Euharis: home care (photo). WhyAmazon lily does not bloom: problems with euharis at homeconditions

Пн, 16 май 2016 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Euharis (Eucharis) hails from the subtropical forests of the Amazon.

In this regard, this plant has received the second name –
Amazonian lily, although it looks more like a flower

Popularity in indoor floriculture euharis acquired thanks
its delicate white flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma.

Of all existing species of this plant for growing in
домашних conditions пригодны:

• white euharis;

• Euharis grandiflora or Amazonian (grandiflora);

• toothless euharis (callifruria).

Despite its tropical origin, the Amazon lily
unpretentious in the care and subject to simple rules will be twice in
year to delight in its bloom.


Эухарис: уход в домашних conditions. Reproduction, transplanting


Euharis is propagated vegetatively and by seeds. В домашних conditions
apply the first method. Amazon lily forms a large
family of daughter bulbs. Separate them only after
they are quite strongly isolated from the parent bulb. Better this
do in march-april. Separated kids are seated in separate
pots with pre-prepared soil.

Children are ready to transplant


Euharis hard to tolerate the violation of earthy coma and damage
roots, so it is necessary to transplant it rarely – once in 3-4 years.
A sign that a transplant is necessary is education.
numerous affiliated onions. Separate them from maternal
bulbs or not depends on the purposes of the grower:

• if you need to multiply the plant, then each baby is planted in
separate capacity;

• if you want to get from the plant lush flowering, it is better
transplant bulbous family without separation.

The best period for a transplant is March. Healthy plants
rolled over into a new pot without destroying the earthen coma. Sick
copies before transplanting must be inspected for availability
rot bulbs. In this case, the ground is gently shaken off or
wash off the roots, cut off damaged parts, disinfect sections
and treated with fungicides. Bulbs with leaves buried in the soil
by 4-5 cm

Planting euharis: bulbs with roots and leaves are planted on
depth 4-5 cm

If the leaves are missing, the onion is planted so that it
the tip remained above ground level. This will make it easier to observe
development of the plant.

For planting experienced growers advise the use of rather narrow and
high pots with holes at the bottom. Required thick drainage for
prevent stagnant moisture and root decay.

If you got an onion without roots and leaves, then the container for
it is taken in such a way that the distance from the edge of the pot to
the bulbs were no more than 2-3 cm. The substrate should be diluted in half with
sand and lightly moisten. Planted plant set in bright
warm place.

The first 14-20 days after transplantation, euharis is watered moderately – according to
as the soil dries. If there were planted onions with leaves, then
they can be sprayed regularly. New sprouts in leafless bulbs
will appear in about 30-45 days after landing.

Эухарис: уход в домашних conditions. Soil, temperature and
air humidity, watering, feeding

The soil

For Amazonian lilies, fertile soil with good air
and moisture permeability. This must be taken into account when independent
compilation of soil mixture. For its manufacture use such
components as humus, leaf soil, sand, peat (1: 2: 1: 0.5).
At the bottom of the pot is required a layer of drainage of expanded clay, coconut
shell, fine gravel for the outflow of excess moisture. If you choose from
mixtures sold in stores, it is better to opt for
soils for amaryllic.


Euharis grows well in partial shade and does not tolerate straight
Sun rays. В домашних conditions оптимальным его размещением
there will be windows of east or west direction. Summer plant
can be sent to fresh air, after arranging for him protection
from the midday sun and precipitation.

Air temperature and humidity

This native of the tropics is thermophilic, therefore the most
optimal temperature range during the period of growth and flowering + 24-28C.
Large temperature differences affect the size of the flowers – they
are shrinking. After flowering at the euharis, the stage of rest begins:
this time the plant contain within 17-18C. At + 10C and below
the plant can shed its leaves, and the bulbs begin to rot.
Special claims to air humidity in the room euharis not
makes. It is necessary to spray it only in the period of active
vegetation. During flowering, this procedure should be carried out
be careful that the moisture does not get on the flowers, because water drops
cause them to form brown spots. Leaf dust is rubbed.
wet cloth.


Wateringать эухарис надо умеренно, не допуская пересушивания и
excessive soil moisture. The next watering is carried out after
soil drying by 1/3 of the volume (when the soil is over-wetted
plant system rots). Wateringная вода должна быть separated
room temperature. Excess water accumulated in the pan after
watering, drained. During the rest period, the “drinking regime” is reduced – land
in the pot remains half dry.


Feed the euharis during the active growing season every 2
weeks alternating mineral and organic fertilizers for flowering
plants. After flowering in the Amazonian lily comes
the period of rest and feeding should be stopped.

Эухарис: уход в домашних conditions, условия цветения

При соответствующем уходе эухарис в домашних conditions цветет 2-3
times a year. Flowers open one by one, each blooming
8-10 days, exuding a delicate pleasant aroma. Timing of flowering
Amazonian lilies can be regulated by a specific pattern of irrigation and

Graph of the life cycles of euharis (Roman numeral – number
months, one cell – half a month). Yellow – rest period
plants, green – active vegetation, red –

Если эухарис в домашних conditions не зацветает,
This happens for the following reasons:

• Improper fit. Before the young plant starts
bloom, its bulb should increase the kids for 3-4 years. For
bloom acceleration when planting in one pot can be planted
several onions. The closer the landing capacity, the sooner
наступит bloom.

• Large temperature drops inhibit plant growth and
provoke rotting bulbs. As a result, flowering is not
comes, and if all the same plant laid flower arrows,
flowers turn out small.

• The resting stage has not been observed. It begins after the end
flowering and lasts 1-1.5 months. The amount and volume of watering is
the period is shortened and the euharis is contained in a semi-arid state (soil in
pot should dry half its volume). To determine
the degree of drying of the substrate can be on the weight of the pot, special
moisture indicators or wooden sticks, immersing them in
the earth. At the same time it is necessary to organize good lighting.
When new sprouts appear, watering is increased and renewed.
top dressing plant.

Эухарис: уход в домашних conditions. The main problems with
growing euharis

Errors in care affect the appearance of euharis.
Gradual yellowing and dying off of leaves is natural.
process. Mass yellowing and dying off of the leaves occurs at
improper watering (excessive or insufficient), low
air temperature (below + 10 ° C) or the influence of direct solar
rays. In this case, you need to remove the bulbs from the ground and inspect them:
if they have become soft to the touch, have changed color, then this
testifies to the process of decay. To save the flower,
damaged parts are cut out, wounds are powdered with wood powder
coal, dried in the air and planted in a new substrate.

With a lack of moisture euharis leaves lose turgor. If after
watering their form is not restored, the cause may be
hypothermia in draft, during transport.

Twisting and drooping of the leaves is a sign
damage to the root system or frostbite drafts.

Euharis leaves drooping due to draft

Deformation of adult leaves occurs when the air is dry around
plants. Rubbing them with a damp sponge will help them recover.
If all the leaves (both young and old) lose their form, the reason
most likely in the appearance of pests, excess fertilizer,
supercooling of soil and roots.

With a nutrient deficiency, the plant can throw off the old
leaves simultaneously with the emergence of new ones. Most often this happens in
winter in low light.

One of the most common diseases of the family
Amaryllidaceae, to which euharis belongs, is gray rot,
the causative agent of which is the fungus Botridis. It develops with
high humidity and low air temperature and waterlogging
ground. At the initial stage, the leaves lose their elasticity, become
soft, brown around the edges. Then on the infected sites appears
gray mold, and they die off. At the first signs of the disease
affected parts of the plant are removed, the rest is treated
copper-containing fungicide (Topsin-M, Fundazol, copper solution

Another of the common fungal diseases of euharis (and all
family Amaryllisovyh) – stagonosporosis or red burn. For него
characterized by the appearance of red elongated spots on the leaves,
peduncles, buds, bulbs.

Red burn on euharis bulbs

With a strong lesion the leaves are deformed, peduncles
bend and wilt, putrid foci develop on the bulb.
As a result, the plant is oppressed and dies. Progression
diseases are favored by sudden changes in temperature and excessive
watering. Over time, black pycnidia crusts form on the spots –
sources of fungal spores. For борьбы с красным ожогом важно
use only high quality planting material. Bulbs
Before planting, it is necessary to etch it with a fungicide (Oxy, Maxim.
Rovral, Abiga-Pik) for 30 minutes and dry (2 days).

Of the pests, euharis may be affected by a mushroom mosquito,
mealybug, spider mite, thrips and shields

Mushroom mosquitoes (sciarides) are small black midges, females
которых откладывают яйца в корнях plants. Harm is done by the larvae,
eating root tissue. As a result, the plant is stunted,
withers, does not bloom. For борьбы с этими вредителями почву в горшке
can be shed Aktara (0.8 g / l of water). Further adjust
watering – mosquitoes multiply in waterlogged soil.

The amaryllis glove settles under the onion scales. Causes
искривление листьев и цветоносов, а в дальнейшем усыхание plants.
In case of severe damage, euharis must be sprayed with insecticide.
(Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Spider mites infect plants with dry indoor air.
If there are few pests, the ground part of the euharis is washed.
soapy water and maintain higher humidity.
In case of mass destruction, the use of acaricides is justified (Sunmite,
Akarin, Kleschevit, Fitoverm).

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