Effective diets for slimming the abdomen and sidesfor women

  • 1 Diets для похудения живота за неделю на 10 кг
    • 1.1 The simplest kefir
    • 1.2 Protein
    • 1.3 Tomato juice
    • 1.4 Buckwheat

With the approach of summer, magazines are full of headlines “menu for
похудения живота и боков for women в домашних условиях». Behind
the short term is promised maximum effect and photos are attached with
the results of fantastically thin women. Naturally,
Nobody believes this kind of texts. But we want to please you,
as today there really is a large number of effective
diets designed specifically for women,
which help to lose weight properly.


Diets для похудения живота за неделю на 10 кг

If because of the abdomen, you are not able to see the figure on the indicator
weights, and hated sides make it difficult to get into jeans, attract your
body to physical exertion either to one of the following
effective dietary restrictions.

Diets бывают лечебные и для похудения. Consider more
diet for weight loss, taking into account your physiological

If your weight varies between 100 and 200, start with
deliveries up to 10 kilograms within a week.  Diets с
the results of losing weight from 5 to 10 kg per week – absolutely
harmless. Leads to discomfort and diseases of internal organs
just extra weight. But how to lose weight in a week by 10 kg (or at least
on 7 kg)? – you ask.

Fiction in the books, and in our article the real facts about

We provide you with simple and effective methods.
weight loss.

The simplest kefir

The simplest effective diet for a week is kefir. For those,
who hears about him for the first time, we explain: this restriction for
losing weight does not mean only kefir
of the week.

Essence of food restriction – everyday use from one
up to two liters of product in combination with low-calorie dishes.

If you decide to get rid of unwanted weight in the area
живота и боков с помощью простой кефирной диеты,
можно составить меню на неделю:

  • First day: зеленые яблоки в неограниченном
  • Second day: 150 грамм куриного мяса в
    сочетании с  кисломолочным напитком;
  • The third day: 120 грамм нежирного мяса и кефир
    в неограниченном quantity;
  • Fourth day: 200 грамм рыбы и зеленые
  • Fifth day: фрукты и овощи на ваш выбор в
    неограниченном quantity;
  • Sixth day: только кефир;
  • Seventh day: минеральная вода.


Protein диета для похудения в меню является простым и
effective way to lose weight. It is designed to be combined with
physical exercises: jogging, squats, walking.

The above dietary restriction is designed for weight loss.
belly and sides. The menu for 7 days is the simplest protein
для похудения выглядит следующим образом:

First day

  • Behindвтрак: стакан теплого обезжиренного молока, 150 г
    cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: 200 grams of lean meat with diet bread;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad, weak
    green tea.

Second day

  • protein omelet, coffee and cream;
  • boiled rice with greens, 5 quail eggs;
  • cottage cheese and apple compote.

The third day

  • two milk sausages with a small piece of rye bread and a cup
    tea with lemon;
  • Vegetable and veal stew, fresh tomato juice;
  • 100 g of cottage cheese, applesauce and carrot juice.

Fourth day

  • cottage cheese with honey and weak coffee;
  • pumpkin puree, milk sausage and a glass of milk;
  • grilled pollack and spinach, chamomile broth.

Fifth day

  • vegetable salad with low-fat sour cream and scrambled eggs without
  • boiled chicken breast, 3 tomatoes, black tea without sugar;
  • cottage cheese with natural yogurt.

Sixth day

  • bananas in combination with low-fat yogurt;
  • baked trout with cheese and greens, freshly squeezed
  • 150 g of cottage cheese and green apple.

Seventh day

  • cottage cheese with honey and tea;
  • chicken patties and broccoli puree;
  • fruit salad, cottage cheese, a glass of berry compote.

On tomato juice

The diet for weight loss on tomato juice contains many beneficial
for the body of vitamins and eliminates the body of calories.

Effective diet on tomato juice – menu on
for women, с целью похудения живота и боков:

Day of the week Behindвтрак Dinner Dinner
Monday  protein omelette, tomato juice tomato soup, rabbit steamed patties Salad – tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, sweet pepper
Tuesday  cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes, green tea  vegetable smoothies (tomatoes, parsley, spinach), boiled
broccoli turkey
natural yoghurt
Wednesday  oatmeal, tomato juice  Pasta durum, baked in tomatoes and
a trout
fresh red vegetable drink
Thursday  4 quail eggs, tomato juice  grilled pollack, tomatoes and gorans, coffee  белковый коктейль — творог, natural yoghurt,
Friday  buckwheat with tomatoes, coffee  pumpkin soup, steamed chicken cutlets, smoothies (tomatoes,
celery stalk, parsley)
 fruit bacon – apple, orange, grapefruit
Saturday  protein omelet, 3 tomatoes  tomato soup, steamed turkey burgers  fresh red vegetable drink
Sunday  rice with vegetables (tomatoes, green peas, carrots, bow),
green tea
 Pasta durum baked in with asparagus,
squash and hake
 natural yoghurt

All products are used in combination with tomato juice!


Buckwheat диета для похудения живота и боков используется
women who are “aged”. Since they are the hardest
keep your figure closer to the parameters 90-60-90, buckwheat
limitation is perfectly combined with their lifestyle.

Среди прочих достоинств гречневого ограничения в

  • unlimited amount of buckwheat porridge;
  • no “side effects” in the form of bad
  • cleansing the intestines from toxins;
  • weight loss of 10 kg per week.

Примерное меню простой гречневой
для похудения на неделю:

1 day

  • гречневая каша запаренная с вечера, green tea;
  • a glass of kefir;
  • buckwheat casserole (buckwheat, trout, tomatoes, onions, arugula,
    яйца, natural yoghurt);
  • cottage cheese;
  • natural yoghurt.

2 day

  • buckwheat with vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumber), boiled egg,
    chamomile decoction;
  • an Apple;
  • steamed chicken breast, buckwheat porridge, apple compote;
  • natural yoghurt;
  • cottage cheese, grapefruit.

This diet can also be considered a medical one, since
buckwheat contains iodine and iron, stimulating work
endocrine system.

The menu for weight loss is considered effective when following the rules.
nutrition and the elimination of bad habits, including alcohol, smoking and
sedentary lifestyle. The above list of effective
weight loss will not only get rid of the abdomen and sides, but also normalizes
bowel work.

Buckwheat, томатная, кефирная диеты очень полезны, а самое
most importantly, it helps to achieve the goal – a beautiful slim figure without

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