Drinks for weight loss at home

  • 1 Recipes for slimming drinks
    • 1.1 Ginger
    • 1.2 With honey
    • 1.3 With lemon
    • 1.4 With cinnamon
    • 1.5 Sassi Slimming Drink
  • 2 detox drinks

Slimming Drinks – A Good Biologically Alternative
active supplements, pills and special teas for weight loss.

The advantage of such drinks is that they are available, we have them
do it yourself and know exactly what the composition is completely
natural, and low in calories.

Depending on the products used, drinks may
promote the removal of excess fluid from the body,
tone up, activate metabolism, fill cells
nutrients, speed up metabolism.

Drinks for weight loss are easy enough to prepare, they
really well help to lose weight, but, at the same time, do not forget
that without a special diet and exercise, the result will not be

For cooking, stock up on healthy spices, herbs,
fruits, vegetables, honey. Following the recipes, over time you yourself
can invent your own. Experiment!


Slimming Drink Recipes

Slimming Drink Recipes в домашних условиях :

  • Напиток из грейпфрута Возьмите половину
    grapefruit, a piece of ginger and sea buckthorn syrup (100g). Pour syrup into
    clean water (1l), grapefruit cut into pieces, and rub ginger into
    fine grater and mix everything in water. Let cool for an hour
    and add ice;
  • Травяной чай для похудения Сбор трав для
    weight loss should contain calming plants, phytohormones,
    metabolic stimulants, diuretic and laxative herbs.
    Brew together valerian grass, sage, dogrose, nettle and

Before use, examine the possible contraindications.

With ginger

Ginger root has a powerful fat burning effect and enhances
metabolism. This tool was prepared in the East in antiquity.
The composition of ginger includes essential oils that increase immunity.

There are a huge number of recipes, but we will stop
на имбирном отваре.

Напиток для похудения с имбирем: Нарезанный
Ginger (30g) pour water (300ml). After boiling, boil for another 15 minutes.
over low heat. Strain after cooling, add lemon
juice and 1 tsp honey Drink decoction 30 minutes before meals. Use
Ginger is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems.

With honey

Honey contains protein, vitamins of group B, C, zinc, iron and others
useful components, cleanses the digestive tract, strengthens the immune system, removes

Напиток для похудения с медом: Добавьте в
warm water 1chl. honey, lemon juice and cinnamon. Drink 2 times a day
on an empty stomach and before bedtime. After taking sure to do the exercises,
so that the honey hit immediately in the intestines.

Honey can cause allergies, so choose a quality one.
product and use it carefully. People who are obese and
diabetes is contraindicated in the use of such water.

With lemon

The main component of lemon is ascorbic acid. She promotes
improve fat metabolism, stimulates the cleansing work of the liver.

Напиток с лимоном для похудения: Для
cooking, use the juice of two lemons, mint and ginger finely
slice. Add ingredients to purified water, after 3 hours
strain the mixture and cool in the refrigerator. Use within


Cinnamon drink has a very good digestive effect.
system, so you should have this spice on hand. Cinnamon
stabilizes insulin levels, due to this happening
splitting of fat in the abdominal cavity.

Coffee with cinnamon instead of sugar will provide the optimum level
blood glucose, quench hunger and cravings for sweets.

In a hot coffee, add a pinch of cinnamon and drink. Just a couple
grams will give an unsurpassed effect from which you will be in

Slimming Drink Sassi

Sassi Water combines ingredients that effectively help with
losing weight Promotes rapid breakdown of fats and

To make a Sassi, cut one lemon and one into slices.
cucumber, rub a piece of ginger and add all the ingredients in a clean
water along with mint leaves. Cool the mixture the next day.
drink the whole jug. For the result, drink water Sassi 12

Detox drinks

Modern people are prone to the accumulation of toxic substances in
the body. Sources of toxins may be substandard.
food, cosmetics, environment, household chemicals,
synthetic drugs and even clothes.

In our power to help the body stay healthy.
Adjust your diet, eat more fiber,
vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, water and herbal teas. Cut down
reception of sugar, salt, dairy products, fast carbohydrates, harmful
fats, dyes and preservatives. Try to sleep more
get out into nature and play sports. At home
cook green smoothies, cleansing drainage cocktails.

Detox drinks для похудения в домашних условиях —

1. Beet juice

Способ приготовления: Смешайте сок 1 свеклы, 2 яблок и
4 celery stalks. Take before a meal 100 ml. Beet
possesses powerful cleansing properties, enhances peristalsis
intestines, destroys old bacteria, regulates fat metabolism.
Beet содержит кислоты, аминокислоты и клетчатку;

2. Cold citrus tea

Способ приготовления: Заливаем кипятком мяту, имбирь и
cardamom. In the cooled mixture, add the juice of orange, lemon and honey.
Drink chilled on an empty stomach, before morning exercises. This drink
fights indigestion, improves digestion, condition
skin, favorably influences vessels, gives an energy charge on
all day.

3. Berry smoothie

Способ приготовления: 400г замороженной клубники и
cherries, 2 bananas, mint leaves, mix everything with water and chop into
blender. Cool the drink and can replace it with a snack. Berry
smoothies contain many vitamins, antioxidants. Contribute to
weight loss due to the content of a large amount of water. Also in
berries contain fiber, which fights with excess weight.

4. Apple Orchard

Способ приготовления: Очищаем и нарезаем большое яблоко
and pour boiling water. When cool add 1 tsp. honey and cinnamon.
Strain the drink and drink throughout the day. Purification effect occurs
due to pectins, which are contained in apples. Pectins adjust
the work of the gastrointestinal tract, actively fighting intoxication.

Among other products that help cleanse the body and lose weight
produce: aloe, goji berries, kefir, pineapple, cabbage, green tea,
raspberries, pumpkin seeds, avocados, persimmon, any greens and

Selecting the ingredients that you like, the process
cleansing and losing weight will not only be beneficial, but also
yummy. Be healthy!

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