Egg white for face, what is its use incosmetology. Recipes effective face masks from eggproteins

Пн, 25 июл 2016 Автор: Юлия Ерковаv

An egg is a product that is always in the fridge.
there, and skin problems will help eliminate.

In cosmetology, egg white has long established itself with the best
parties. From the natural product and the benefits are high, and
There are practically no contraindications, and sometimes the effectiveness
higher than the chemicals.


Protein for the face: what is its benefits and features of the composition

Весь секрет эффективности масок для лица из яичных proteins
lies in their composition. The concentration of vitamins and active substances
allows the squirrel to penetrate deep into the epidermis and participate on
cellular level in various processes. Contribute to this
such elements:

1. The egg contains natural protein, which restores
any damage to the skin at the micro level, tones it, regulates
sebum production and normalizes the activity of glands. Because of them
oily skin may suffer.

2. Fats contained in egg white have a positive effect on
any skin type. They create a protective layer on top of the epidermis. This
the film serves as protection against negative external influence in the form of
heat, frost, dust, pollution, harmful fumes and others.

3. Carbohydrates give the skin an inexhaustible supply of energy, remove
fatigue and tone it up.

4. Glucose in protein composition performs a transport function, playing
the role of the conductor of energy to the cells of the skin. Without glucose, the skin fades and

5. Enzymes contained in the protein have a regenerating and
rejuvenating effect, regenerate skin cells, which contributes
rapid healing of damage and the disappearance of acne and acne

6. Protein is rich in B vitamins, namely:

• riboflavin or B2, which contributes to the speedy
inflammation healing;

• Pantothenic acid or B5, eliminating various kinds
inflammations on the skin, such as acne, acne, acne;

• pyridoxine or B6, which restores metabolic processes on
cellular level;

• folic acid or B9, which is anti-aging
means for fabrics, thanks to her skin longer remains elastic,
tight, elastic and breathes health;

• cyanocobalamin or B12, which affects the complexion,
improving it, and on vessels.

7. Biotin or vitamin H is contained in a small amount in
protein, but even it is enough to normalize the work of sebaceous

8. Vitamin PP or popularly known niacin acid
returns skin natural color without grayness and yellowness.

The main component of the masks – raw protein for the face, what
its benefits:

• masks based on a transparent consistency can narrow

• ideal for oily skin types, as effective
eliminates shine;

• is relevant in solving problems not only fat, but also
combination skin;

• effectively fights skin problems in the form of acne, rashes,
acne, redness, inflammation;

• brightens the skin and, due to the whitening effect, eliminates

At home, not only convenient to use viscous
liquid eggs for cosmetic procedures, but also simply profitable
and productively. Can be noticeable after first use.
significant changes for the better.

Советы по применению масок из proteins для лица

Often improper use of a product is not
gives positive results. Hence the negative
feedback about the lack of effectiveness or negative impact on
skin No exception is egg white. therefore
before carrying out home cosmetic procedures should
familiarize yourself with some product regulations
useful tips.

1. Compatibility. Suitable mask for oily and combination
skin, as well as one that has problems with structure and performance
sebaceous glands, rashes, inflammations. Saggy skin of the face, cheeks,
second chin also need egg white.

2. Противопоказана маска из proteins для лиц с сухой и
sensitive skin.

3. Selection of ingredients. To mask the protein was the most
effective and brought more benefits, give preference worth
homemade environmentally friendly products.

4. Extraction of protein. Choose the best method of separation.
Yolk from protein, over time, the acquired skill will be strengthened.

5. Beating. To achieve a uniform mask mass,
well beat the protein. To do this manually using whisk squirrel
whipped in a white foam, it will take about 5 minutes. To
the consistency did not have time to fall, you need to add the rest
ingredients in the mask. Then it will lie flat on the skin and not
cause discomfort when applied.

6. Prohibited reception. It is important to remember that when exposed
high temperatures protein folds. therefore маски с таким
Component in the composition can not be heated. If other products
stored in the refrigerator, then they should be obtained in advance for
reach room temperature.

7. Preparation. Apply masks with protein should be on pre
подготовленную и очищенную skin First of all follows take off
cosmetics. Much better active mask substances penetrate deep into
epidermis of steamed skin with dilated pores. For this you can
make a steam bath for 5 minutes.

8. Application. Наносить proteinsые маски можно на кожу специальными
brushes, and you can finger pillows, while massaging
face. You must read the rules of tapping massage,
so as not to disturb the subcutaneous microcirculation.

9. Terms of procedures. Any masks based on egg white have
property to dry quickly, forming a crust. The optimal time for
держания proteinsой маски 10—15 минут.

10. Purification of the mask. Remove the dried mask should be carefully,
чтобы резкими движениями не повредить skin You can wash your face with water
комнатной температуры или take off маску с помощью ватного диска,
moistened in a special liquid.

11. Regularity of application. In cases with problematic skin masks
can be done every other day, if the problems are small, then the frequency can be
increase to 1 time in 2 days. Means are suitable for
prophylactic use, they can be applied 1 time per week.

12. The duration of the cycle. To кожа не успевала привыкнуть к
лечению или профилактике proteinsыми средствами, необходимо делать
3-4 week breaks after 10 treatments.

If you follow these simple rules, then cosmetic procedures
protein-based noticeably dry oily skin, eliminate acne and
rashes on problem skin, eliminate oily shine, give
rejuvenating effect and tightened flabby dermis.

Рецепты масок для лица из яичных proteins

1. Protein-based mask that removes fat

The easiest recipe. It will take pure protein, which
need to beat and cool. Thin even stroke him
need to apply on the skin in three layers with an interval of 5-6 minutes,
so he had time to dry out. After the final layer after 15 minutes
mask can be rinsed with cold water.

2. To narrow the pores of oily skin.

You need to beat the protein, cool the mass, add 1 tsp.
lemon fresh juice. Similar to the first method, the mask
Apply to face and rinse off after 20 minutes. Its effectiveness
consists not only in the narrowing of the pores, but also in the removal of inflammations and
eliminate the first wrinkles.

3. Mask with whitening effect for problem

The mask includes:

• protein;

• any essential oil (2-3 drops);

• hydrogen peroxide (15 drops of 10% solution will be needed).

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the face.
necessarily a thick layer.

4. Осветляющая маска для жирной skin.

You need to mix the whipped protein with chopped dill,
parsley and sorrel. Proportions should be maintained such: 1 protein to 1
Art. l greenery. Apply a smooth consistency to the face.
thick layer. Helps mask not only brighten the skin, but also
fight pigmentation, allergic redness,

5. Nutritional composition for the combined type

The mask includes:

• мёд (1 Art. l);

• оливковое масло (1 ч. l);

• whipped protein.

The combination of these components provides the skin with missing
trace elements and intensively nourishes it. When stirring
достигнута однородность массы, в состав нужно добавить 2 Art. l
овсяной муки и нанести на face.

6. Nutrient for fat-prone

It will take to prepare 1 medium sized apple and protein.
Apple must be cleaned of seeds and skin, and rub on small
grater, and then mix with whipped protein. Add at the end
a few drops of any vegetable oil and smooth smear put
на skin

7. Vitamin mask for oily and combination

К взбитому яичному белку следует добавить 2 Art. l pulp and juice
fresh chopped berries. For these purposes, any suitable red
berries. After thorough mixing the mask will need to be applied.
on the face in three layers every 6-8 minutes after drying

Преимущества и противопоказания масок из proteins для лица

The main advantage of masks based on protein – instant
anti-aging effect. Regular procedures impede processes
skin aging, leaving it longer fresh and young. After rinsing
masks can be felt instant effect in the form of softness,
бархатистости и матовости skin. Suitable for application procedure
on the décolleté and neck that women can not appreciate
years old.

Protein means are contraindicated for people with
чувствительную или сухую skin People allergic to protein
the ingredient is also not suitable, as well as masks with other products,
causing allergies.

Precautions for use:

• do not rinse with hot water to avoid coagulation of protein on

• apply in layers with an interval of 5 minutes.

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