensive tickets to the gym. Enough
find a small free area at home with a flat surface, and
can get to work. What exercises can you pump
inner thigh at home?
- Wide-legged X-jumps –
excellent aerobic exercise on all muscle groups, with an emphasis on
inner thighs. Starting position: we stand exactly, hands
straightened above the head. When jumping, you need to spread your legs wide apart, while
This is a little spring on my knees. Руки в этот момент подняты,
divorced to the side. Then we put our legs together in a jump, hands
straighten over your head. Repeat the exercise 15 times. - Удары «Ван Дамма» — хорошее
exercise for beginners, which tempers the inner part of the thigh.
Standing exactly, bend your elbows, fists pressed to the chest. Do
swing straight leg forward. Strive to raise the leg as high as possible and
while maintaining balance. Do 20 интенсивных уверенных
beats alternately on both legs. - Side swing standing on all fours –
a classic that will help strengthen the inner thigh, and at the same time
pump up the buttocks. Standing on all fours, alternately allot in
side bent at the knee at a right angle leg. This exercise is not
loves haste, here you need to feel the work of the muscles. Repeat on
12 sweeps on each leg.
All types of squats, lunges,
exercises for leg abduction, which we described above.
Training at the gym for women
If a занятия дома не принесли результатов, или заставить себя
doing exercises at home is difficult, the door of the gym
almost always open and certainly for everyone. A set of exercises for
inner thigh in the gym for women is easy
perform with the help of special simulators to work out
muscle Moreover, the first time each exercise can be performed
under the supervision of professionals. Repeat every move you need
12-15 times.
To exercises for pumping the inner thigh into
Gyms include:
- Press legs up;
- Leg leads in the crossover;
- Breeding knees in the simulator;
- Махи ног назад в кроссовере;
- Sumo squats in Smith’s simulator.
Fitball Training
Exercises for inner thigh on fitball –
effective aerobic training that uses a lot of muscles
and great help in the process of losing weight. Try while composing
complex include as many exercises in which the legs
should work with weighting in the form of a ball. Average number
repetitions – 10-15 times.
- Разведение ног с фитболом —
standard dilutions of the legs to the side lying on your back are complicated
raising the faceball with the hands and then squeezing the ball between the hands and
feet. - Разгибание коленей — сидя на полу,
we move our hands behind our backs and we rest on them so that the body is
rejected a little back. Bowing the ball to the knees to be
bent at a right angle and raise the fitball with them above the floor, while
fully straightening his legs. - Махи вверх. We lay down on the floor, hands
lie along the body, shoulders tightly pressed to the floor. Put the caviar on
fitball and fully straighten the body in a solid line from the chest to
socks. Опорой служат плечи и прямые руки on the floor. We carry out lifting
straight legs up, drop it back on the fitball, repeat
exercise on the second leg. Lower the tailbone to the floor, returning to
initial position. - Махи назад — это упражнение
можно делать, опираясь локтями на мяч. For this
нужно встать на колени рядом с мячом, локтями опереться на
fitball, straighten the body, maintaining balance. Now you need to slowly
lift the lower limb up to the feeling of tension.
Exercises с гантелями
Exercises на внутреннюю часть hips с гантелями универсальны и
suitable for both gym and home use
exercise. Beginners better choose the weight of dumbbells smaller, but not
make yourself a big discount. For example, 1.5 kg is enough
few. If a есть силы, занимайтесь с гантелями весом по 3 кг.
Exercises для похудения внутренней части hips с гантелями
You can do several approaches, each of which will be about
15 reps.
Squatting with hands
- stand with your back straight;
- feet wide apart;
- socks turned to the side;
- arms straightened down, each hold a dumbbell;
- squat before reaching the right angle in the knee area
inhale; - exhale back up.
There are several variations of squats, supplemented with dumbbells.
To strengthen the muscles of the whole body when a woman performs squats,
she can raise her arms with dumbbells forward or sideways. Need to
remember about proper breathing and straight back.
Lunges forward with dumbbells in hands:
- stand up straight;
- the dumbbells are clamped in the arms, straightened down or pulled up to
breasts; - lunge one foot forward;
- follow the right angle in the knee area;
- back to the vertical state with a jerk.
Lunges must be performed with a straight back. Remove unwanted fat
a complex of 3 sets of 10 each helps from the inside
repetitions. During the exercise, you can use
The complex can also include other exercises described.
above in the sub-item “Strength training”.
Video lesson
To effectively and quickly get rid of excess fat on
the inner thigh at home, a beginner can
use the free help of the best trainers from all over the world,
которые выпускают множество комплексов видео-упражнений для
Видео — упражнения в домашних условиях для
inner thigh women: