Energy connection between a man and a woman:how to build a perfect relationship

Energy connection between a man and a woman: how to build a perfect relationship

Each person has their own energy,
biofield, protecting it, affecting well-being, mood and
many other factors. Every day we carry out energy exchange with
other people, especially with whom we come across regularly. Special
a relationship arises with our relatives, as well as between a man and
a woman who is in a pair, create a family. Exists
tantric teaching that explains the essence of the exchange of energy between
man and woman. Based on special features, you can
determine whether the energy bond between man and
a woman. It is the formation of this connection that guarantees long and
strong relationships.

The main idea of ​​the teaching is that for a man
achieving goals must be charged female energy.

A woman is a vessel that stores this energy, only she
It does not use, but gives.

It turns out that a man is charged with ideological energy from
women, then gives her the energy of his strength, protects her.


Features of energy exchange between men and women

The man is in search of an energy source vessel all his
a life. First, after the birth of light, this energy he receives from
his mother, along with her love, care and care. A little bit later
it is maternal inspiration that helps the boy reach
set goals.

He then meets his first love, continues a relationship with
women, receiving from them the necessary energy. It is she who fills
a man with the strength to realize oneself in life

When a relationship begins between a man and a woman,
couple, the woman gives her energy, moral and intellectual

A man realizes and asserts himself in life, for example, goes
on career growth. Then he returns his love to the woman
financial care, provides wealth, reliable support for
of life.

Thus, a man inspires a woman for the subsequent return
ideological energy. Such interaction is permanent.
However, this is not an energetic connection.

The essence of the energy bond between a man and a woman

When sympathy begins between the opposite sex,
starts the process of energy exchange, which should brings
the pleasure of both in a pair. With longer contact with a woman
and the man formed channels in the biofield, through which energy
starts to circulate. Energy flows have their own colors, forms – their
can only see experts in the field of esoteric. Even in gear
�The “battle of psychics” was the task of determining which men and
woman are in pair, find this pair. It is extrasensory
abilities helped see energy flows and open channels.

Interaction channels and chakras are determined by type

  • Базовая чакра (Муладхара) – родственные
  • Сексуальная чакра (Свадхистана)
    easy, easy pastime. Maybe friends
    lovers or even in the family.
  • Пупочная чакра (Манипура) – родственные
    relationships between colleagues, friends,
    like-minded people, as well as with our potential rivals.
  • Сердечная чакра (Анахата) – отношения
    love in which people are connected with each other emotionally. One
    open heart chakra is not enough. To be paired
    harmonious relationships, it is important to develop and sexual chakra.
  • Горловая чакра (Вишудха) отвечает за отношения
    between colleagues, like-minded people.
  • Лобная чакра (Аджна) – телепатическая связь,
    the power of suggestion, the imposition of their ideas and thoughts. Chakra develops in
    sect members, fans copying their idols.
  • Венечная чакра (Сахасрара) – отношения
    are exclusively at the level of egregors. That is the collective,
    family, religion and the like.

Energy connection between a man and a woman: how to build a perfect relationship

The more serious the relationship between a man and a woman, the wider
energy channel, the stronger the connection for each of
energy centers.

Именно такие отношения длятся всю a life. Creating a family
which is not scary time, rivals, distance and adversity. Such
the couple will overcome everything. Parents will be very clear
Feel your children, no matter where they are. Not
in vain there is a phenomenon when something happens to the child, the mother
immediately feels anxiety and excitement, the heart feels that
unkind happened

When men and women have a classic relationship
character, the interaction is correct, healthy, equitable, then
their channels are bright, pulsing.

Mutual trust, respect and love allow you to exercise
equivalent energy exchange, uniting, complementing these

When an unhealthy relationship, for example, when one suppresses
another, manages, keeps in psychological dependence, channels
grow dull, grow heavy. Such a relationship sooner or later become obsolete,
imaginary love that is actually addiction or
suppression will only turn into irritation, impatience, anger and
aggression towards each other.

It often happens that one of the partners wants dominate,
control another person – his aura seems to be wrapped around an aura
partner. Nothing good will come of such a relationship.

It is the teaching of chakras and channels that very precisely explains
the reason people become strangers after

When the relationship ends, the channels are exhausted, weakened.
Gradually, the movement and exchange in the channels stop, as if
man and woman never bound anything. Now becomes
understandable, as it would seem, before loving each other people can
become so strangers.

It happens that after parting the channels are saved. Then people
continues to pull each other for a long time. Sometimes a man and
women renew their relationship, converge again and even
getting married.

If someone one has thrown another, while abruptly cutting off
energy connection, the second suffers, trying to return everything
обратно, долго не может забыть partner.

Features of energy in a pair

Energy connection between a man and a woman: how to build a perfect relationship

When a single energy field occurs, it is necessary
support him, with two partners, not just one. Above
relations work both, the only way you can not only save
balance, but also strengthen it, filling the union with energy, supporting
each other.

It is very important that everyone has inherent behavior.
nature. For example, if a woman focuses on a career, achieving
goals, self-realization in work, she manifests herself as a man.
If she is lonely, then there is no harm in it.

However, if such a woman is in a relationship, then her man’s
otherwise feminine traits will begin to develop. It may even become
householder, sit with children and do homework. Either in
relationship is dominated by a woman, and the man fulfills all her whims and
whim, becomes henpecked.

A woman should be responsible for sensual manifestations,
affects the mood in the relationship, the atmosphere in the house. Man carries
financial responsibility creates a base and support for his family.
Woman gives her energy to a man through the heart chakra, man
woman through the material channel. It is laid by nature. how
it is known that opposition to nature carries nothing

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