Dry elbows and knees: proper careby them

Fri, Feb 14, 2014

Most often, women do not pay attention to such areas of their
bodies like knees and elbows. More precisely, without giving them due
attention can bring these parts of the body to dryness and pigmentation.
This is especially true in the cold season, when the skin is much
in contact with clothing and in the early spring and summer, when the body is still
did not get enough vitamins and skin devoid of
attention becomes rough and ugly.

Causes of dry knees and elbows

But not everything comes down to vitamins and clothes, there are more serious
reasons for this behavior of the skin in places bends. Here they are:

  • Violations of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland may
    manifest by pigmentation of the knees and elbows. It’s all about hormonal
    alterations in the body, which may also appear due to
    stress. If proper care of the damaged areas is not
    helps to better consult specialists.
  • Due to sudden changes in temperature (especially in the fall)
    manifest abundant peeling of the described areas of the body. Influence
    renders and clothes that rubs on the dried areas of the body and
    may cause itching and flaking.
  • Vitamins. Their lack affects not only well-being and
    condition of the complexion, but also on the knees and elbows, which when
    insufficient amount of such elements as vitamin C, E, A and D
    begin to crack or peel off.
  • Hot bath lovers should pay attention to elbows and
    knees: chlorinated water does not have the best effect on
    skin condition.
  • There are some professions that imply constant emphasis
    on your knees or sitting at the table where your elbows are constantly
    rub, which leads to their peeling.

Proper care

Whatever the cause of dry elbows and knees stands in
обязательном порядке регулярно за by them ухаживать, чтобы в один
perfect moment not to detect ugly spots on these sites.
Here are a few recommendations.

Clean your knees and elbows regularly with a soft pumice stone, if these
the areas are already rough or flaky, use body scrubs
or gommazhi. These funds will gently remove the horny particles and not
allow the skin to itch.

After each cleansing, be sure to soften your knees and elbows.
To do this, just use a fat cream, which
make the skin soft and silky. You can use olive
oil or liquid vitamin E (sold in a capsule in the form of oil). AT
In any case, moisturizing occurs only after cleansing the skin.

If the areas are browning, use natural
clarifiers such as lemon peel and juice. Regular application
juice on the dark areas already after a certain time significantly their
lighten up The procedure lasts no more than 2-3 minutes, then juice
washed off.

Moisten coarse salt with water several times a month and wipe
her damaged areas. Then, wipe them dry, apply
moisturizer. Salt perfectly cleans horny areas
however, it is not recommended for sensitive skin.

AT летнее время на локти и колени обязательно наносите
sunscreen, it will prevent darkening of these areas

ATозьмите себе за правило регулярно ухаживать не только за лицом,
hands and hair, but also elbows and knees. These body parts too
require attention and care that will allow you to stay beautiful for a long time
up to the tips of the nails.

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