Effective diet Kim Protasov

  • 1 The principle of Kim Protasov’s diet
    • 1.1 What can I do not eat?
    • 1.2 Menu description by week
    • 1.3 Recipes
  • 2 Results lost on the diet of Kim Protasov

Diet Kim Protasov – a specially designed diet,
including some types of ingredients and products. Their composition
allows you to cleanse toxins, toxins, food contaminants and
lose weight in five weeks. The name “protasovka”
used by the people.

The name of the diet is the name of the scientist and doctor from Israel.
It was first published in 1999 in the weekly Russian
newspaper in the form of a single article. It talked about the basic principles
effective weight loss by this method. Since then, has received wide

Trying to apply in action diet Kim Protasov, steel
recommend this type of weight loss to each other, as one of the most
effective nutrition systems for proper weight loss. You
will not only lose weight, but also rejuvenate the body, freeing
it from the toxic substances present in the composition of the daily
power supply.

Особенность диеты Кима Протасова заключается в
use of dairy products and vegetables. Poultry allowed
in a small amount.


The principle of Kim Protasov’s diet

Kim Protasov’s diet is based on the following

  • The diet should be light and tasty. In the form of
    ingredients are dairy products and vegetables;
  • The peculiarity of Kim Protasov’s diet is that there are no strict restrictions on
    food intake, as required by other diets. Supply system
    allows not to refuse to eat. You can eat at any time of the day
    and nights;
  • The diet consists of a list of recommended foods;
  • Kim Protasov’s diet is designed for a five-week period and
    contains four base intervals. Each has a special set
    food preparation products;
  • Observing the correct daily diet, calorie will not
    more than 1500 kcal;
  • This type of food is suitable not only for people who are losing weight, but also for those
    who chooses a healthy diet.

What can you not eat?

In the diet of Kim Protasov, there are two temporary

  • From the first day to two weeks;
  • From two weeks to the end.

In the first week you can eat any vegetables only in cheese.
the form. If possible, 30 percent of the total diet should
occupy white cabbage. Consume dairy products,
the fat content of which is not more than five percent:

  • Granular cottage cheese;
  • Low-sugar yogurt;
  • Kefir;
  • Low-fat cheese.

In addition to dairy products in the menu every day during the diet
Kim Protasov allowed to eat chicken egg and three apples
medium sized. And, finally, a lot of water.

Forget about sugar, sausage and other flour products. In the diet
Kim Protasov is not. If you are not sure about food, avoid it.
Spend 5-10 minutes to make a salad of natural vegetables. Not
eat semi-finished products (they are strictly prohibited). Gelatin and salt
также исключите из рациона power supply.

Not перемешивайте салат с уксусом и не используйте для готовки
steam engine. Steamed vegetables should be replaced by raw ones – in them
more beneficial vitamins.

Dairy products containing chemical additives are also
prohibited to use. They contain sugar, which
useless for the body. Use only fresh juices and
fresh Restrictions on Kim Protasov’s diet are enough, but not
dwell on it. Think about the attractiveness and slimness
и тогда мучные продукты сами отпадут в рационе power supply.

Weekly menu description

You can eat raw vegetables separately or mix
them, getting delicious salads. It is forbidden to refuel mayonnaise or
vegetable oil.

You should stipulate in advance that it is allowed four times

Kim Protasov’s diet for weeks is as follows:

1-2 неделя:

  1. For breakfast you can eat a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with grated
  2. For lunch, make a salad of cabbage, beets, carrots and apples.
    Wash down the meal with low-fat kefir.
  3. At the snack 200 grams of cottage cheese and an apple.

3 неделя:

  1. Salad, which includes beets, apples and carrots.
  2. 150 grams of fried fish. Additionally, use one egg per
    salad of carrots and cabbage. Yogurt and apple will be enjoyable.
  3. Fried chicken breast – 150 grams. Additionally make
    cabbage salad and tomato.

4-5 неделя:

  1. Tea and coffee are allowed for use, as well as non-greasy
    Israeli cheese.
  2. Fried meat on your own. Apple, beet or salad
  3. Apple or cereal curd.
  4. Five percent kefir and salad of the following ingredients:
    carrot, cabbage, cucumber and apple.

Kim Protasov created a diet with ready-made dishes. But it is not
It means that you are not allowed to add your ingredient to it. the main thing
Do not go beyond the principles of the famous doctor’s diet.

Dish recipes

Below are the recipes for the diet of Kim Protasov
на первой-второй неделе

Фаршированные помидоры:

To cook this dish, you need one boiled egg.
Crumble it finely in a plate, add garlic. Not лишней будет
greenery. After adding ingredients in one container, carefully
mix them up. After put a few spoons of kefir and cottage cheese and
mix again. The structure is ready. Then take the tomatoes and
cut them in half. Take out the core and put in advance
cooked dressing. Great meal for a hearty breakfast!

Салат и яичный блинчик:

One egg is taken from which an omelette is made. In the process
cooking oil is not added, cooking is carried out on
Teflon. Without oil does not work? Add some water.

Cut the finished pancake into small pieces and wait until
it’s cool. At this time, slice two tomatoes, garlic and bulgarian
cottage cheese. Mix these vegetables with cottage cheese or a few spoons.
yogurt and add pancake. Greens are used for decoration.
a little bit of cheese.


Some salads can be eaten, but they quickly get bored, so
I want something new. Gazpacho – light soup. Cook it
simply. In the summer, it is indispensable. For cooking
would need:

  • Take three small tomatoes;
  • Notсколько огурцов;
  • Pepper – yellow and red;
  • Garlic and small onion;
  • Greens and lemon juice are used as a dressing.

Pour boiling water over tomatoes, then peel off and
cut into small lobules. The remaining vegetables also need to cut
into small pieces, and then send all the cooked ingredients
in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Soup
not heat treated, retaining all its beneficial
properties. Served cold, ideal for summer
of time.

Легкая сладость от Кима Протасова:

If you want sweet, you can grate an apple on a grater and
pour it with yogurt. Add lightly cinnamon, and for beauty – a spoon
baby puree. Enjoy your meal!

Dish recipes диеты Кима Протасова 3-5

Мясо в кефире (шашлык):

Take 400 grams of chicken meat. Cut it into cubes, after
then pour a glass of kefir. Pepper well, salt. and then
Stir and refrigerate for one hour. Onion
cut into rings, and grate the garlic. Fry the garlic with
onions in a pan. After the appearance of ruddy color, add meat
without marinade. In a few minutes he will capture the onion scent and
garlic, then add the marinade and stew it until

Дополнительная заправка к салатам:

For cooking правильной заправки возьмите йогурт Активия,
add greens, garlic and mustard, if desired. it
great vegetable salad dressing.

After a five-week diet for Kim Protasov for the next five weeks
should slowly and gradually go out of it.

The results of slimming on the diet of Kim Protasov

During the five-week diet, Kim Protasov is prohibited
drink alcohol. For better results
It is recommended to add various gymnastic exercises in
daily plan. Weight Loss with Strict Nutrition
reaches 10 kilograms without damage to the body and hunger. AT
As an example, consider a photo before and after losing weight:

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