Evening primrose oil – its beneficial properties andmethods of application. How to apply primrose oil forbeauty and health.

Чт, 13 авг 2015 BUTвтор: BUTнна Нестеренко

In ancient times, primrose was considered the medicinal flower of Olympus. People
Were sure that the primrose is a panacea for all ills. Many
find similarities between the flowers of this plant and ligaments
key. Even the Scandinavian sagas tell that the primrose is the key
fertility goddesses with which she opens the spring.

There is another implication that primula should
perceived as sprouted keys to heaven falling from the hands of the earth
St. Peter. Primula is called “keys of marriage”, they see it
symbol of happiness. In ancient times, the tribes added certain
species of such a flower in amorous drinks. Today it is known over
400 species of primroses, 200 of which are cultivated. But we will talk about
primula evening, and more precisely about the oil, which is extracted from this
plants, learn about its properties, methods of use.


Evening primrose oil: getting and properties

Evening primrose oil is obtained by an extraction method either
cold pressing. The color of the oil is pale yellow. Oil contains
vitamins and essential fatty acids that are important in caring for
body, face. It is able to provide a tonic,
anti-aging, vitamin, expectorant, diuretic action.
This oil is used as an adaptogenic agent.

The use of evening primrose oil

Evening primrose oil is used in medicine. It eliminates
hormonal disorders, relieves PMS symptoms, is used when
infertility, disorders during menopause. This product can
use as a prophylactic against endometriosis,
it is also suitable for people with low vision, a number of diseases
nervous and cardiovascular systems. More oil is good
painkiller and wound healing agent. It boosts immunity,
lowers cholesterol.

With the help of evening primrose oil, normalizing hormones,
You can lose those extra pounds. Reduce weight and help fatty
acids that will work the digestive system. Butter
primroses protect from free radicals, relieve stress,
will start rejuvenating the body. Take oil worth for
recovery from infectious diseases. It eliminates
inflammatory processes, cures skin diseases, relieves
allergic manifestations.

Butter примулы вечерней применяется в косметологии. It
rejuvenates the skin, makes it elastic, taut, smooth. This is butter
improves the condition of hair and even nails, protecting them from
brittleness, delamination, helping to improve the nail after fungal
diseases. Butter примулы используется в уходе за ослабленной
nail plate, they are treated with a cuticle. Such a healing
the product prevents the formation of burrs and dry hands, nourishes
skin, nourishes it with vitamins.

Apply evening primrose oil, not only in the care of the face and
by hands. It также эффективно ухаживает за кожей вокруг глаз, шеей.
This oil can be used during massage, adding to
special means. Based on evening primrose oil is prepared
homemade masks, it is mixed with purchased lotions or creams.
They are recommended to wipe the rash, oil is also added to
shampoos It прекрасно сочетается с эфирными маслами (розы,
ylang-ylang, lavender).

Contraindications to the use of evening primrose oil

Many experts claim that primrose oil is contraindicated
only in case of individual intolerance. However, they
recommend using it for pregnant women for normal
development of the child’s central nervous system, the establishment of hormonal levels and
prevent the occurrence of ruptures of the birth canal.
Primrose oil capsules such doctors are advised to take with the 34th
weeks of pregnancy.

But still more experts prove that the list
contraindications to the use of primrose oil is much broader. Besides
Moreover, they refer to contraindications of pregnancy and
lactation. Also, do not advise people to take evening primrose oil.
with schizophrenic disorders, with blood disorders, etc.
Uncontrolled use of oil can lead to nausea,
migraine and cause stomach pain.

Skin care evening primrose oil

Butter примулы бережно ухаживает за кожей, даря ей эластичность и
returning youth. It восстанавливает, избавляет от раздражений,
nourishes and moisturizes, removes specks and smoothes nasty
wrinkles. Best of all evening primrose oil is suitable for dry
flaky skin. This natural ingredient works great in
composition of anti-aging products.

Also, primrose oil is suitable for people with damaged skin. BUT
in general, it can be applied to girls who have any type of skin.
This oil is worth paying attention to losing weight, because it will help
maintain skin elasticity, without letting it sag, which is often
occurs with a sharp decrease in weight. Of course, when losing weight should
not only hope for primrose oil, but also abide by drinking

Butter примулы вечерней также очистит кожу, выступит
prevention stretch marks, removes unsightly redness. Him
used in the development of dermatitis, eczema, various rashes. Such
oil will help to cope with pressure sores. They are smeared
postoperative wounds.

Rejuvenating gel with evening primrose oil

To improve blood circulation and increase the elasticity of the tissues around
eye, remove eyelid swelling, wrinkles, dark circles will help gel with
oil evening primrose. Since you need to achieve many effects,
for the preparation of a rejuvenating gel other than primrose oil
other components will be required. First we take the hydrolat
roses, which soothes and refreshes the skin, neutralizes
allergic reactions, makes wrinkles less deep. We need
three tablespoons of rose hydrolat. Behind the first component
add cornflower hydrolat (2 tbsp. l.). It will eliminate puffiness,
will remove the dark circles under our tired eyes.

Внимание: оба гидролата должны быть подогреты
to a temperature of 30 ° C.

Now it’s time for vitamins A and C, which will contribute
smoothing the skin. They will have an effect on collagen synthesis, enhancing
it will be protected from free radicals. Take each of the vitamins
four drops. Rinse hydrolat with vitamins, vsypte to them
a small pinch of alginate that will fill in wrinkles and
other irregularities. It will also improve collagen synthesis and
blood circulation, moisturize and saturate the skin with vitamins, mineral
substances, proteins. Alginate must be stirred before
until the mass turns whitish and viscous.

Now it’s time for the oils. First add 10 drops of oil
macadamia It защищает кожу от неблагоприятных воздействий,
free radicals, regenerates it, softens, restores
липидный барьер, разглаживает wrinkles. Also for anti-aging
home gel will need 10 drops of wheat germ oil,
which fights dark circles, dryness, swelling and slows down
aging. Add 3 drops of liquid silk to the gel. Him действие
will be aimed at smoothing the skin and filling the wrinkles. Liquid
silk will make the eyelid skin moisturized, soft and tender.

And, of course, be sure to add the most powerful gel to the gel.
described anti-aging components – evening primrose oil (seven
drops). Such масло очень активно и благоприятно действует на кожу
within days after application. It убирает морщинки и
irritation, nourishes the skin. Add skin elasticity and freshness,
to improve the metabolic processes also helps rosehip oil. For gel
you need six drops of this vegetable oil, which also
nourishes the skin with vitamins and slightly brighten it. Do not forget about
camellia oil (three drops). It уменьшит риск пигментации, защитит
skin of the eyelids from the wind, loss of moisture, will have a tonic effect. For
recovery, calm and moisturize the eyelid skin
Add half a teaspoon of aloe juice to the gel. Last
component – three drops of broccoli oil.

Важно: для изготовления геля нужно купить
cold pressed unrefined oils.

After combining all the components and mixing them, collect the gel in a clean
glass container. You can use the container remaining from
purchased cream. The gel is stored only in the refrigerator. Shelf life
– month. Apply the product to the skin of the eyelids should be chilled.

Use of means: dip a q-tip into the gel and
transfer her anti-aging products to the skin under the eyes. After
hammer this into the skin with light tapping movements.
fingertips. Apply the gel twice a day. Course of conduct
procedures – three months.

Wrinkle mask

Let’s talk about another mask with evening primrose oil,
which will relieve wrinkles around the eyes. Why are we so much
paying attention to eyelid skin care? The fact is that with
inadequate care for this delicate skin in women begins
form the notorious “crow’s feet”, which give
around our age.

This mask is easier to prepare than the previous one. BUT еще
it does not need any hydrolat – enough oils and
vitamin E. So, you will need one milliliter of oil
organs, jojoba and evening primrose. Also for a wrinkle mask is needed
the aforementioned vitamin E, sesame, rosehip and raspberry oils (0.5 each)
ml.). The essential oil of carrot seeds will need one drop.

The prepared tool is stored in the refrigerator door in
an alcohol-treated glass container for no longer than three months.
Apply the mixture on the skin of the eyelids in the morning and evening. Butter распределяется
tapping the fingertips. Drive in the mask, moving from
outer corner of the eye to the inner. Oil residue after 15 minutes
blotted with a napkin. After этого под глаза можно наносить

Важно: чтобы избежать отеков, наносить масла
in the evening follows two hours before bedtime.

Butter примулы для волос

Evening primrose oil should be dry and brittle,
colored and damaged by curls, due to weather conditions,
improper care hair. It уменьшит выпадение волос (даже то,
which arose not because of hormonal disorders), curls due to
oil will become strong, shiny, strands will begin to grow more actively.
Hair will be healed with skin heads getting
missing healthy nutrients and being full of fat
with acids.

Interesting: they say that the use of primrose oil can also
postpone your meeting with your own gray hair.

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