Egg kitten: give or not give, is it possiblekitten shells? When can I give raw or boiled eggskittens

Ср, 20 дек 2017 Автор: Ольга Панова

Cats are by nature predatory creatures in their diet
animal squirrels must prevail. They need 5 times more
protein than dogs!

However, eating only meat can lead to
digestive problems not only in the kitten, but also in the adult

That is why it is so important to create a quality and
varied diet. Eggs are one of the sources of protein: it is practically
completely absorbed by the body of the animal and does not harm it


The use of eggs for a kitten

Eggs are a valuable product, rich in vitamins and minerals. They
contain potassium, magnesium and sodium, calcium and vitamin D, thanks to
which strengthen bones, normalizes the activity of the nervous
system and the brain, cleaned blood vessels, improves condition
teeth, adjusted acid-base balance.

The main mineral elements contained in

• phosphorus;

• iron;

• sulfur;

• copper.

Biotin in the composition of the eggs makes the fur of a kitten beautiful and
brilliant. And amino acids, cysteine ​​and lutein have a positive
effect on pet’s vision. Even egg will be useful for the kitten.
shell: it contains calcium carbonate. Third day norm
vitamins necessary for a cat are contained in one egg. This important
the product is a guarantee of good mood and immunity, it increases
activity and prolongs the pet’s life.

Chicken or quail egg: what is healthier

It is believed that quail eggs bring more benefits.
to the body. In comparison with chicken they contain less cholesterol and
have great nutritional value. But now huge
The benefits of quail products are often myth. Eggs
purchased in the store may be infected. This is due to
adding antibiotics and harmful chemicals to the food
substances. Therefore, homemade natural chicken eggs will be much
healthier quail eggs shop.

In what form do you give eggs to a kitten?

What kind of eggs can I give a kitten: raw or boiled? What already
it was said earlier, in their raw form they can conceal a lot of
hazards. The main one is salmonella. This E. coli
may cause inflammation of the pancreas and intestinal
kitty Pet infected with bacteria and parasites from the raw
product can easily infect family members, especially children,
playing with animals. Salmonella in the body of a kitten can cause
diarrhea and vomiting, fever – symptoms similar to
poisoning. It is important to correctly identify the cause of the bad.
Feelings kitten to avoid complications. Avidin enzyme
Also included in raw eggs. It prevents the absorption of biotin,
giving the pet a painful look. Avidin promotes bad
состоянию шерсти и кожи kitty

In order not to harm the health of the pet, eggs are better to cook more
4 minutes, then cut into small pieces and give in
�”Pure” form, or mixed with cottage cheese or vegetables. A good option
– Make an omelet out of them without adding salt and fat. Into it
you can add some milk.

It is believed that only the yolk is suitable for feeding
cats, squirrel pet is not recommended. However in
welded it does not bear any harm to the animal, you can
Feel free to give it along with the yolk.

Важно: нельзя кормить котёнка жареными
eggs. Large amounts of fat may cause malfunction.
gastrointestinal tract.

Egg shells rich in minerals need to be crushed to
condition of the powder and add a small pinch to the kitten’s food a couple
once a week. Do not forget to rinse the shells well.
hot water. Important: you can not give your pet a shell with an excess
calcium in the body.

When to start feeding eggs to a kitten: frequency and rules

At the age of 1.5-3 months, you can start adding yolk to
the kitten’s food is better after the animal gets used to the curd and
meat. He may not want the “dish” offered to him, since the egg
has no characteristic odor that may attract attention
pet You need to gently poke the kitten face in a bowl,
show that it is safe. You can also add egg product to
curd or minced.

Kittens will be enough one egg per week, divided into
two meals. An adult animal will need 2-3 eggs per
a week

Advice: Meat for a kitten should not be given raw either.
scald with boiling water, and it is better to cook. Can be used
frozen meat. Fish also need to boil well and remove all

Правила feeding котёнка:

• a kitten at the age of 1,5-2 months must be fed 5-6 times a day
(small pet’s stomach is very small and cannot take
large amount of food);

• at the age of six months, the number of meals is retained until

• from eight months, food should be given twice a day, as
adult animal;

• it is not necessary to strictly restrict access to food for a cat: they
eat fractional and do not overeat;

• food should not be very hot or cold, ideally –
room temperature;

• kitten finely chopped boneless food should be given;

• teach a kitten to eat in a certain place (it should be
calm and not passable).

Противопоказания и ограничения в употреблении яиц kittensи

Like humans, cats may be allergic to some
products. So, when vomiting and diarrhea occur after consuming
eggs, it is necessary to completely remove them from the diet pet. Intolerance
egg yolk may manifest as a rash or itching.

Pregnant and lactating animals give eggs at a minimum
quantity: excess product may affect the development of kittens.

If your pet has a chronic illness, what about its diet?
better to consult a veterinarian.

In the presence of diseases of the gallbladder, liver or kidney
it is better to reduce the number of eggs or not to feed the cat at all.

We talked about the benefits and dangers of eggs for kittens.

When used correctly, they will become an important part of the diet.
your pet and strengthen its health. Still, we advise giving
preference is not raw, but boiled eggs. When choosing food for a kitten
consider the individual characteristics of his body and not
overuse the amount.

Everything is good in moderation!

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