Esvitsin: a wonderful tool for healthy hair


  • Indications
  • Composition and benefits
  • How to apply?
  • Reviews

In response to a simple question, are you satisfied with your hair,
most women shake their heads. Oh long
thick, strong, like a ship’s ropes, braids, many only
dream with regret noting far from satisfactory
state of hair in reality. For men, despite
the continued relevance of the haircut “under zero”, the theme of hair thinning
and baldness is also topical. Therefore information about
drug Esvitsin, promising help in solving the problem of patients
rare, intensely falling hair will be interesting and useful

эсвицин, фото


Miraculous Elixir in a small bottle

The manufacturer positions Esvitsin as patented,
therapeutic and prophylactic agent and cosmetic preparation
multilateral action. Shown to outside, inside or
combined use not only for the purpose of hair recovery,
prevention and control of baldness (which is its main
task), but also for other ailments.

For example, simultaneous oral and local use.
Esvitsina recommended in the following states:

  1. Alopecia is an initial stage.
  2. Dental diseases (caries) gum disease
    (periodontitis, periodontal disease), removal of hard plaque.
  3. Tonsillitis.
  4. Rhinitis.
  5. Bronchitis.
  6. Phlebeurysm.
  7. Diseases of the bones and musculoskeletal system (gout,
    arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis).
  8. Burns
  9. Wounds.

Inside Esvitsin accept for prevention and during treatment
ulcers of the stomach, gastritis, arterial hypertension. A drug
recommended as a prophylactic boosting agent
vitality and strengthening the immune system of the elderly

Moreover, the indications for the use of this amazing tool
are available in the case of alcohol addiction treatment, as well as for
full development, comprehensive recovery and improvement
the state of pet hair (dogs, cats). Straight

�”Secret” part of Esvitsina

Multilateral action of the drug due to a unique set
of the useful substances rising in its structure. And intrigue
is that the entire composition of Esvitsin manufacturer is not
is disclosed. It is only indicated that the agent is not
hormonal, is an introductory solution, includes a complex
different bioactive fermented stimulants that increase
body defenses and immunity-enhancing, as well as micro and
macronutrients needed for good health.

From some sources, it follows that in 1 gram of Esvitsina

  • Silicon – 2,000-5,000 mcg.
  • Copper – 300-1000 mcg.
  • Zinc – 50-100 mcg.
  • Manganese – 10-50 mcg.
  • India – 5-10 mcg.
  • Cobalt – 3-5 mcg.
  • Chromium – 0.05-0.1 μg.

Information on other components and biostimulant enzymes
strictly classified. However, this is not so important, because
the listed elements already allow to speak about unconditional advantage
Esvitsina for hair, skin, maintaining health and youth
organism as a whole.

Doctors’ warnings about what is impossible
at the same time take inwards and use externally the same
medication drug, Esvitsina do not apply.

  1. Firstly, because it is not a medicine as such, and
    refers, rather, to the group of dietary supplements. AT
  2. ATо-вторых, потому что состав бальзама полностью натуральный и
    contains components that stimulate the immune system
    man no more.

This explains the short list of contraindications Esvitsina.
In addition to the individual intolerance of individual components of the composition,
pregnancy and lactation, other prohibitions on the use of the drug
not. The composition does not cause addiction, no side effects.

The benefits of the drug, marked not only by pharmacists, but also
people who have used Esvitsin to treat hair include

  • Safety of use.
  • The practical absence of contraindications.
  • Natural composition without hormones.
  • Affordable price.
  • Convenient methods and applications.
  • Cost Efficiency.
  • ATысокая эффективность в качестве профилактического и лечебного
  • A noticeable result – the hair stops falling out, becomes
    shiny, silky, strong.

A prerequisite for achieving the desired effect is
systematic procedures and strict compliance with instructions for
применению facilities. With painful conditions, during therapy
this or that somatic disease is needed
preliminary consultation with the attending physician.

Instructions for use Esvitsina hair

In the treatment of alopecia and to stimulate active hair growth
means use 3 times a week. A small amount of balm
put on the hair roots with light massaging movements. ATтирать в
skin, wash off the composition is not necessary.

Simultaneously with external use, Esvitsin is taken orally.
on a tablespoon before breakfast. AT течение всего
treatment and prophylactic course you need to wash your hair 1-2 times
week using shampoo or toilet soap with neutral

The healing effect will be faster and more pronounced. if a
additionally add Esvicin to shampoo (1: 4 ratio) and
daily massage the scalp for 5 minutes with a soft massage

Throughout the course you need power control. From the diet
should be excluded fatty, spicy, spicy foods, limit
consumption of sweets, confectionery, flour products. Daily
the menu should be balanced in fat, carbohydrates,
proteins. Sour milk and dairy consumption is welcomed
products, meat, fish, eggs, which are the main suppliers
animal protein.

With hair loss and for the overall healing of the hair duration
treatment course is 3-4 months (women) and 6-12 months
(men). Treatment of hereditary alopecia in men can be
extended to 18 months of regular use of Esvitsin inside and

The first results are noticeable after 3-5 procedures:

  1. ATолосы перестают интенсивно выпадать, сечься на кончиках.
  2. The strands weakened by perm and dyeing cease
    break down, become silky, strong.
  3. Dandruff disappears.
  4. Work of sebaceous glands normalizes, hair stops quickly
    get fat
  5. Active hair growth is observed.

Forecast for complete restoration of scalp hair
The initial stage of alopecia is favorable. Especially for people younger
30 years. The additional positive effect of using Esvitsin for
hair is to improve the condition of the skin, strengthen
and the rapid growth of the nail plate. AT отдельных случаях отмечается
partial disappearance of gray hair.

With long-term storage of the drug at the bottom of the bottle is formed
dense sediment. It does not affect the properties of the balm, but
Shake before use.

Reviews реальных людей об Эсвицине

Margarita, 23 years old.

Back in school, my hair began to fall out strongly, from thick
head of hair almost nothing left. I woke up and collected with
pillows of the hairs … tormented hair with all kinds of masks (purchased and
homemade), oils, serums, but nothing helped.
One of the anti-hair loss remedies I discovered was

She used the remedy only outside, although someone else drinks it.
Applied to the scalp 2-3 times a week after a shower, without washing off.
A drug мне помог вырастить волосы, причем достаточно быстро.
By the way, he dries a little greasy hair, for my greasy
roots is a plus.

I advise those who are not afraid of the lack of composition on the package.
ATолосы действительно начинают лучше расти, появляются новые
hairs fall out less, look healthy.

Elena, 35 years old.

Constant stressful situations at work led to
My hair did not just fall out, but literally climb bundles.
To my horror, even small bald spots appeared on the crown and

AT поисках универсального эффективного средства от облысения я
scoured the entire internet and accidentally came across reviews of
Esvitsin. Hoping for the opinions of others, bought a bottle
to myself.

She took the balm according to the instructions: rubbed into her head, drank on an empty stomach,
added to the shampoo during shampooing. And the miracle (hurray!) Happened!
After a week and a half, my hair began to fall out less, and after 2
months, the skin on the head has ceased to appear and practically
long bald spots.

Более того, if a раньше у меня жутко слоились и ломались ногти,
then after applying Esvitsina and this problem is gone. I am very pleased
drug and I advise you to try it to anyone who faced
similar problem.

Eugene, 42 years old.

I pay special attention to my health, lifestyle and nutrition.
never paid. Maybe that’s why by the age of 35 I started to pour
hair. And by 40 the bald spot was already glistening and only the head remained

I did not think that you can return the hair, until I came across
online for reviews on Espumizane. It followed that it was just
some kind of magic drug for balding. And besides safe. BUT
since I had nothing to lose, I decided to try.

Applied to the scalp and slightly massaged. Did not wash off. Drink
medicine inside was afraid. At first there was no effect, but
somewhere in half a year I noticed a slow but sure addition
hair. Bald head began to grow into a dark down!

I do not know if I can completely restore the hair, but I will
continue to apply balm further. At least for now
I am already pleased with the results.

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