Does my husband love me: how to find out the truth? Mostexact ways to understand: for what and how much my husband loves me … or notloves…

Пн, 02 ноя 2015 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Love does not love? No, no, yes, and remember
yesterday’s bride is a childish play-fortune-teller, looking at her husband’s face.
Doubts in love arise for various reasons. First of all, gives about
women to be aware of women’s insecurity in their own attractiveness.
Husband smiled at girlfriend or neighbor? Good about a colleague?
Forgot to kiss before going to work? Well, sure – I fell out of love …

ATторая причина — явные перемены в поведении men Here
it is difficult to make a mistake, although to say that the spouse no longer loves
– clearly premature. And you can suspect cooling it
feelings for a poetic reason, “the female heart prompted.”
Of course, women’s intuition is always on top, but to build on
such a fragile basis some assumptions are pretty

what же делать? how узнать, любит ли меня муж или его чувства уже
dissolved in the routine of life? ATопрос не простой и на самом деле
important. You overlook – and you have to cry in the pillow, while you love
enjoying honey happiness with another. You can, of course, run to
fortune teller (what is not a replacement for a child’s fortunetelling chamomile?) or the most
master some solitaire. But there are other methods.


Does my husband love me: analyze the situation

First of all, you should drive away all traces of the approaching
panic. Does my husband love me? The question is, as they say, interesting, but
directly life is not threatening. therefore нужно глубоко вдохнуть,
exhale slowly and turn off the head to turn off the feeling. Because
will have to analyze the situation thoughtfully and consistently.
The method is very simple and not only suitable for agitated
premonition of a divorce, but also for those who are absolutely sure of the fortress
I will give my marriage.

Наблюдаем за обстановкой. Start with
husband how он ведет себя в кругу семьи и с вами? what изменилось в
his behavior? Has it become rougher? Does he allow himself
insulting remarks, negative evaluations and frank ridicule in
your address? And in general, how to respond to your words, requests. Here
It is important to consider everything: tone, facial expressions, gestures.

Понаблюдать нужно и за собой. howово вам
next to my husband? Does stiffness appear in his presence? You can
do you still share your impressions with him
experiences and thoughts? How comfortable are you with him?

Собрав первичную информацию, нужно оценить
The main condition – the assessment should be objective.
No excuses for him or yourself: just the truth. It is impossible
транслировать свое отношение на поведение husband Emotions – under
ban. Only facts and their objective assessment.

От излишней эмоциональности следует
. If fear is too great, you can and should
fight. Just do not relax alone with a glass of wine
– and not sleep long. But yoga, jogging in the park, general
cleaning will help bring thoughts in order. ATсе решения следует
take only on a cold head, the same applies to
analyzing your fears. The nervousness of a woman is passed on to the whole family.
The heated atmosphere in the house is not at all what a woman needs for
asking if her husband loves.

Собрав «анамнез», можно посоветоваться с мудрым
. ATопрос весьма деликатный, поэтому следует
choose an interlocutor who can keep other people’s secrets.
ATместо прямого рассказа о себе можно пойти окольной тропинкой:
to tell about the situation as if from the words of a friend, “by chance”
touch the subject in conversation.

Не обязательно держать все сведения в голове.
You can make a diary by recording your observations in it. Note
any little things related to your husband and your relationship. You can even
come up with a sign not to mix dissimilar impressions.
Such a way to decompose the problem on the shelves is very helpful if
a woman seriously asks the question “Does my husband love me?”

Обязательно изучите информацию о темпераменте своего
. Sometimes a woman panics in vain simply because
that she lacks basic knowledge of psychology.
In addition to temperament itself, you need to keep in mind that men and
women have different attitudes to the manifestation of feelings, assessment of events.
A man can forget about the date of your first date, not because
he does not love you, but because he simply does not care for such trifles. Him
head at this moment is busy with global issues: how to make money
more money to pamper your favorite woman with a new fur coat.

• Можно, в конце концов, напрямую спросить мужа о его
. To do this, choose the right moment.
(men should be in a good mood), to formulate a question
extremely correct and necessarily in a positive way. Cut in the forehead
not worth it. ATместо «Ты уже не любишь меня?» нужно спросить: «Милый, у
are we still good? “And you should not ask this question without
present causes and too often.

Does my husband love me: a test of strength of feelings

A psychological test will help you understand how your husband treats you.
�”Does my husband love me?” Honestly putting all the checkmarks on the points, you can
if u don’t get the exact answer then see problem areas
family life. And if the problem becomes visible, you can
cope! The most amazing thing is that it is female nervousness,
suspicion, claims and resentment can gradually sway
family boat and finally smash it.

1. • Is your husband happy that he chose you as his companion?
of life?

2. • Does the husband discuss his affairs with you? Does it share problems?
How much do you even know about the life of a spouse outside your

3. • Have you ever thought about a divorce?

4. • Are family quarrels frequent in your home? do you use
abusive language?

5. • Do you make comments to your husband? How often?

6. • Have you noticed a change in your husband’s behavior over the past year? AT
bad or good side has changed spouse?

Analyze your answers. If you think your husband is not happy
his choice, most likely, it is. If the spouse does not discuss with
you do your business, don’t share problems or you don’t communicate at all
extraneous topics are a very bad sign. One of the signs
true love – trust and respect. If you know nothing about
life of a loved one outside the home, most likely, he is hiding something or not
thinks you are a close friend. AT этом случае на вопрос, любит ли
my husband, you will have to answer in the negative. Of course, if so
it was always, that is, at the beginning of a relationship a man is also not
spread about his affairs and problems at work then
do not worry: everything is in order. A man understands that
their masculine autonomy and strength.

But if you quarrel often, trying not only to prove your
right, but also humiliate the partner with insults, love, alas,
no more or it is about to fade away. Watch for yourself: maybe
you are the initiator of the quarrels. A man is not able to live where he is
bad morally. To be in the same house with his quarrelsome wife
very soon get tired.

A dangerous sign – a change for the worse in the behavior of her husband.
Irritability, anger, aggression, detachment should alert
and become a reason for revising the relationship.

Does my husband love me: instructions for action

Asking whether a husband loves me, a woman often doesn’t
takes into account the possibility of a family crisis. Such period
does not mean that love has passed. Just accumulated fatigue
raised her head depression, it was a period of rethinking its
of life. This time will pass, if not to do something stupid. therefore
study the peak years of family crises: first year, fourth,
seventh, fifteenth, twenty-fifth. Often crises are associated with
stages of development and life self-determination of children. Challenging
crisis periods are often accompanied by meditations on the theme “Likes
Does my husband love me? ”

Analyzing your doubts, evaluate your husband’s actions calmly and
distractedly. Delays at work can be consequences of real
tensions, for example, at the completion or surrender of some
project. Carefully try to find out if this is the case. If the husband does not
gives flowers, maybe it just saves the family budget to
to please you on the next wedding anniversary with a new little ring? how
it says, I will fasten my boots myself, but the nail in the wall is better you
beat up Jealousy is always destructive, and baseless jealousy is still
and humiliating. For both.

You can offer your husband to spend a romantic weekend together.
how он отреагировал? If you are optimistic, put off important things or
meeting with friends, the question “Does my husband love me” disappears by itself.
Loves, of course! Urgently to the hairdresser, lingerie store, for
champagne, strawberries and bubble bath! ATсе это пригодится. what
to do if, in response to an interesting offer, the man began to whine,
that he is very tired, his mother is waiting (friends, TV) and in general everything
that’s nonsense? Seriously think about your future next to such
a man

ATместо совместного вечера можно уговорить мужа на гости и
ask a friend to watch from the side of his behavior.
Admit that you doubt whether your husband loves you. From acute
friendly sight does not hide any trifle.

what можно сделать еще? Tell your spouse directly that
what happens to you If you are dear to your man, he is sure to
dispel all doubts. If everything is bad between you, most likely
dismiss them. If marriage is dear not only to a woman, but to a man,
he will definitely understand everything correctly.

Does my husband love me: signs of cooling

If the husband does not любит жену, признаки охлаждения скрыть не

• husband annoying questions about his life outside the home. Reaction to them
inadequately sharp, and constantly;

• he does not listen to the answers to his own questions
duty type “how to spend the day”, “what’s new at work”, etc.
By asking such a question, a man goes into a newspaper, goes to another
room or meets at random;

• it irritates your appearance: hair, clothes, jewelry.
He does not try to hide criticism with delicacy;

• all attempts to start a serious conversation with him end
nothing. He either interrupts him or just leaves;

• the husband becomes annoyed not only by his appearance, but also by his actions
wives. There was no such intolerance before;

• he can’t stand yours touch: they are also annoying.
Intimacy happens very rarely or has ceased.

• he evaluates his wife’s new outfit only in terms of excess
costs, and they cause … annoyance! No compliments
no spark in the look;

• полное игнорирование советов, замечаний, просьб wives. AT более
severe cases – criticism, anger, rudeness.

If all these symptoms are combined with constant delays on
work in the evenings and absences on weekends, it’s already fit to think not
�“Does my husband love me?” And “with whom he is cheating on me.” The absence of
joint affairs, intimacy, compliments, common interests –
signs of the beginning of the end.

Wedding boat almost collapsed. The atmosphere in the house is terrible:
there is tension in the air, no laughter, smiles, scandals arise
out of the blue or dead silence of indifference reigns. Such
feeling like someone in the apartment is seriously ill or dead. And it does not
deceptive: love is dying or has already died.

Does my husband love me: signs of love

AT счастливой семье все по-другому. Signs of a lover
husband is very easy to identify:

• he wants intimacy with his wife, even if many years have passed since

• tries to be with her more often, to come faster from work,
loves joint walks, visiting a cafe or visiting;

• tries to touch her whenever possible;

• is happy to discuss all topics suggested by his wife,
supports the conversation, sincerely interested in her opinion for some
your questions;

• continues to call her affectionate or ridiculous nicknames, even
marriage for many years;

• makes unexpected gifts from the “just so” series;

• helps with homework, fulfills all requests (sometimes, but
bitterly, grumbles);

• listens with interest to the spouse, sincerely trying to give advice
or help with business, if the situation requires it;

• under any circumstances, takes the side of the wife;

• reacts subtly to the change of mood of your beloved;

• do not miss a chance to once again praise her virtues, even
if the wife does not hear it.

A happy wife hardly thinks seriously: does my husband love me?
or feeling gone? She lives in a comfortable atmosphere of ease and
calm, which does not violate either intuition or suspicion.
And rare quarrels, say psychologists, loving people only on

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