Ducks in the household: maintenance, care,benefit. How to breed Peking ducks and hindlings: all the difficulties andsecrets

Пт, 19 янв 2018 Автор: Юлия Шаталова

The content of the ducks is usually aimed at obtaining meat.
The resulting product in fat is superior to chicken. It is more
fibrous and has its own unique taste.

In addition to meat from ducks, they also get eggs, but due to the originality
taste for food, they are almost never used.

Apply them for incubation and reproduction of offspring.

The next product derived from ducks is duck down.
Its traditional use is to fill pillows, blankets, feather beds.

Duck droppings are a wonderful fertilizer for vegetable crops and


The main breed of ducks and their characteristics

For breeding ducks at home usually use meat breeds.
directions. The most common breed is

Meat of this breed is usually fat. Duck weight – Peking up to 3
kilogram, drake – before egg production – up to 150 eggs per year.

The advantages of this breed are:

– rapid maturation to commodity conditions,

– resistance to cold,

– good genetics and, accordingly, immunity to the main

But there are not so many disadvantages:

– require compliance with certain conditions of detention

– they are noisy!

Another common breed is
индоутка (она же утка мускусная). Individuals of this
rocks are larger (up to 5 – 6 kilograms), and their meat is less fat.
Indeliver quieter and least susceptible to common avian

Another popular breed for home keeping is
hybrid mulard. Its advantage is quick weight gain, and
the lack, like all hybrids, is the lack of offspring.

Premises for keeping ducks

As a house can be almost any room. Main
the requirement is to keep warm in winter and ensure comfortable
cool in the summer. The most common material for construction
the house is a tree. There should be no drafts in the house.
High floor (up to a quarter of a meter) will not allow the penetration of rodents.
The litter should be dry. As a material you can
use straw, wood waste (shavings).

Special requirements are imposed on the content of oviparous

– the room temperature in winter is not lower than 5 degrees,

– good ventilation,

– artificial increase in daylight.

Compliance with these conditions will keep high
egg production in winter. This is especially true of light

For walking ducks build an open-air cage. For him use
metal mesh – chain-link. The optimal hedge height is up to
one meter. Runs spend year-round. Limit: strong
wind and temperature below 10 degrees. In dry weather without a duck’s wind
can be on the street all day, even in winter. Cleaning and
Airing of the house should be carried out daily.

Necessary inventory

The main equipment used in the household is
feeders, drinkers and nests. Feeders and drinkers can be bought as
industrially manufactured, and do it yourself. Main
feeding trough requirement – sufficient height, limiting
penetration of the bird inside. Optimally, if the feeder will be
cells for mineral additives. The drinking bowl should be enough
comfortable and roomy. The daily rate of water is about half a liter.
Nests for laying eggs are set up in the most dark and calm
places of the house. For the manufacture of nests using plywood. Usually
the size of the nest is about 40 – 50 centimeters. Nest rates:
1 nest for 3 – 4 birds. Eggs from nests are collected after
bird released on the morning walk.

Selection of a bird in the parent flock and its requirements for
egg laying

The main criteria for selecting a bird for a tribe are weight and plumage.
For the formation of the parent flock choose individuals about one
masses and the same age. On one drake must fall
up to 7 ducks. In the formation of the parent herd should not participate
ducklings – hybrids due to their inability to reproduce.

Selection is done by appearance: the bird must look
healthy, agile and have a proportional development. With
well-formed parent flocks and compliance
first egg-laying can be obtained before age
14 months. Birds must be present in the diet.
vitamin – mineral supplements.

Laying ducks are usually used up to 6 – 8 months.

Oviposition is the main stage in breeding.

Consider how to make it as effective as possible.

We increase the lighting step by step, for 20 – 30 minutes a week, according to
achievement of the norm – 16 hours. At this moment at night leave
dimmed light to ensure the resting state of the bird. Special
Care must be taken to keep the house clean.
litter cleaning in nests should be done regularly.

The selection of eggs for incubation occurs no later than eight days after
footnotes. The temperature of egg storage in the range of 8 to 12 degrees.
On the selected eggs must be no damage, unpleasant
the smell and bluish tint of the shell.

The latter speaks of bacterial activity inside the eggs. Such
eggs must be removed immediately.

Chick exit rate – 70%.

Incubation or Hatching

Withзнаки утки, готовой к насиживанию, following: долго находится
far from the main group, sits in the nest for a long time, forms
litter. В этот момент необходимо подложить ей the eggs. If duck
left in the nest, you can organize the clutch. For lining
use up to 20 eggs, provided that the bird completely
covers up. The term of incubation depends on the breed and is:
Peking duck – 28 days, at the indoot – 35 days.

With искусственной инкубации основное требование — постоянная
ventilation and control. Temperature conditions in the incubator – 37 – 38
degrees to a period of 20 days, then decrease to 30 degrees for
stimulation output. The incubation period is 25 – 28 days.

After the withdrawal, you need to select the strongest ducklings for
further breeding. Selection criteria

– downy plumage,

– soft belly, absence of bleeding in the umbilical cord,

– weight not lower than 50 grams.

Thus selected young stock will further allow
form a good parent flock.


In the first weeks of keeping ducklings of particular importance
temperature and lighting mode.

Temperature range – 20 – 22 degrees. Lighting include on
a period of up to 22 hours, with a phased adjustment to the norm – 14 hours.

The diet about the following: boiled eggs, vitamin –
mineral supplements, mash based on meat broths and

Meal frequency – up to 7 times a day in the first week from
gradual decrease to three times a day.

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